
Aite well heres mine and this happened to me, you can believe it or not.

One time I was waiting for a ride outside my school after training, and for whatever reason both my parents forgot to pick me up(lol i know). Anyways my phone was dead so I made a call for a ride at my schools staff room and went back to waiting. So there I am waiting and it gets colder and darker and after about another half hour its raining like a biarch and pitch black apart from the two street lights at the front of the school. Im already pretty shook at this point so I ended up going behind some classrooms to this shed where there was shelter and a security light (you know the ones that turn on as soon as there's movement). I was sitting there for a while freezing my nuts off and trying to blow smoke rings with the steam from my breath, and all of a sudden some steam blows over my right shoulder, as if someone was breathing behind me. At first I thought I was just seeing things or whatever, but there was two distinct gusts of breath, one belonging to me obviously. At this point I hadnt turned around yet because I was completely %*%*@$%* myself. So I turned around and nothing was there, like absolutely nothing at all just the rain and wind. I stayed sitting there just %*%*@$%* my pants and telling myself that I was imagining it. The breathing over my shoulder stopped for a while and I was just praying for my ride to come lol. Next thing you know the breathing starts up again and I could feel there was definitely something behind me. I dont know how to explain it but I just knew there was something behind me. No need to say I was outta there faster than Usain Bolt lol. Didnt even turn around to see what the #!@% was breathing over my shoulder just straight dipped lol. The next day I told my mates and they start telling me some story how that old shed is haunted by some old caretaker that died in some freak accident. I dont know If they were pulling my leg or whatever but I know what I saw that night...

Complete 100% truth. Believe me or not.


* Read the #%@$. Its good.
Originally Posted by Fog Raw



I have the chills; I hope this is just a PhotoShop. I'm genuinely scarred and im by myself. I don't even look up afraid I may see a ghost. Like I'm really focused on my screen. wow
Originally Posted by Fog Raw



I have the chills; I hope this is just a PhotoShop. I'm genuinely scarred and im by myself. I don't even look up afraid I may see a ghost. Like I'm really focused on my screen. wow


just went through the whole thread,
some good stories in here....

at the clown story posted in the first couple pages....

Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by Fog Raw



I have the chills; I hope this is just a PhotoShop. I'm genuinely scarred and im by myself. I don't even look up afraid I may see a ghost. Like I'm really focused on my screen. wow

i posted this pic in the paranormal/alien/unexplained thread before, shook everyone

if yall wana see crazy vids/pics/stories, check that thread too
Originally Posted by GotHolesInMySocks

Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

I have the chills; I hope this is just a PhotoShop. I'm genuinely scarred and im by myself. I don't even look up afraid I may see a ghost. Like I'm really focused on my screen. wow

i posted this pic in the paranormal/alien/unexplained thread before, shook everyone

if yall wana see crazy vids/pics/stories, check that thread too
Keep doing work in that thread man. I love the things you post
Keep it up.

And the shed story earlier was a good read too
I know what you mean, sometimes you get that chill behind you that makes it seem like there's another presence in the vicinity...

If anyone got any other stories, feel free to post
Disappointed because she couldn't find a summer job, a college student decides to stay with her grandma for the summer and help her out with her day-to-day activities. When she arrives, her widowed grandmother is happy to see her and shows her to her bedroom. The grandmother informs the young girl that she needs her to do a bit of dusting around the house tomorrow. The young girl agrees and begins to unpack her clothing as her grandmother leaves the room. Before she leaves her grandmother warns, "you are not to ever open the room next door to your bedroom. Anyway, I have it locked. I don't need you to dust in that room." The young girl nods her head but now her curiosity has peaked. That night she hears faint creaking noises coming from the opposite side of the wall--the forbidden room. The next day she informs her grandmother of the strange noises. A strange grin comes across her grandmother's face as she replies, "it was probably just some old beaver trying to come in the house."

Not believing her grandmother's explanation, as the young girl dusted, she went into her grandmothers bedroom and looked everywhere for the key as her grandmother napped in her rocking chair on the front porch. She found it hidden neatly under her grandmother's pillow. She tucked the key into her pocket and headed out to town to run errands for her grandmother. When she returned home she placed her grandmother's key back underneath the pillow and put her own copy that she had made earlier in her pocket. She decided to unlock the door that night once she was sure her grandmother was asleep.

Later that night, she was so exhausted that she fell asleep before her grandmother. Hours after she fell asleep she awoke to the mysterious creaking noise coming from the forbidden bedroom. She slowly creeped out of her bed with the key in her hand. Her heart was in her throat. As she approached the door the creaking got louder and she could hear a faint moaning. The moaning sounded like it was coming from an old woman. She stuck the key inside the door and turned it until she heard the click of it unlocking. She then pushed the door opened. What she saw horrified her. Inside the room was her grandmother on the bed getting busy with porn star Brian Pumper. When her grandmother saw her she yelled, "I told you there was an old beaver in here trying to come! hahahahaha" The girl got into the car and drove back home to the city. To this day when she hears the song, "Oh and it's shaved" chills of fright run up her spine.
Originally Posted by My Swag Runz Deep

Disappointed because she couldn't find a summer job, a college student decides to stay with her grandma for the summer and help her out with her day-to-day activities. When she arrives, her widowed grandmother is happy to see her and shows her to her bedroom. The grandmother informs the young girl that she needs her to do a bit of dusting around the house tomorrow. The young girl agrees and begins to unpack her clothing as her grandmother leaves the room. Before she leaves her grandmother warns, "you are not to ever open the room next door to your bedroom. Anyway, I have it locked. I don't need you to dust in that room." The young girl nods her head but now her curiosity has peaked. That night she hears faint creaking noises coming from the opposite side of the wall--the forbidden room. The next day she informs her grandmother of the strange noises. A strange grin comes across her grandmother's face as she replies, "it was probably just some old beaver trying to come in the house."

Not believing her grandmother's explanation, as the young girl dusted, she went into her grandmothers bedroom and looked everywhere for the key as her grandmother napped in her rocking chair on the front porch. She found it hidden neatly under her grandmother's pillow. She tucked the key into her pocket and headed out to town to run errands for her grandmother. When she returned home she placed her grandmother's key back underneath the pillow and put her own copy that she had made earlier in her pocket. She decided to unlock the door that night once she was sure her grandmother was asleep.

Later that night, she was so exhausted that she fell asleep before her grandmother. Hours after she fell asleep she awoke to the mysterious creaking noise coming from the forbidden bedroom. She slowly creeped out of her bed with the key in her hand. Her heart was in her throat. As she approached the door the creaking got louder and she could hear a faint moaning. The moaning sounded like it was coming from an old woman. She stuck the key inside the door and turned it until she heard the click of it unlocking. She then pushed the door opened. What she saw horrified her. Inside the room was her grandmother on the bed getting busy with porn star Brian Pumper. When her grandmother saw her she yelled, "I told you there was an old beaver in here trying to come! hahahahaha" The girl got into the car and drove back home to the city. To this day when she hears the song, "Oh and it's shaved" chills of fright run up her spine.
Just went through this whole thread. Nothing scared me.

Then i got to the stor of the Lady with the cell nd her son.
brushed it off. Then FOG!!! comes throught with a pic

and then the damn pic with the girl crying came up.

Cant sleep now
me and my friends were playing hide and go seek in the pitch black dark a long time ago, like so dark u couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. So as we were playing for a while, i saw these glow in the dark bands on each wrist walking around us. I turned on the light and asked who was wearing the bands, and we all lifted up out wrists to see that nobody was wearing any. I asked my other friend and he said he saw it too, and he threw a stuffed animal at it, because he saw it that clearly. We asked my friends mom and she said it was probably her step brother who drowned in the lake behind his house. 
me and my friends were playing hide and go seek in the pitch black dark a long time ago, like so dark u couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. So as we were playing for a while, i saw these glow in the dark bands on each wrist walking around us. I turned on the light and asked who was wearing the bands, and we all lifted up out wrists to see that nobody was wearing any. I asked my other friend and he said he saw it too, and he threw a stuffed animal at it, because he saw it that clearly. We asked my friends mom and she said it was probably her step brother who drowned in the lake behind his house. 
There are 5 lights in my basement, they are all of the old school pull the string variety and you have to pull kinda hard for them to turn on.  Either way every once in a while, like every other month or so, when I come home at night I notice that the light farthest away from the stairs is on and its the only one.  I used to just swoop down there and turn it off right quick and be on my way, I stopped doing that 3 years ago.  My basement is totally unfinished and no one ever goes down there, at first I kinda just ruled it out saying one of my family members forgot to get it.  But one night around this time in the fall it about 11pm and it was literally dead silent not even chirping from the crickets.  As I went to pull the string I hear a man faintly say, "closer..." at that point I peeled the hell out and made it upstairs.  I wanted to rule out the possibility that it was from something supernatural, but the voice was so close I could feel his voice next to my ear.  To this day I won't go down to turn off that light if its on unless there is clear daylight out
i remember i read that story in like 1998 in an email. it had me shook to say the least
Originally Posted by Peter Parker

me and my friends were playing hide and go seek in the pitch black dark a long time ago, like so dark u couldn't even see your hand in front of your face. So as we were playing for a while, i saw these glow in the dark bands on each wrist walking around us. I turned on the light and asked who was wearing the bands, and we all lifted up out wrists to see that nobody was wearing any. I asked my other friend and he said he saw it too, and he threw a stuffed animal at it, because he saw it that clearly. We asked my friends mom and she said it was probably her step brother who drowned in the lake behind his house. 

Youre not supposed play hide-n-seek at night. Ghosts like to have fun, so when they see you guys running around they'll try and play with you.. They will run with you and chase you. Im dead serious. This is what I've learned as a kid. There are other superstitions too, such as brushing your hair after midnight and etc. Scary stuff
I've been lying down for hours now. It's 3:44AM and there's not much I can do. You know what the worst part about my situation is? I'm in the same room with my parents. They keep looking at me, and I can't help but look back and try not to cry or scream. Their eyes are focused on me and their mouths are wide open. There's the strong scent of blood and I feel so paralyzed with fear.

Here's the thing. The second I make any hint that I'm not asleep anymore, I'm completely ***$#$. I will die and there's nobody around to save me. I've been trying to think of a way out but the only idea I have is to rush for the door and run outside the front door and scream for help, hoping any neighbors hear me. It's risky, but if I stay here, I'll surely die. He's waiting for me to wake up and see his masterpiece.

You're probably wondering what's going on. I do get ahead of myself sometimes.

About three hours ago, I heard screaming from the other side of the house. I got up and went to check on the noise before realizing I had to use the restroom. Instead of doing the smart thing and investigating, I used the bathroom first. I could've gotten myself killed right then from my stupid actions. But I actually did my business and took a peek outside the bathroom. There was blood on the carpet. I got very worried and ran back to my room, hiding under my sheets like the %%%#$ I was. I tried to convince myself to go back to sleep, that it was just some really vivid dream or something.

But I heard my bedroom door open. Like the terrified child I was, I peeked from under my blankets to see what was going on. I could see something dragging my dead parents into the room. It was not human, I can tell you that. It was hairless, with no eyes and no clothing. It walked like a caveman, with its back slouched as it dragged my parents. But this thing was much smarter than any caveman. It was aware of what it was doing.

It propped my dad up on the edge of my bed, and made him face me. It then sat my mother down in the chair and positioned her towards me as well. It then started rubbing its hands upon the walls, staining them with blood and then drew a circle with the devil's pentagram in it. This thing had made what it would probably call a masterpiece. To finish it off, it scribbled a message onto the wall that I could not read in the darkness.

It then positioned itself under my bed, waiting to strike.

The scariest thing is now, my eyes have adjusted to the darkness since then and I can read the message on the wall. I don't want to look at it, because it's terrifying to think about. But I feel I need to see, before I'm killed.

I peek at the creature's masterpiece.

"I know you're awake."
^ I am way too drunk to have come in here. That stories gonna %*## with me tonight
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