Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

A couple months ago my friend’s cousin (a single mother) had gotten a new cellphone. After a long day of work, she placed her phone down on the counter and started watching T.V. when her son came to her and asked if he could play with her new phone. She told him to not call anyone or mess with the text messages and he agreed to do so. At around 11:20 P.M. when she was getting tired, she decided to tuck her son in and go to bed herself. She proceeded to his room to see that he wasn’t there. She went to her room to him sleeping on her bed with the phone in his hand. Browsing though her phone, she noticed only minor changes such as a new background, banner, etc. and headed towards the picture section. She began deleting the pictures he took when she came across the last one. When she first saw it, she couldn’t believe it. It was her son, sleeping on her bed but it was as if the picture was taken by someone else above him. It shows the left half of what seems to be an elderly woman’s face.
I just got chills at this one lol. Thats pretty creepy. 
Originally Posted by theword

Originally Posted by razzle dazzle

A couple months ago my friend’s cousin (a single mother) had gotten a new cellphone. After a long day of work, she placed her phone down on the counter and started watching T.V. when her son came to her and asked if he could play with her new phone. She told him to not call anyone or mess with the text messages and he agreed to do so. At around 11:20 P.M. when she was getting tired, she decided to tuck her son in and go to bed herself. She proceeded to his room to see that he wasn’t there. She went to her room to him sleeping on her bed with the phone in his hand. Browsing though her phone, she noticed only minor changes such as a new background, banner, etc. and headed towards the picture section. She began deleting the pictures he took when she came across the last one. When she first saw it, she couldn’t believe it. It was her son, sleeping on her bed but it was as if the picture was taken by someone else above him. It shows the left half of what seems to be an elderly woman’s face.
I just got chills at this one lol. Thats pretty creepy. 
The Man Who Lives Above You

The man who lives above you is the quiet type. How lucky you are to live in an apartment underneath someone so courteous! It seems he never drops anything, seeing as how you never hear any loud thumps coming from the rooms above yours. He is even kind enough to keep the volume on his radio and TV too low to disrupt you. Come to think of it, had you not seen and spoken to him, you would think no one lived up there. Quite a big change from living below a batch of rowdy teens.

He is terribly kind as well. Within the first week of you living there, he invites you up to dinner and offers his services as a plumber in case you have any leaky faucets. The maintenance crew at this complex is awfully incompetent. You can’t have it all, I suppose.

He didn’t even get offended when you told him you were far too busy and didn’t know him well enough to dine with him. He simply smiled, gave you his number, and let you know the offer stood as long as you lived below him.

One night, you decide to take him up on his offer, seeing as how you’re tired of the Hot Pockets your busy schedule allows. You call, uncertain about whether or not he is home due to the utter silence from above, and he answers and invites you to join him upstairs; he has made far too much chicken piccata to eat himself.

You climb the stairs and enter his apartment. It’s impeccable. You’ve already managed to spill some Coke Zero on your carpet. In his six years living there, he has left no stains. Dinner smells delightful. He already has a place set for you, almost as if he was expecting you sooner. Astounded by his kindness, you seat yourself and begin eating.

Almost immediately, you feel a bit drowsy. Overworked, perhaps? He smiles and watches your muscles slowly fail you, the sauce dribbling out of the mouth you can’t hold closed. You start to slide from your chair, you can almost feel the floor meeting your body, but no. He catches you. No sound is made. He carries you down the hall, ever so quietly. You’re growing too unconscious to worry, so rest assured, no one will hear a thing; you won’t even hit the floor.
One time...this dude....brought an old thread BACK FROM THE DEAD.

The scary part... YOU'RE READING THE THREAD!!!!
my dads cousin in samoa was driving home from work one night and she was bumpin her music. it was pretty late i guess and she drove past a grave yard. the next morning they found her body on the side of the road. they found her car over a cliff in the ocean right by the grave yard. creepy thing is no windows were broken and the doors were locked. island ghost stories are the creepiest
God damn fake or not that effin pic is scary only bc it's ugly and creepy like she or he about to rape the lil,,,I think I seen that pic floating around before but it's still creepy anyway,,,,imagine that *** standing over you while u sleeping
I read that story and thought no big deal.
Then you reposted the pic and I was like 
.  That pic weirded me out.  I would've threw that cellphone away.  
ill put ya on to a real story i witnessed with my own eyes. i was 6 years old living in the dominican republic at the time. i was very close to my uncles daughter who is one year older than me. she was never baptized as a kid and many of my family members did not agree with that move by my uncle and his wife. we lived in the capital of dr and actually lived 3 houses apart, we would always sleep over each others houses on a regular basis. i went to sleep over at her house for the night and around midnight something woke me up. and no lie what i saw was a tall lady wearing a black dress with long nails sucking on her kneck. till this day she has the scar on her kneck and plenty of bad stories to tell that have happened in her life. my fam thinks it has to do with her not being baptized.
Originally Posted by Phil Le0tard0

Sean's house was covered from head to toe in family photographs. Some from family retreats to Ireland, others showing lost family relatives. Most ofthese photographs would include Sean in them, so it was only natural that he would look at them from time to time. However, one day he noticed something ratherstrange about the pictures.

His mother seemed to have a red face in all of the photos. Rather shocked by this, he immediately ran downstairs to ask if anyone had done something to thepictures. They all answered no; even his mother, whom was quite worried. Later that day Sean's mother went to the hospital due to horrific 3rd degree burnscaused by a grill catching fire for an unknown reason.

Sean's father decided to stay at the hospital that night and thought it best to send Sean home with his older brother and little sister. As Sean walkedinto the house he caught glance of the family photograph in which he had noticed the change to his mother's face, and found that she was not in thepicture.

He ran upstairs to her bedroom only to find that she was nowhere to be seen. Alarmed by these strange events Sean called the police. Sean informed them thathis sister had been kidnapped and that someone was in his house, possibly vandalizing his family's belongings. The phone immediately went dead, and as Seanwent to put the phone down he caught a glimpse of an animal in the corner of his eye. He rushed out of the safety of his room to go and find the beast, butwhat he found was far worse.

The mangled bodies of his family lie in the corridor in front of his room, their faces frozen in a state that almost made him vomit. And then it struck him.All the photographs had been removed from the walls, except for one which was a picture of Sean, with his face scribbled out.

The next day his two best friends went to visit him, because he was not answering his phone and was not at school all week. As they arrived, they noticedthat the door had been left open. So they let themselves in, and were never seen again.
This doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by tim teufel

ill put ya on to a real story i witnessed with my own eyes. i was 6 years old living in the dominican republic at the time. i was very close to my uncles daughter who is one year older than me. she was never baptized as a kid and many of my family members did not agree with that move by my uncle and his wife. we lived in the capital of dr and actually lived 3 houses apart, we would always sleep over each others houses on a regular basis. i went to sleep over at her house for the night and around midnight something woke me up. and no lie what i saw was a tall lady wearing a black dress with long nails sucking on her kneck. till this day she has the scar on her kneck and plenty of bad stories to tell that have happened in her life. my fam thinks it has to do with her not being baptized.
holy ****
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Originally Posted by Fog Raw

By the way, here's the cellphone picture to the story posted before:


I wasn't shook until this pic was posted

BTW this needs to get bumped... I love reading these at night
Yo that was a good story. But, that pic of that look a like peter griffin had me rolling lol
Funny seeing that pic when I saw that person and was there that day.

Some good stories but im really not afraid of anything, stories are entertaining though.
**@ that story + picture is scary as hell. thanks i won't be sleeping for a while now
When I was little, my pops used to take me to Mexico to visit my grandma. I used to hate it because some nights I used to get waken up by something or someone that looked like a horned ****** like waving its hand at me to come with it but I just used to run to the other side of the room and turn the light on and yell "No...malo!" Or "No feo!!" (bad & ugly in Spanish) and nothing would be there when I went to look. The only one that believed me was my grandma. She used to tell me yell at it or throw a shoe at it if it got too close. So I used to sleep with a shoe on my chest every night. This went on til I was about 6 years old. I hate thinking about that old house.
My grandma used to call it a Chamooco. Like ****** demons sent out to kidnap little kids. Smh. Even the damn devils are in the kidnapping business in Mexico...Damn!!
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