Da Official Apple WWDC Thread: June 7, 2010- 10AM PST/1PM EST

New iphone = $199/$299
3GS now = $99

My 3G = practically worthless if I were to try and sell it
Sucks you can't link the chat with a computer but I'm sure the jailbreakers will find a way

Does the Evo have to link with other Evo's for video chat tho?
does anybody know if at&t has stated that current iphone owners that want to upgrade to the iphone 4 can grandfather their data plans? im talking about buying it under contract price, not out right purchase.

if not, a lot of people are going to be hugely disappointed come release date.
Im pretty sure Video calling on network (at&t, maybe verizon) will charge $__ per min.

What about skype & fring video calling ???
Originally Posted by CWrite78

wifi only this year

there is no way att can handle it.

apple need to bring this to verizon

seeing as verizon is a CDMA network that tops at 1.4mbit, video calling on verizon is gonna be laggy
CDMA 3g =/= GSM 3g

dont believe everything you see on tv
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

$199 JACK-$%$%@@@-POT!

Day before my birthday. I need an upgrade from my first gen iPhone.

I don't care. I think Apple did it right on this keynote at least. Regardless of whatever....this looks a like a good deal for what it is.
Originally Posted by pootaing

Originally Posted by CWrite78

wifi only this year

there is no way att can handle it.

apple need to bring this to verizon

seeing as verizon is a CDMA network that tops at 1.4mbit, video calling on verizon is gonna be laggy
CDMA 3g =/= GSM 3g

dont believe everything you see on tv

oh, i know it's going to be different.

but with verizon bring out it's version of 4G. i don't see why they wouldn't go to them.

and yes, i know at&t is doing the same.. but that's still a LOT of iphones for just one network.
does anybody know if at&t has stated that current iphone owners that want to upgrade to the iphone 4 can grandfather their data plans? im talking about buying it under contract price, not out right purchase.
Yes you can keep your $30 unlimited data plan.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

does anybody know if at&t has stated that current iphone owners that want to upgrade to the iphone 4 can grandfather their data plans? im talking about buying it under contract price, not out right purchase.

if not, a lot of people are going to be hugely disappointed come release date.

yes, they announced that last week
that's good, at least they didn't screw over their current customers.

hope everybody that gets it enjoys it!

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

A bit of innovation would be the ability to hook up iPhone chat users with iChat computer users, but nooooooo

iphone 5!
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

A bit of innovation would be the ability to hook up iPhone chat users with iChat computer users, but nooooooo
best feature of the phone if it means no more cracked screens...glass 30 times stronger than plastic
LOL. I knew they would do wifi video calling only. Good phone, turd of a service provider.
“It’s the hardware and software working together. It’s not just a great new camera, it’s the built-in editing software and iMovie. It’s not just a front-facing camera, it’s a front-facing camera and 18 months worth of work to create software you’ll never even notice when you want to make a video call.
"I put up this slide a little earlier this year. It represents what Apple is all about. We're not just a tech company. Apple is more than that. It's tech and humanity. It's the hardware and the software working together. It's not just a great new camera system, it's the editing too, it's not just a front-facing camera, it's that plus 18 months of work on the software side. It's the complete solution, so all of us don't have to be system integrators."

Y'all dudes hootin and hollerin about your choices you wanna make calling other people fools because they wanna just use their phones and go about their days. The iPhone wasn't built for you and he's making it clearer every iteration down the line.

The whole multi-carrier thing wouldn't work like y'all think it would either. It would make a lot more sense to convert more people on AT&Ts network to iPhones than to exhaust money on another carrier.
Originally Posted by APLX2

LOL. I knew they would do wifi video calling only. Good phone, turd of a service provider.

Not saying at&t is perfect (far from it), but no carrier could effectively handle large amounts of video calling right now.  They need time to get ready for those kind of loads.
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