Curious, Anyone ever Cheated in a Relationship...

Dec 3, 2007
...and got away with it?

And I'm not talking about some revenge 'oh you cheated on me in the past, so I cheated on you to get you back'" type cheating.

I'm talking about cheating on someone who was as faithful as can be.

If you got away with it, were there any lingering feelings of "guilt" or you just kept it moving like it was nothing out of the ordinary?

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Nope. If I'm dating someone, I intend to be with them only. What's the point in getting in a relationship if you can't get be faithful? At that point, just run the roster system and don't even get wifed up. 

I will never understand how grown *** man can cheat. *Flame suit activated*
Yup, and nope no guilt because I really didn't give a **** about her. I was smashing like 3 girls while I was with her. Only time I made is known is when I finally broke up with her, told her about the other girls and that I hadn't been happy with her like ever then dipped.
Yup, and nope no guilt because I really didn't give a **** about her. I was smashing like 3 girls while I was with her. Only time I made is known is when I finally broke up with her, told her about the other girls and that I hadn't been happy with her like ever then dipped.
why be with someone you don't care about? Were you reaping benefits or something? Curious....
What is cheating? Sex is sex, bro. It's only natural we want it. No reason to feel guilty over that. If my girl had sex with another guy and it was completely physical (no emotional attachment), I wouldn't care because I know that's how humans are wired. If the stars align for me to bone some hot %%% chick, then I'm gonna follow my instinct and I wouldn't blame her for doing the same. That's why I'm a fan of the open relationship. It's just hard to find a girl who is on that same page.
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ive been in situations where i got away with it, and where ive been caught up.. dont do it. i have a feeling youre asking it because your girl cheated on you or you feel played.. the reason i did it was because i got played. so i didnt trust women anymore, i went out and smashed everything i could, it was great, but it doesnt make you feel good about yourself in the future. cause if you have something good why f' that up.. you gotta ask yourself, do you love this girl, do you care for her? 
Yup, and nope no guilt because I really didn't give a **** about her. I was smashing like 3 girls while I was with her. Only time I made is known is when I finally broke up with her, told her about the other girls and that I hadn't been happy with her like ever then dipped.
why be with someone you don't care about? Were you reaping benefits or something? Curious....

She had daddy issues. Would buy me anything I wanted in exchange for pretty much just being there. I got tired of baiting her after a while plus shorty was trying to trap me up so I had to let that go.
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What is cheating? Sex is sex, bro. It's only natural we want it. No reason to feel guilty over that. If my girl had sex with another guy and it was completely physical (no emotional attachment), I wouldn't care because I know that's how humans are wired. If the stars align for me to bone some hot %%% chick, then I'm gonna follow my instinct and I wouldn't blame her for doing the same. That's why I'm a fan of the open relationship. It's just hard to find a girl who is on that same page.
Yeah, i'm going to disagree with you here.

Its not the pursuit of sex, I see it sometimes as the motivation for sex. In as much as we like to ignore it, we're not as "raw" as we think we are. Many of our decisions about sex are based on our influence with society. I'd love to be a "free spirit" but that doesn't work if you aren't in an environment with like minded people...

I say all of that to say that if you know someone who is cheating then more times than not, there is something mental with a lot of that sex. Sure the act is physical, but if that was the case, you'd just put a bag on your girl's head and smash away. Its the same mechanics.

There is something emotional even about the girls you claim not to care about, when you engage with someone else. They're filling some space that you needed to be occupied. 

I understand the flaws in monogamy and i'm not defending that, but what I am saying is that if your girl "cheats" on you, then I'd venture to say that its because you're not doing something right in your relationship. I've never met a girl that cheated out of convenience. Something is definitely up emotionally more often than not, but again not always.

People who are happy for all intents and purposes don't usually see the need to venture out. UNLESS you're someone who sees yourself as completely unique in that you can completely be with someone and not see any immediate flaws in them, but still want to pursue other partners. 

but I did it once years ago and don't feel the need to ever do it again with anyone in the future. its really not worth it. I didnt get anything out of it and the reason for doing it was selfish.
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I cheated plenty of times and she stayed, but when she transferred to another college she found somebody else. 
ive been in situations where i got away with it, and where ive been caught up.. dont do it. i have a feeling youre asking it because your girl cheated on you or you feel played.. the reason i did it was because i got played. so i didnt trust women anymore, i went out and smashed everything i could, it was great, but it doesnt make you feel good about yourself in the future. cause if you have something good why f' that up.. you gotta ask yourself, do you love this girl, do you care for her? 

Well your feeling, about me, was wrong? Sorry to break it to ya...:lol:. I'm not in a relationship, so I wasn't asking for my edification. The thought simply crossed my mind earlier so I thought I'd put it out to y'all.

I'm a well intentioned guy, and I've never cheated nor could I see myself cheating in the future. But then again I haven't really been tempted (so says the lil voice in my head). So I was just wondering how I would react and If I really had what it takes to refuse a proposition from, say, the most desirable woman I know EVEN if I was in a relationship with someone else.

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As a young dude it's all i knew, cheated on my main quite a few times cuz i was told that's what you're sposed to do when you're young, play the field. I think she knew, but never asked.
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What is cheating? Sex is sex, bro. It's only natural we want it. No reason to feel guilty over that. If my girl had sex with another guy and it was completely physical (no emotional attachment), I wouldn't care because I know that's how humans are wired. If the stars align for me to bone some hot %%% chick, then I'm gonna follow my instinct and I wouldn't blame her for doing the same. That's why I'm a fan of the open relationship. It's just hard to find a girl who is on that same page.
Sit yo *** down somewhere bruh... :lol:

Get outta here with that nonsense
Sit yo *** down somewhere bruh...

Get outta here with that nonsense

Though nothing can justify it, she was my first girlfriend in High School and I had never had sex with anyone else but her.. she is the most amazing woman in my life and I cheated. She would never do that to me.

Guilt? Sometimes.. sometimes it eats me from the inside out. Sometimes I don't really care and I want to go do it again. We were going through some hard times and like I said, nothing justifies it, but the girls that I messed around w/ knew that I had a gf. They were coming on to me, and as someone who never got any in high school, it was incredibly hard to even think about saying no to a girl finally coming on to ME.

I've only had sex with one other person besides my gf.. that's what I regret. None of these broads have any emotional connection to me, nor me to them. I've only ever had an emotional connection to my girl, and that's why I never left her. It wasn't the same w/ them as it is w/ her. She's different, and if I'm gonna marry her someday, I need to know that that's the case.

Needless to say, I've cleaned up my act and I've deaded all the females who wanted me, now we're strictly acquaintances, friends at most. THAT is something that I don't regret. I've done enough behind my girls back, and never got caught. I've come close, but I'm tired of going through all that ****. It's just not worth it. Especially because this woman is someone that takes care of me and makes me incredibly happy when our relationship is going smooth. I don't want to put her through that ish, I'm not proud of what I did and I won't be doing it again.

Go ahead and call me low. Call me a piece of crap. I don't deserve her.. I don't deserve pity. But know this. I know that what I did was wrong, and I've cleaned myself up. There's no need to attack me for something that's now in my PAST. I'm done w/ all that BS, I got what I want and I don't want it to go anywhere.

Advice if you're thinking about doing it? If you think it's gonna be a one time thing, I say go ahead but be extremely careful not to be caught. It's like showing a 12 year old who thinks that they're a thug what jail looks like.. showing them the REALITY of what it causes and how it feels. If that's the case, doing it once will make you never want to do it again. Get it out of your system while you aren't married, because affairs in a marriage w/ kids is ALL BAD.

If you feel like it'll be a regular thing, do yourself a favor and stay away from all that. That, or break up w/ your girl. And if you ever have an emotional connection to any other girl besides yours, you two ain't meant to be. That's my insight. My story, if you will.
Nah, I don't get down like that. I'm a strong believer of karma.

The **** was the point of even being in a relationship if you're just going to cheat.

Live life with no regrets.

I only regret getting caught or when the yambs are trash.

Some of the greatest men that are idolized in society by both women and men are womanizers

JFK, MLK, Clinton, Don Draper lol... the list is endless.
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I cheated on the first girl I was ever "in love" with, with a former girl i use to mess with.

After I did it felt horrible, broke up with the girl bcuz I felt like I hurt her so much and she didnt even know.

I knew she was 100% faithful. Most faithful person I have ever met in life even til this day.

I don't regret it though, I am where I am today bcuz of all my choices and wouldn't take it back.
What is cheating? Sex is sex, bro. It's only natural we want it. No reason to feel guilty over that. If my girl had sex with another guy and it was completely physical (no emotional attachment), I wouldn't care because I know that's how humans are wired. If the stars align for me to bone some hot %%% chick, then I'm gonna follow my instinct and I wouldn't blame her for doing the same. That's why I'm a fan of the open relationship. It's just hard to find a girl who is on that same page.

in a relationship and i couldn't bring myself to do it. i'm a FIRM believer in treating people how you'd want to be treated. because at the end of the day, i care about i would want to be justified in going HAM if she cheated. :lol:
As a young dude it's all i knew, cheated on my main quite a few times cuz i was told that's what you're sposed to do when you're young, play the field. I think she knew, but never asked.

I cheated on the first girl I was ever "in love" with, with a former girl i use to mess with.

After I did it felt horrible, broke up with the girl bcuz I felt like I hurt her so much and she didnt even know.

I knew she was 100% faithful. Most faithful person I have ever met in life even til this day.

I don't regret it though, I am where I am today bcuz of all my choices and wouldn't take it back

^both of these

If I wouldn't have cheated I would honestly still be with her today. I didn't have any emotional attachment with those other chicks I cheated on her with, it was pretty pointless. I did it because we were going thru a rough patch and she wasn't giving up the yambs so I went and looked elsewhere for it. Karma hit me and while our relationship was already going down the drain she started talking to some other dude behind my back.
Nah, I don't get down like that. I'm a strong believer of karma.
The **** was the point of even being in a relationship if you're just going to cheat.

I will NEVER understood the logic behind asking this question.

As for OPs question, I tend to avoid serious relationships because I know how I behave around new any P that I want.

Just once have in my adult life have I been with a girl for longer than a year and I cheated on her a few times. Less than 5 times total and only once on some premeditated ****. Too be honest it was a long distance relationship and I don't believe I would have cheated if we were physically together.

I ask myself do I feel guilty and honestly I don't know. I obviously feel some kind of way about because it has stuck with me for a few years now, maybe that's guilt?
I plead the 5th. I told her if you dont want me to, then you better out a ring on it.
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