Creed (Film Series) | Creed III | 3/3/23

Wondering what direction they're going to go with the third one

Yeah, I feel like the sequel should’ve been easy and they’d save Drago, Jr for this third one but they ran to that well immediately.

Maybe they can make it about a loud mouth YouTube star calling him out?
Yeah, I feel like the sequel should’ve been easy and they’d save Drago, Jr for this third one but they ran to that well immediately.

Maybe they can make it about a loud mouth YouTube star calling him out?

they really fumbled the bag on the 2nd movie.. Was set up perfectly from the 1st one.. then you tease Drogo at the end of the 2nd movie
Creed 2 was boarder line ***. Want bad but it was just kinda pointless and safe. Don’t have much expectation for this one.
Do we really need a Creed III?

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