D Wayde can learn something from Candice Parker.

I think some people might not realize that shoulder dislocation and shoulder separation are two completely different injuries.

Dwyane Wade separated his shoulder, Candace Parker dislocated her shoulder. So no, their injuries aren't even the same to begin with.

Here's a little excerpt of an article discussing the two...
How does the shoulder dislocate or separate?

Dr. Moseley: Shoulder dislocations and separations are two separate injuries and should not be confused with one another. The terms "dislocation" and "separation" should not be used interchangeably although this mistake is frequently seen in newspapers and magazines.

The shoulder has two joints, the ball-and-saucer glenohumeral joint, and the joint on top of the shoulder called the acromioclavicular joint. Dislocations occur at the glenohumeral joint, while separations occur at the acromioclavicular joint.

A dislocation occurs when the "ball" of the humerus slips out of the "saucer" of the glenoid. The humerus is the upper-arm bone, and the head of the humerus (the "ball") is round and rotates in the center of the glenoid during normal shoulder motion. Normally, the ball of the humerus stays in the center of the saucer-like glenoid, but instability results when the ball dislocates or comes out of the saucer.

A separation occurs when the end of the clavicle separates from the adjacent acromion. The clavicle is the "collar bone," and the outer end of the clavicle is connected to the upper part of the shoulder blade at the acromion. Hence, the joint is known as the acromio-clavicular or A-C joint. A separation occurs when the end of the clavicle separates and elevates away from the acromion.


And I don't even like Dwyane Wade at all...
Damn, as much as I like NT, there can be some straight up ignorant post here.
1. She dislocated her shoulder not tore it. I played ball with a kid who dislocated his shoulder about once a week and he'd just pop it back with extremepain and continued playing. Then in college I played against someone who tore his shoulder needing surgery when he separated it. You can't tell me thoseare the same types of injuries. He too had to be helped off the floor (although he walked) because the trainer made it very clear that he shouldn't bewalking too much until the extent of the injuries were found out.
EDIT: Also if any of you have played any level of competitive ball, (college, and some high schools depending on how good or funded you are), you know that youshould never go against the trainers and medical help. It's not like Dwade asked for a wheelchair, i'm sure he was brought one without his discretionand he was probably too preoccupied with other thoughts to think about the wheelchair at all.

2. Candace's Parkers X-rays where negative.

Now I know I don't have a medical degree but I do have what apparently many of ya'll lack, in common sense. Obviously two types of injuries even thoughI have never dislocated my sholder. But I have felt the pain of having your season end prematurely, and there is no worse injury, the physical pain of theinjury is only temporarily but not playing hurts for so much longer. I can't speak for Dwayne Wade but in the training room after ever major injuryI've seen players are upset or emotional about being out of commission not the pain.

But I'm sure NTers including Ska are the toughest sons of guns ever, and would still play against perhaps the worlds greatest athletes after getting shottwice in the face
Since when has sarcasm been associated with respect? You baited dude, straight up. As a mod, why would you respond in the same manner even if its in the leastbit disrespectful? Yeah, he coulda kept his cool, but still... A warning and either discontinuing the covno or responding in a respectful manner (taking thehigh road) wouldve been more appropriate considering the battle is ultimately one sided. Im not defending dude, but it didnt have to go there.

Plus, how you gonna tell dude what he doesnt know? His studies mean nothing? Because he doesnt have a degree? I dont know what he has studied, has access to oreven if he is telling the truth, but who is anyone to say what he doesnt know? Unreal.....

Like you said, its not up for debate. Its just that response reminded me of a D Fisher move for some reason. Same injury?
^And it turns out dude was right, According to tmay407 there are obviously two very different injuries. Do NT a favor and be a good mod and lock this post up.

Please don't ban me, your a good mod and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Since when has sarcasm been associated with respect? You baited dude, straight up. As a mod, why would you respond in the same manner even if its in the least bit disrespectful? Yeah, he coulda kept his cool, but still... responding in a respectful manner (taking the high road) wouldve been more appropriate
I didn't bait anyone. You said it yourself: "Yeah, he coulda kept his cool", and you're right. He could have, and should have.

As far as taking the high road, let me see someone disrespect you on here... even a little bit... and you respond sarcastically. I'll be sure to remind youthat the reason I'm not banning them is because they're not at fault, but rather that YOU'RE at fault for not taking the high road.

Some of you guys have unreasonable expectations, and that's one of them. "Y'all should just take the little jabs and take the high road." Nowe shouldn't.

And I don't see how I responded in the same manner as he responded to me; I never, EVER brought his personal life into the discussion, and I was onlysarcastic, not disrespectful. You can't find one thing I said that cut him down as a person; all I offered was sarcasm, but sarcasm is not disrespectful;it's sarcastic.
Plus, how you gonna tell dude what he doesnt know? His studies mean nothing? Because he doesnt have a degree? I dont know what he has studied, has access to or even if he is telling the truth, but who is anyone to say what he doesnt know?
I... didn't tell him what he doesn't know.

Go back and review things. Out of sarcasm, he initially referred to me as a doctor. I said that he was the one acting like a doctor in here. He responded in amanner that suggests that he has a right to act like a doctor, because he studies medicine. I responded that someone studying to be a doctor is still not adoctor.

Does his opinion have more weight than mine? Of course. But that wasn't the issue.

Is he a doctor? Nope. Am I? Nope. And that was the issue (at that time).
All you Warriors fans coming to his rescue now (What? You think I can't see that he's a Warriors fan and that a lot of your sigs show the same thing?
Cuz only 1 Warrior fan responded to this thread (Paul), and his sentiments were exactly the same as a handful of NTers here that AREN'T warrior fans.

Way to have selective attention there

Turns out you're right; I thought there were more Warriors sig running to his defense when there aren't.

I've edited accordingly, so now you'll have to find the second least-important part of my response and nitpick that.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

And I don't see how I responded in the same manner as he responded to me; I never, EVER brought his personal life into the discussion, and I was only sarcastic, not disrespectful. You can't find one thing I said that cut him down as a person; all I offered was sarcasm, but sarcasm is not disrespectful; it's sarcastic.

I might be wrong, but in my opinion bringing in what he's studying in college and poking jokes at him for "not having his degree" kind ofexceeds the sarcasm threshold and reaches into disrespect. That could just be me, though.
And I don't see how I responded in the same manner as he responded to me; I never, EVER brought his personal life into the discussion, and I was only sarcastic, not disrespectful. You can't find one thing I said that cut him down as a person; all I offered was sarcasm, but sarcasm is not disrespectful; it's sarcastic.
I might be wrong, but in my opinion bringing in what he's studying in college and poking jokes at him for "not having his degree" kind of exceeds the sarcasm threshold and reaches into disrespect. That could just be me, though.

Oh no, you're absolutely right, bro. If were to bring his studies into the discussion, that would have been wrong of me.

But I didn't bring them into the discussion; he did. He brought that into the discussion, not me. I don't think it's unfair for anyone in debate touse what the other person brings to the table, and that was something HE brought to that table, not me.

For example, I never mentioned my son. My son is only 6 months old, but if I were much older and I were to say 'Dude, my son practices medicine and has hisdegree in Sports Therapy, and he said,' blah, blah, blah... then, bam... I've just brought my son into the discussion. That wouldn't be fair gameto just start disrespecting my son, but if he were to respectfully question my son in his disagreement with me, I would think that to be perfectly fair. Hewouldn't be bringing my son in the discussion in that case; I brought my son into the discussion, and he simply ran with what brought to the table.

Same thing; he brought his studies into the discussion, not me.

And I still never disrespected his studies; I sarcastically responded that he's not a doctor, but that he was trying to come off like he's deserving ofbeing called Dr. 715. He called me 'Dr. Ska', I responded that it could easily be said that he's acting like 'Dr. 715', he responded thathis studies have earned him that moniker, I responded that that is simply untrue.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

For example, I never mentioned my son. My son is only 6 months old, but if I were much older and I were to say 'Dude, my son practices medicine and has his degree in Sports Therapy, and he said,' blah, blah, blah... then, bam... I've just brought my son into the discussion. That wouldn't be fair game to just go off disrespecting my son, but if he were to anything respectful about my son in his disagreement with me, I would think that to be perfectly fair. He wouldn't be bringing my son in the discussion in that case; I brought my son into the discussion, and he simply ran with what brought to the table.

I'm trying to do some other things while reading this so my brain is a little jumbled right now, so excuse me if I'm comprehending thiswrong...basically the way that I read this stated that if you had brought your son into the conversation and someone said something disrespectful, itwouldn't be fair. Yet if someone said something respectful about your son, it would be perfectly fair? Seems like a bit of a double standard...

Again, my brain is a little jumbled right now, so I'm probably just comprehending that wrong...
^ I re-worded it a second ago, because I read it myself and thought it sounded confusing. Re-read it again and see if it makes more sense.

Before: "That wouldn't be fair game to just go off disrespecting my son, but if he were to anything respectful about my son in his disagreement withme, I would think that to be perfectly fair."

After: "That wouldn't be fair game to just start disrespecting my son, but if he were to respectfully question my son in his disagreement with me, Iwould think that to be perfectly fair."
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ I re-worded it a second ago, because I read it myself and thought it sounded confusing. Re-read it again and see if it makes more sense.

Before: "That wouldn't be fair game to just go off disrespecting my son, but if he were to anything respectful about my son in his disagreement with me, I would think that to be perfectly fair."

After: "That wouldn't be fair game to just start disrespecting my son, but if he were to respectfully question my son in his disagreement with me, I would think that to be perfectly fair."

That's a lot better. That's what I figured you were trying to get at, but the wording didn't quite make it that way.

And I just re-read everything from the thread again, and I think 715's banning is justified since he told you to off yourself. If he hadn't donethat, I probably wouldn't see the point in banning him, but that just took it too far.
When Derek Anderson seperated his shoulder against the Mavs in the playoffs, he also walked off the floor on his own power.
That was a nasty injury from a Juwan Howard flagrant foul, but every person has a different threshold for pain and I'm sure eachperson's injury was of a different degree.

I've edited accordingly, so now you'll have to find the second least-important part of my response and nitpick that.
enh, i didn't mean to nitpick and get in ur e-grill,but i just had to point that out because you seemed to dislike us warrior fans (from the posts of that monstrous lakers-warriors thread). so if that's whatyou felt, that's not what i intended to do.

and for the record, i think your banning of 715 was justified, if that means anything to you. probably not.
Not really.

And I have absolutely ZERO problems with Warriors fans.

I do have a problem with SOME Warriors fans... SOMEtimes, but I also have a problem with SOME Lakers fans sometimes, and some Angels fans sometimes, and someSparks fa... nevermind that, I'm the only one, and some fans of every single team out there sometimes.

And I didn't feel like you got in my e-grill at all.

Assumptions REALLY fly all over the internet.
I really don't get it. Is it really that difficult for people to just take what they're given?
Ifa person says 'Oh my GOSH, Kobe just DESTROYED Kidd!', it just seems that it is REALLY difficult for people to refrain from assuming that the person isA) a Kobe fan, B) a Kidd hater, C) a Laker fan, D) a Mavs hater, E) a Wade hater trying to gas Kobe, F) a Lebron hater trying to gas Kobe... etc., etc., etc.
Anderson's injury was caused from a different angle. Wade's appeared to jam back into the socket and then away. This has much more pain associated withit because of the trauma from the blow as the ball is shoved back into another hard object. Anything caught between the bones will be pinched, ground, orsevered. Having suffered the same injury I can feel for Wade.

I've also dislocated an elbow and the pain from separation and dislocation are very different. Separated joints are often accompanied by damage that needsto be repaired surgically. With dislocation some ligaments and tendons may be stretched and even torn a bit, but can often repair itself if immobilized for aperiod of time.

The Bassmasters have nothing on the baiting going on in this thread.
You said this will get you banned everytime :
I won't get into it with you because its like arguing with a door knob.
I'll leave the WNBA expert be.

That gets you banned now? Thats not even offensive.
And i hate most warrior fans
You said this will get you banned everytime :
I won't get into it with you because its like arguing with a door knob.
I'll leave the WNBA expert be.

That gets you banned now? Thats not even offensive.

You misquoted me. I did not say 'This will get you banned every time' and then proceed to quote ONLY the two things you quoted. I said'This will get you banned every time' and then quoted 4 different quotes.
The Bassmasters have nothing on the baiting going on in this thread.
Baiting is intentional. An attitude along the lines of "Let's see who I can get, muah-ha-ha-haaaaaa!!!!" = baiting

My intentions were never even remotely close to that. My intentions were simply to engage in discussion, never to bait someone into being disrespectful and tosee if I can get someone to bring my personal life into the discussion.

But that won't matter to you, because you don't like me either.
Keep reaching, and whatever you do, make sure you NEVER let go of your presumptions of me, bro.
In case you guys haven't figured it out,

you won't win any argument/discussion/disagreement with a mod/admin, period
^ Sure you will.

acidicality has IN THIS THREAD.

But if you expect to be right just because you say so, I'm not the person to be in a debate with that as an expectation.

You want to prove me wrong (like acidicality did)? Man, I am all for it. I have never had a problem with being wrong on here; not ever. But if I'm supposedto be wrong under the precedent 'You're wrong just because I said so" or "You're wrong because my opinion is right", then... heck noyou're not going to win that one.
Its nice to see some people actually open to being proved wrong. At times, if Im proved wrong, it sucks to step up and take the L.

Props to anybody, not just SKA, who actually have the guts to say "Hey, Im wrong".

I mean, all in all, its only a message board right?
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