D Wayde can learn something from Candice Parker.

And D-Wade went off in a wheelchair.....

co sign
Originally Posted by 715 asterisk

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ What do you mean?

Did you not read where Dr. 715 already assured us that his medical opinion is highly respectable... because this is stuff he's in school for, and plans to make a career of it?

I mean, I don't know about you, but I don't know of anyone that could be more credible and respected than... a kid with medical books and hopes of a medical career.

How dare you ask for someone with credibility to come clean this thread up and shed some light on the subject; how disrespectful of you.


You can listen to this "kid's" opinion and my medical books or you can listen to this 30+ year old's opinion who's still in school, going to a community college in hick country and drives around in a yellow truck.

Do you even have medical books? No? Why you talkin'? Oh, that's right. You just like to talk ...

My goodness...

Yea i heard wade pinched a nerve, thats why he was in so much pain

Parker is still a G
Assumptions REALLY fly all over the internet.
I really don't get it. Is it really that difficult for people to just take what they're given?
If a person says 'Oh my GOSH, Kobe just DESTROYED Kidd!', it just seems that it is REALLY difficult for people to refrain from assuming that the person is A) a Kobe fan, B) a Kidd hater, C) a Laker fan, D) a Mavs hater, E) a Wade hater trying to gas Kobe, F) a Lebron hater trying to gas Kobe... etc., etc., etc.
That's true.
Well, it's easy to make assumptions,because you see no face behind a screenname. But again, that's part of the internet and why it shouldn't be taken that seriously, but then again NT=WeKnow Drama.
just saw this thread,
at 715... even when they're right, most NTers would have just let it go being that its Ska, but once in a while there's adude that won't let somebody !!#! on them just because they're a mod. Ska encountered the wrong person who wasn't afraid to pull out all the stops

welp, thats my commentary, lmao

but seriously... most of what i was going to say has been said, with the pain and degree of injury factors. but regarding the wheelchair... if you need towatch the video again:

just look at how gingerly himself and all the trainers are handling the shoulder. if you've ever hurt your shoulder that badly, you know you kind ofstiffen up that whole side of your body because any slight movement causes pain, and possibly further injury. it takes a LOT of effort and exertion to evenwalk because you have to avoid any slight shoulder movement, and you almost can't walk without naturally swinging your shoulders.

you seriously think he's gonna try and limp all the way to the locker room when he can just sit in the chair? again, you would have to walk extra slowly tokeep your shoulder from moving, so it would take him forever to get there and it'd be a lot of wasted energy.

if it was you, you would be rolling in the chair as well.
AYO is it just me? at 1:26 on that video if u watch closely u can see sumtin pop out the back of his arm.
I mean obviusly sumtin is moving but uve never really seen anything.
but again it might just be me
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

But that won't matter to you, because you don't like me either.
Keep reaching, and whatever you do, make sure you NEVER let go of your presumptions of me, bro.
That is your presumption of me.
Baiting = baiting =/=baiting + baiting - baiting, a little baiting, alot of baiting, baiting gumbo, fried baiting, baiting soup, baiting on a stick, it's all baiting.

One reason the wheelchair could have been brought out was the possibility of Wade passing out it his nerve was pinched.
A presumption? Alright then, fair enough.

But 'it's all bating'? No. You're wrong. Not misinformed. Not 'of a different opinion', but just... wrong. You have to intentionallyput worm on a hook and cast your line in order to be credited for baiting a fish in. Swimming in the lake and having a fish jump in the boat you used to get tothe middle of the lake is not baiting the fish. It's you enjoying the lake, and having a fish jump in your boat.

I was simply in conversation with someone (like swimming in a lake), never intending to reel anyone in (like catching a fish), and someone disrespected me forthe last time (like a fish jumping into the boat without my assistance).

And... yes, when I say 'for the last time', I mean that he has consistently been disrespectful to both myself and others over the years. Go back towhere I quoted acidality as saying '715 your posting style can easily be seen as offensive and confrontational, so you might want to tone it down abit.'

How is it baiting when the fish is clearly trying to jump in the boat on his own, but he just keeps failing to actually fall in (getting banned)?
How is it baiting when I never set out to reel anyone in (ban someone)?
at that dude getting banned, but
at the same time.

Dude had some serious hate for people who disagreed with him.
Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

I could pop it back in for her though, along with some other medical 'treatments' of mine
LOL...co-sign...candice can get it
....d.wades a biatch takenotes dwayne...candice is tough and sexy at the same time gotta Love that
lmao at sarcasm being 'disrespect'

haven't visited this forum in years. since when did ska become mod? dudes one of the most annoying posters on this board
lmao at sarcasm being 'disrespect'
It's not. But telling someone to off theirself and taking jabs at where they live, what they drive, and their age is.

Goo job being objective, though.
since when did ska become mod? dudes one of the most annoying posters on this board.
See what I mean, folks?

No one asked you, dude.

If you're just going to just drop by and seize an opportunity to hate, then go back to whatever you were doing when you were not visiting the forum inyears.
and your opinion is solicited? it's just as meaningless as anyone else's, as evidenced in this thread. yea that dude may have called you names, buthis opinion was 10x more valuable than yours.
^ So calling names isn't disrespectful?

And which is it: my opinion is just as meaningless as anyone else's (meaning everyone's opinion is equal), or his opinion is 10x more valuable thanmine?

My opinion can't be just as meaningless as everyone's while also being 10x less valuable than someones; that just doesn't make sense.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ You better go through the thread and see how many people have said similar things without being warned or banned.

715 has been doing this for years, not just one time in one thread.

Stop trying to be funny.

Yea, but somehow the guy who's doing med school or whatever and probably has the strongest knowledge happens to be the one banned, right? this is likea guy trying to invalidate another guy's arguments by pointing out his spelling errors

edit: what's up with the ninja edits man
^ You're doing terrible in this current debate, bro.

I never, EVER invalidated his opinon.

ACTUALLY, I tried to get him to explain something that was confusing to me; why would I do that if I thought nothing of his opinion?

He took offense to me questioning him and replied disrespectfully, then I replied sarcastically, then he replied more disrespectfully, then I repliedsarcastically, then he replied even more disrespectfully.

But I never invalidated his opinion.

And I don't care if the leading heart surgeon in the nation were on NikeTalk; he can't be disrespectful, either.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ You're doing terrible in this current debate, bro.

I never, EVER invalidated his opinon.

ACTUALLY, I tried to get him to explain something that was confusing to me; why would I do that if I thought nothing of his opinion?

He took offense to me questioning him and replied disrespectfully, then I replied sarcastically, then he replied more disrespectfully, then I replied sarcastically, then he replied even more disrespectfully.

But I never invalidated his opinion.

And I don't care if the leading heart surgeon in the nation were on NikeTalk; he can't be disrespectful, either.

i'm doing terrible? then why are you making my posts seem out of context by editing yours with the quickness?
JWing wrote:
23ska909red02 wrote:
^ You better go through the thread and see how many people have said similar things without being warned or banned.

715 has been doing this for years, not just one time in one thread.

Stop trying to be funny.

Yea, but somehow the guy who's doing med school or whatever and probably has the strongest knowledge happens to be the one banned, right? this is like a guy trying to invalidate another guy's arguments by pointing out his spelling errors

He didnt get banned because of his medical knowledge, he got banned because of the personal attacks against Ska. He could have been as clueless as me inthe medical field or the leading expert on shoulder injuries, when you disrespect any member (and in this case espically a mod) you'll get banned prettyquickly.

I dont see what the big deal is here. 715 personally attacked someone. It's not the worst I've ever seen but it was still bannable.
im was wondering why this thread was so long. this thread is off topic like a mother

i dislocated my shoulder when i was a kid on the monkey bars but it wasnt as severe as it could have been.

women are tough pain wise
You're doing terrible in this current debate, bro.

I never, EVER invalidated his opinon.

ACTUALLY, I tried to get him to explain something that was confusing to me; why would I do that if I thought nothing of his opinion?

He took offense to me questioning him and replied disrespectfully, then I replied sarcastically, then he replied more disrespectfully, then I replied sarcastically, then he replied even more disrespectfully.

But I never invalidated his opinion.

And I don't care if the leading heart surgeon in the nation were on NikeTalk; he can't be disrespectful, either.
i'm doing terrible? then why are you making my posts seem out of context by editing yours with the quickness?

Yes, terrible. Want an example of how?

Well, you're trying to make it seem like I'm editing my posts because of your clever responses when it's clear to see that the reason I edited thelast reply was because I thought that I was replying to some other guy above me, but then when I saw that my reply came after yours instead of after his, Iedited to reply to you instead of to him. That has absolutely zero to do with editing 'with a quickness' because you got me.

Your post being out of context is on you; my post being out of context was one me, and that's why I edited it.

Want another example of how you're doing terrible in this current debate? You're avoiding my initial question and dodging my points. I'm answeringyours, but you've failed to answer my one question to you, and you're just beating around my points that aren't questions.

In case you maybe missed it: "So calling names isn't disrespectful?"
Originally Posted by mrmossyman84

JWing wrote:
23ska909red02 wrote:
^ You better go through the thread and see how many people have said similar things without being warned or banned.

715 has been doing this for years, not just one time in one thread.

Stop trying to be funny.

Yea, but somehow the guy who's doing med school or whatever and probably has the strongest knowledge happens to be the one banned, right? this is like a guy trying to invalidate another guy's arguments by pointing out his spelling errors

He didnt get banned because of his medical knowledge, he got banned because of the personal attacks against Ska. He could have been as clueless as me in the medical field or the leading expert on shoulder injuries, when you disrespect any member (and in this case espically a mod) you'll get banned pretty quickly.

I dont see what the big deal is here. 715 personally attacked someone. It's not the worst I've ever seen but it was still bannable.

Exactly. I dont know if everybody on NT has a thick skull or what... he personally attacked SKA, and for 715, personally attacking a mod will never,ever, gain you respect, or in his case, another post for a while

I dont see what the big deal is. Its not about the debate. Sure, 715 may know what hes talking about. But how he presented it was completely wrong. Trying toprove your point by attacking someone personally is not really the way to go

Person 1: "Hey, can you explain how you figure out the square root of 9"
Person 2: *Shows how*
Person 1: "Ok, I still dont get it."
Person 2: "Yeah, well your a @#$%$#@ Door-knob."

Tell me in any way how that helps to find an answer to an arguement
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

You're doing terrible in this current debate, bro.

I never, EVER invalidated his opinon.

ACTUALLY, I tried to get him to explain something that was confusing to me; why would I do that if I thought nothing of his opinion?

He took offense to me questioning him and replied disrespectfully, then I replied sarcastically, then he replied more disrespectfully, then I replied sarcastically, then he replied even more disrespectfully.

But I never invalidated his opinion.

And I don't care if the leading heart surgeon in the nation were on NikeTalk; he can't be disrespectful, either.
i'm doing terrible? then why are you making my posts seem out of context by editing yours with the quickness?

Yes, terrible. Want an example of how?

Well, you're trying to make it seem like I'm editing my posts because of your clever responses when it's clear to see that the reason I edited the last reply was because I thought that I was replying to some other guy above me, but then when I saw that my reply came after yours instead of after his, I edited to reply to you instead of to him. That has absolutely zero to do with editing 'with a quickness' because you got me.

Your post being out of context is on you; my post being out of context was one me, and that's why I edited it.

Want another example of how you're doing terrible in this current debate? You're avoiding my initial question and dodging my points. I'm answering yours, but you've failed to answer my one question to you, and you're just beating around my points that aren't questions.

In case you maybe missed it: "So calling names isn't disrespectful?"

what are these so called points of yours? writing 2 page essays and i still don't see a point being made. fine, he was disrespectfull in calling younames. he should have been banned. but he provided strong evidence in his posts disproving your 'theories' and you were the one who continued toprovoke him with your sarcastic remarks intending to take the attention away from the topic at hand. i thought mods were supposed to moderate, notincite?
oh, and here's something you might remember:
I decided to get into it with you... only after you disrespected me through a sarcastic jab.
so you were disrespected...by "Dr Ska"?
#1. Just because you don't see a point doesn't mean it's not being made. What, is a page long point too long for you to grasp or something?

#2. He never disproved any theory of mine... because I never offered a theory.
I was simply stating something I was confused about. "I'mconfused" = "Here's my theory"?

#3. I didn't incite anything; he did. Even though it was mild, the 'Dr. Ska' sarcasm was inciting. Even though it was very MILDLY disrespectful, Ihad not been disrespectful to him at ALL up to that point; not even 'a little bit'. On a scale of 0-100, let's say his 'Dr. Ska' is about a1.24, alright? My comments to him before that were 0... zero. How can I have incited something when he was the first one to be disrespectful?

And even AFTER his 'Dr. Ska' comment, ALL I DID WITH HIM WAS BE SARCASTIC. Go find something I said negative about him... HIM. There's nothingthere; the ONLY thing I did was be sarcastic. And you SHOULDN'T have a problem with that.

And why shouldn't you have a problem with that? Well, let's take a look at something from your VERY FIRST reply in this thread:
lmao at sarcasm being 'disrespect'

#4. Was I disrespected by 'Dr. Ska'? No. Was it disrespectful... EVEN A LITTLE BIT? Yes. Is that all he has done over the years? HEEEELL no.
I do work on being more respectful to arrogant, rebellious, know-it-all, insensitive, stubborn, unapologetic pricks. It's tough, but I'm confident I'll figure it out.
I have no problems with you but I'm not sure you get to call someone a prick (a personal attack) and make a sarcastic remark while banningthem for making a personal attack and making a sarcastic remark. He started with the rude comments but you didn't exactly turn the other cheek.
AHH! This thing argument between [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ska[/color] and the rest of the board is still going? A relentlessattack of people try to change [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ska[/color]'s mind onthe matter, and ska coming back with multi-quoted postings.
I don't see this ending anytime soon, I say we ask a proven medical doctor..
but then I am sure [color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]ska[/color] will come back with his Doctorb with a contradictorystatement.
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