Da hell is wrong wit kanye

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Mental health is no joke and it's been clear for a while now that Kanye needs some help.

It can happen to anyone and there's nothing wrong with seeking professional help.

It's truly baffling how his biggest fans just sit there and watch him go on a downward spiral acting like it's all good and "that's just how Ye is"
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If youee continuously camped out in topics regarding an artist that you admittedly aren't fond of I think it's safe to verify you as a hater. Ye's antics aside a lot of dudes are intimidated by a successful black man & it's hella evident. I'm not a fan of drizzy in the least bit but you won't catch me always conversing things involving dude.
So what are we doing in here? Coming to the conclusion that he is legit crazy?

Like, are we judging Kanye now?

Or are we just bored? :lol:
If youee continuously camped out in topics regarding an artist that you admittedly aren't fond of I think it's safe to verify you as a hater.

If you were talking about me, since you used my language without quoting me, then you clearly didn't read what I wrote and you weren't paying attention.

And this is exactly what I'm saying is the problem.

"Hater" is probably one of the worst terms that entered our vocabulary. Because it somehow negates intelligent conversation by dismissing it as "hate".

I'm a "hater" yet I'm posting up unreleased Kanye joints that dudes had never heard of before :lol:

The fact that people couldn't be objective about this man and his actions, or his clothing, or his music without it being "hate" is laughable.

And could very well be part of the reason why he spiraled out of control.
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I'm not dismissing the mental health angle, but did anyone bring this up over the past couple of years? I saw a lot of his eccentricies etc. being brushed off as being part of his "genius" (which is another topic for another day...his "genius.)
I'm not dismissing the mental health angle, but did anyone bring this up over the past couple of years? I saw a lot of his eccentricies etc. being brushed off as being part of his "genius" (which is another topic for another day...his "genius.)

Yes, but people see what they want to depending on how they feel about a person.
If you were talking about me, since you used my language without quoting me, then you clearly didn't read what I wrote and you weren't paying attention.

And this is exactly what I'm saying is the problem.

"Hater" is probably one of the worst terms that entered our vocabulary. Because it somehow negates intelligent conversation by dismissing it as "hate".

I'm a "hater" yet I'm posting up unreleased Kanye joints that dudes had never heard of before :lol:

The fact that people couldn't be objective about this man and his actions, or his clothing, or his music without it being "hate" is laughable.

And could very well be part of the reason why he spiraled out of control.

That word has become something so ridiculous now. I'm not a fan of the guy at all and I think he is overrated yet u know how many times I get called a Hater?

So cause I don't like something u like I'm a Hater. Idk what ppl think these days
Wow didn't know NT had soo many doctors on here .... Idiots all over the internet really giving out diagnoses for Kanye Like ya know this man **** is really pathetic.. like how are you lames qualified to make this call .. Why can't he be lame crybaby clown ? Nope it's he suffering from mental illness
I'm not dismissing the mental health angle, but did anyone bring this up over the past couple of years? I saw a lot of his eccentricies etc. being brushed off as being part of his "genius" (which is another topic for another day...his "genius.)




Malik Yusef....

“[Kanye] doesn’t take his medication because he chooses not to, and I applaud him for that. Whatever they prescribe you for like bipolar or schizophrenia, whatever they diagnosed him as but that doesn’t mean anything,” Yusef continued. “You know, they can diagnose you as all kind of stuff, that doesn’t mean you have to adhere to those principles. And Kanye doesn’t adhere to it.”

In fairness though, Malik kind of backtracked it, in terms of the diagnosis, but dodged the part about him being prescribed medication.....

“For the record, Kanye West has never been medically diagnosed as being bipolar or schizophrenic. I wouldn’t change who Kanye is as a person and because people are always making disparaging comments about his behavior, I was simply stating that regardless of what anyone says (including medical professionals), is that Kanye is fine just the way he is and doesn’t need medication. He also doesn’t need to change a single thing about himself. Staying true to his character is what gives him the priceless ability to create art.”
Troy I haven't seen you as a regular in literally any & every topic involving Ye. Can't say the same for other dudes up in here. There's a huge difference between casually saying "my this dude tripping" which is his case & other cases dude legitimately is, than admittedly not liking dudes actions but constantly engulfed in convo involving him. It's really not that complex. But then again there is no middle ground on NT
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Wow didn't know NT had soo many doctors on here .... Idiots all over the internet really giving out diagnoses for Kanye Like ya know this man **** is really pathetic.. like how are you lames qualified to make this call .. Why can't he be lame crybaby clown ? Nope it's he suffering from mental illness

It's not any worse than the folks discounting that possibility talking about rich/successful folks are immune to it somehow :lol:

Somebody else lashing out like 'Ye has over the years would definitely be suspected of having something else going on up there imo,don't see how thinking it's a possibility is caping either as if it's some sort of come up for him if he really is mentally ill
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I've always suspected Ye was bipolar starting just after late registration. He went off on an interviewer around that time, I can't remember which one. My mom is bipolar & the way Ye flew off the handle reminded me of one of my mom's many episodes. It seems like his biggest struggle is keeping on the proper meds. I suspect he starts feeling confident on his mode being stabilized & then stops taking meds thinking everything is ok. Slowing the manic state comes back & he starts acting out & what not. It's something my mother used to do all the time.

I also think he's got other issues to.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder- describes people who are excessively preoccupied by their own adequacy, power, prestige, and vanity. They feel entitled and self-important, have a strong need for admiration, often lack empathy, and tend to display their beliefs and behaviors in grandiose ways.

Histrionic Personality Disorder - refers to individuals who have a high need for attention and thus make loud, dramatic, and sometimes inappropriate displays or appearances; they tend to be lively, excessive, and dramatic; and crave stimulation and drama and react in exaggerated ways. These traits are sometimes considered defenses against deep feelings of inferiority and fear of being unloved or accepted.

Either of these seem to fit him.
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Troy I haven't seen you as a regular in literally any & every topic involving Ye. Can't say the same for other dudes up in here. There's a huge difference between casually saying "my this dude tripping" which is his case & other cases dude legitimately is, than admittedly not liking dudes actions but constantly engulfed in convo involving him. It's really not that complex. But then again there is no middle ground on NT

Here's what's not complex.

Not liking all of the dudes actions. Or even all of his music. While still being a fan of the MAJORITY of his music.

Again, you're not paying attention. Even in here, as dudes call TLOP "trash", which I didn't think it was, I'm talking about my favorite joints.

Get out your feels and join the intelligent conversation and stop pretending it's as simple as "I like" or "I don't like".

Because life is rarely that simple.

Your last line is laughable because YOU are actually making is seem like there can't be a middle ground. Like people can't say both positive things AND not positive things about dude without it being reduced to elementary nonsense like "hate".

Yeezy was legit...TLOP was completely trash except 30hrs and faded.

Real Friends :smokin

I'm guessing you missed this one.
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Wow didn't know NT had soo many doctors on here .... Idiots all over the internet really giving out diagnoses for Kanye Like ya know this man **** is really pathetic.. like how are you lames qualified to make this call .. Why can't he be lame crybaby clown ? Nope it's he suffering from mental illness
Don't forget the engineers and midlevel-executive IT folks!
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Troy I haven't seen you as a regular in literally any & every topic involving Ye. Can't say the same for other dudes up in here. There's a huge difference between casually saying "my this dude tripping" which is his case & other cases dude legitimately is, than admittedly not liking dudes actions but constantly engulfed in convo involving him. It's really not that complex. But then again there is no middle ground on NT

You're right fam. And that's why I don't post in kanye threads. I just think his antics have gotten way way out of hand now. They were wild before, but that recent rant was just Ludacris
Wow didn't know NT had soo many doctors on here .... Idiots all over the internet really giving out diagnoses for Kanye Like ya know this man **** is really pathetic.. like how are you lames qualified to make this call .. Why can't he be lame crybaby clown ? Nope it's he suffering from mental illness
Attempts at a diagnosis from random unqualified people should be ignored. A good doctor will tell you that attempting to diagnose someone from afar is pointless. Given past statements from people in his close circle such as Rhymefest and his recent behavior there's obviously something Kanye is struggling with. We're in no position to determine what exactly that is but what we can do is support him getting help.

Even if he is just a "lame crybaby clown", he should still seek professional help for that because it's obviously impacting his ability to perform.

You don't necessarily need to be suffering from a serious mental illness to seek professional help such as going to a psychologist. I don't have any mental illness anymore but I still visit my psychologist from time to time for example.
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Kanye needs help alright, a knuckle sandwich could have fixed all of this a long time ago. This is what happens when you let someone go unchecked for too long. He needs a slice of humble pie in the realest way, his ego is through the roof and his worshippers made it this way.
Sway was about to, but ye calmed down.
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