yeah, some of it is the from my cell phone, but when I touch em up I'll be straight...
One of the failed attempts of mixing seaglow and rit dye with yellowed soles
 Not mine but found this pic roaming on fb of a local seller. Pic caption says "Maybe the best jams ever! Thanks to seaglow" but im pretty sure he used the seaglow mixed with dye method. I would seaglow a yellowed sole before applying the mixed dye solution or they will turn out greenish blueish
. I don't think you guys would consider this icey? Maybe its just me that these look green but you tell me NT.
you could try and salvage them and maybe try and turn them into dunkman jordans.....just go with a green sole and change the blue jumpman to a green jumpman there was a pic in another thread but i forget which one it was
Some people really need to post to tips to help some of these other people out before I see anymore space jams turned to &^%^
Originally Posted by mr2cool80

^EXACTLY @ShowtimeXII. While looking through a site that sells multiple variations of RIT Dye, I wonder if some of the ones that specify in COLOR REMOVAL would work along with sea glowing certain soles that are slightly to even extremely yellowed, in making them even clearer? Granted I know that sea glowing reduces the yellowing but imagine if these same very Dye's can basically make them even more transparent while dyeing after seaglowing!

Sea Glowing on Yellowed soles = Almost Clear Soles

Sea Glowing + Clear or Brightener RIT Dye on Yellowed Soles = NEAR TRANSPARENCY?

heres the site:

more comments on this!!!!
damn sea glow did wonders for u bro, im tryin to get some space jams prolyl gonna be used . gotta get soem sea glow to get that fresh glow.
Ive tried this with the liquid "Rit" dye and the powder form. Every time it looks purple-$@! and I HURRY up and wipe it off. At first I thought it was becuase I bought the liquid but its the same when i mix the powder form up with sea glow. I dont know where Im going wrong or am I just not giving it a chance
Ive tried this with the liquid "Rit" dye and the powder form. Every time it looks purple-%!% and I HURRY up and wipe it off. At first I thought it was becuase I bought the liquid but its the same when i mix the powder form up with sea glow. I dont know where Im going wrong or am I just not giving it a chance
Day 1: Espo Restoration: Only Seaglow applied for about 2 hours, then re-applied for about an hour....will do 1 more Seaglow coat tomorrow and then mix the next one with the RIT having trouble getting some of the dirt off the soles but hey, they're soles right?....more pics soon..



Day 2: Espo Seaglow + RIT Dye.....ESPOS were Seaglow'd once and then Seaglow+dyed for about 2 hours each time....didn't have great sunlight here in NY w. the clouds, but the UV rays helped somewhat....started to see a more blue tint...will add more dye next time...



before the summer gets here, I will seaglow these til they're clear again, then I just might try the blue dye. I also need to fix my concords and 01 cool greys.
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Wheres the best place to copp the sea glow?

any hope for these?
If you apply enough sea glow, then maybe you should be able to get some of that yellow off.  Here are some pix of my Vs.  These didn't turn out as well as I wanted, but it's better than before.  Keep in mind these are DS, and I thought they were icy... until I applied sea glow with some dye, then I saw how yellow my sole was.

they are re-realsing these at NT Santa Monica this weekend. I wonder if people will actually buy them or if they will sit
FINAL PRODUCT: after another day of seaglow'ing and RIT dying, they're complete.....100% satisfied with the outcome, and will def be doing the same to some XI's before rocking em


Ya know how the anniversary 11s sole come kinda dark and i'll say yellowed?
Do i have to make em clear first then use the seaglow plus rit dye?
so if your soles are yellow dont dye them yet right? sea glow til clear then dye?

thanks in advance guys i def dont want green soles

nice job illdunkonu 

i want my tint to be similar to yours did you do the same steps as everyone else?
if not what did you do and how many coats did you apply?
Does the color prevent it from getting yellower faster or do you simply repaint it when it starts to yellow?
Just got done w/ my anni 11's, they came out great! put some Carolina blue laces in 'em, and they WILL BE WORN this Sat. in tha Dome! GO HEELS!
yeah will tinting it blue make it blue forever? or will it turn bluish green afterwards?
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