Cubicle Life : VOL: OFFICE SPACE (DRAMA, BEEF, STORIES, TALES, et. al) - Share your work life

-hate how sitting every day makes your gut bigger over time. smh working out is a must.
-sleeping in my cube :pimp:
-having a big cube + big window :pimp:

haha found this and made me think of this thread!!

The things you get away with when your job still uses paper to record work hours
Like Ninja said, these official threads will be the death of general​

By the end of the year, the whole page will be filled with threads on specific subjects​

Oh well, can't stop it, might as well join the wave​

In for the lulz​

What are you talking about? Threads like these have been around forever.
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This is real life. We call it the "CBS 15" here. There's so much takeout being order you're tempted. I know a while back I'd be spending at least $40-$60 a week on takeout. :smh:

I'm glad I do a fair amount of moving throughout the day.

I was eating out during lunch a lot at first as a pat on the back for lading the job, but now I just go home for lunch since it's a 7 minute drive from the office.
BUMPPP. This thread is greatI love it when there are leftover cookies and pastries from presentations and whatnot
The cattiness when a new pretty girl gets hired. :lol: >>>

this is why i would have a "no hot girl" policy if I had my own business. Hell, when I have to interview people for an assistant position or somethin, all things equal, I will hire the the homely lookin chick over the hot chick. No good can come of having hot girls in the workplace, well not for people like me (married). I dont need that kinda temptation or sexual tension in my life.
everybody is old where i work. theres maybe 3-4 women under 30 everyone else is fat and 55 years old. 

every summer the horny old men go into like  a feeding frenzy when the summer interns come in. 2 years ago we had a decent looking intern and i sat directly across from her. i saw at least 7-8 old men per day come by and ask her random questions and chat her up thinking they had a chance with her smh

my friend works across the street for a different company and things are so much different. most ppl are in their 20'/early 30's and theres a ton of hot broads there. 

i dont even show up to work anymore because its so depressing. stay working from home now
this is why i would have a "no hot girl" policy if I had my own business. Hell, when I have to interview people for an assistant position or somethin, all things equal, I will hire the the homely lookin chick over the hot chick. No good can come of having hot girls in the workplace, well not for people like me (married). I dont need that kinda temptation or sexual tension in my life.

homely lookin chicks = female band members

they get it in..
was busting for a crap this afternoon so i thought for the first time ever id use the public toilets. i walk in there and there was only 2 toilets in there, both taken. so i stood by the sink holding in this mega boris. all i could think about was how good this will feel after i unleash the demon within, and while standing i could slowly feel the head leave its mark on my undies. 5 minutes pass and im still waiting in the quiet, listening to grunting and the 'plop' sound of the boris hitting the water. i couldnt hold this in any further, so i had to sya something. "how long will you guys be?". no answer. "i need to **** real bad i can feel it coming". "shutup and wait your turn" he says. another minute passses and usually i can hold this in but today was real bad. i couldnt do it any longer, so was time for plan b, **** in the sink. pulled down my pants and started grunting loudly and you could hear the boris slide down the sink. one of the guys then yelled "wtf r u doing" and opened his door, so i flashed my penis at him. he qikly closed the door and then i heard the toilet paper begin to roll. i only got one **** out but it was enuf, i used the paper towels to wipe my ***, and turned on the hand dryer so the hot air would make the **** smell even more. i heard his belt buckle and as i ran out i yelled "dont forget to wash your hands" and threw one of my paper towels with **** on it over in his cubicle.
***** you are disgusting :rofl: This was hilarious though.

I want to see it depicted on Curb.


I remember that story Mojo :lol:
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There is like one hot girl in my office (I'm 20 she's 26). We talk here and there but are always eye smashing. I would make my move but she's engaged doe
7am-4pm M-F
got a 30min luncho
30 min lunches are rge worst ...

1 hour lunches changes my life...

Also, with all these personalities, have y'all ever said anything to anyone when it DIRECTLY affected you?

Aaaand one last question ...

Coworkers yambs... :nerd:

Or is that a different thread?
General Office Drama for me:

Co-workers constantly asking for favors but not reciprocating.

Longer days, longer hours with job cuts. Paid the same but working harder and harder.

People talking behind each others' backs instead of being direct.
30 min lunches are rge worst ...
1 hour lunches changes my life...
Also, with all these personalities, have y'all ever said anything to anyone when it DIRECTLY affected you?
Aaaand one last question ...
Coworkers yambs...

Or is that a different thread?
 As for coworker yambs? I wouldn't unless is purely casual. Hook up here and there but never let it get past that. Someone's gonna catch feelings and the rest is history. Not worth it imo
in cali the law says u need a minimum 30 min break after like 5 hours. its not 30 min max. if u take a 25 min lunch break ur company can get sued for not giving u minimum of 30 minutes. 
30 min lunches are rge worst ...
1 hour lunches changes my life...
Also, with all these personalities, have y'all ever said anything to anyone when it DIRECTLY affected you?
Aaaand one last question ...
Coworkers yambs... :nerd:
Or is that a different thread?

dat xtra time is nice but i realised that id rather be home 30 min early. as for coworker yambs...i would :evil: ...but i could'nt >D.
Had office beef with my boss. She was pregnant and irritable. We never saw eye to eye for various petty reasons (disagreements on workflow methods mainly) She could never really pinch me though because I was a good employee though. We had a policy banning cell phone usage on the production floor. One day I'm sitting and my phone slipped outta my pocket unknown to me. She walks by, sees it, writes me up. Instant termination. I was soooo heated! I was top ranked agent on my team too for 2 consecutive months and still got the boot.
Had office beef with my boss. She was pregnant and irritable. We never saw eye to eye for various petty reasons (disagreements on workflow methods mainly) She could never really pinch me though because I was a good employee though. We had a policy banning cell phone usage on the production floor. One day I'm sitting and my phone slipped outta my pocket unknown to me. She walks by, sees it, writes me up. Instant termination. I was soooo heated! I was top ranked agent on my team too for 2 consecutive months and still got the boot.

damn that sucks. office beef with a superior is no good. you cant win. they will just wait for you to slip up and then stick it to you, just like what happened. damn shame.
i get to work early and catch up on all the shows i missed the night before. im in at 6 am and people dont show up til like 8 am or so im gucci.
everybody is old where i work. theres maybe 3-4 women under 30 everyone else is fat and 55 years old. 
every summer the horny old men go into like  a feeding frenzy when the summer interns come in. 2 years ago we had a decent looking intern and i sat directly across from her. i saw at least 7-8 old men per day come by and ask her random questions and chat her up thinking they had a chance with her smh

my friend works across the street for a different company and things are so much different. most ppl are in their 20'/early 30's and theres a ton of hot broads there. 
i dont even show up to work anymore because its so depressing. stay working from home now

W/ the lineup in this type of economy, you'll have an array of spring chicken wannabes.

Anyhow, I was in a similar position. This summer, an intern girl caught my eye. She was a korean girl, white girl mix which looked like Kristin Kruek. Her last name had some Russian/Polish pronunciation which made my tongue twist, but she looked pretty, and had porcelin skin. LOLZ Big eyes, nice smile, non-amazonic.

I would run into her a few times, and I really wanted to make a move, but my eyes were undressing her at times and my mind was using its imagination. LOLZ Boy was she pretty. Eventually I saw her w/ some dude, who was also another interm and I said, FML. After that, the passing weeks weren't as good, but I still used my 'eyes' for her 'candy'.
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