Curb Your Enthusiasm S10 - 'The Spite Store' 3/22

This Jewlu guy is already too much :lol:

Middling :pimp: Larry still keeps finding everyday socializing commonalities to make gold out of :lol:

The way Richard Kind can carry a boring go nowhere convo is crazy. Mans gotta be an energy vampire.

Stage 4 advice and wisdom :lol: :rofl: **** a stage 3. Lying about Jeff being stage 4.

Hot dog eating lie taken too far :rofl: :rofl: So dumb. Wow @ actually finding a hot dog eating contest the next day.

Larry with the trash mini bar :lol:

Why would Cheryl give an edit of the tape with that fight still in it?
Hot dog eating lie taken too far :rofl: :rofl: So dumb. Wow @ actually finding a hot dog eating contest the next day.

Well if you recall, he saw the headline/advertisement for it on the front page at Cheryl's when he want to ask if she would help out with Maria Sofia. That's where the whole idea came from :lol:

Jeff looks pissed that his marriage didn’t end in divorce from the stage 4 advice. :lol:

He was 100% mad :lol: Him and Susie have a funny/weird relationship. I imagine she would go nuclear if she found out he was cheating but at the same time, I'm not sure how she DOESN'T know :lol: Jeff can't be that smooth of a criminal
This season is trash

the maria-sophia thing is so dumb, I can’t believe this is going to be the main thread of the season.

this feels like a diet/great value version of curb.

theres no EDGE….**** feels soft af
The fact larry is letting this dood blackball him is like the most anti-larry thing? I’m confused….

I feel like the old larry would have hatched an intracate plan of revenge to “blackball the blackballer”

but nah, larry concedes hella easily…..just rolls over and and lets this guy force his daughter into the show? Nahhhh man who’s writing this season???
lol i have to go back and review the older episodes. shes sooo annoying tho so not surprised.

He cheats pretty much every season at this point. Do you watch the episodes or just skim through it :nerd:

Part of episode 2 was based around the dental hygienist he was cheating with getting an abortion and sending Larry in to spy on her. :lol:
This season is trash

the maria-sophia thing is so dumb, I can’t believe this is going to be the main thread of the season.

this feels like a diet/great value version of curb.

theres no EDGE….**** feels soft af
The fact larry is letting this dood blackball him is like the most anti-larry thing? I’m confused….

I feel like the old larry would have hatched an intracate plan of revenge to “blackball the blackballer”

but nah, larry concedes hella easily…..just rolls over and and lets this guy force his daughter into the show? Nahhhh man who’s writing this season???
Haven't gotten to the new episode yet, but enjoyed the prior two. I agree with most in here that the season hasn't been great so far, but just decend/good Curb is still way better/funnier than most things on TV.

I'm not exactly sure why, but my son thinks the dog name "Angel Muffin" is especially hilarious. Laughs everytime someone says it, which makes me laugh at it. :lol:
Damn how did I miss that

Yeah, and Jeff’s spread it around it a variety of ways, as I recall. Straight up affairs and I also remember one episode that involved a masseuse that gave “happy endings”, who Jeff referred to Larry.

LD somewhat reluctantly passed on the HE because he was still married to Cheryl at the time. But Jeff made clear he had enjoyed the full scope of the masseuses’ services :lol:
Speaking of Susie and Jeff, when did their daughter die? I assume she did because I don’t remember the last time I saw her. They did have a daughter…..right? I’m not sure if I’m mixing up shows here or something :lol:
Speaking of Susie and Jeff, when did their daughter die? I assume she did because I don’t remember the last time I saw her. They did have a daughter…..right? I’m not sure if I’m mixing up shows here or something :lol:

The daughter is grown now. Think she got married.
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