Da Official Apple WWDC Thread: June 7, 2010- 10AM PST/1PM EST

Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

whats the price if you upgrade from 3gs bought at launch?

if ur contract ends in 2010, u get the upgrade price

16 gb - 199
32 gb - 299
So I'm a current customer with the 3GS. What are my options in terms of upgrading? Will they just add another 2 years or what?
i believe he said if your contract expires this year, you get the upgrade.

maybe if enough people complain or threaten to leave they'll let more in

remember, the ETF is now (as of june 1st) 325 dollars.

know what you're getting into if you're the type of person that can't have a phone for longer than a year.
I'm surprised at the prices they're offering. Props to AT&T and Apple for not screwing over their customers this time around.

27% thinner than the 3G/3Gs? Damn.

The big thing with this phone is the battery life.
Originally Posted by MarTdiZzle23

whats the price if you upgrade from 3gs bought at launch?

the regular price. 199 for 16GB or 299 for 32GB
Kinda blown they didn't increase the storage space to 64GB tho, cuz my 32GB is almost filled to the brim. But at least I don't have to buy more space (like the Evo

And no one answered my question, can the Evo do video chat with non Evo users? Does any phone?
WOuld I be grandfathered in for the unlimited Data plan if I have a blackberry unlimited data plan?
i wonder whats the price for people whose eligible for an upgrade in early 2011
Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

MarTdiZzle23 wrote:

whats the price if you upgrade from 3gs bought at launch?

the regular price. 199 for 16GB or 299 for 32GB
Kinda blown they didn't increase the storage space to 64GB tho, cuz my 32GB is almost filled to the brim. But at least I don't have to buy more space (like the Evo

And no one answered my question, can the Evo do video chat with non Evo users? Does any phone?

yes, you can video chat with non evo users using fring.

and you're really giving crap to the evo because it has swappable storage???

beats buying a whole new device, or letting the CEO tell me when i'm ready for more storage.
Originally Posted by JUS3

I'm surprised at the prices they're offering. Props to AT&T and Apple for not screwing over their customers this time around.

27% thinner than the 3G/3Gs? Damn.

The big thing with this phone is the battery life.
Really?  I could have sworn it was the video calling.
Originally Posted by larrivee7

Originally Posted by APLX2

LOL. I knew they would do wifi video calling only. Good phone, turd of a service provider.

Not saying at&t is perfect (far from it), but no carrier could effectively handle large amounts of video calling right now.  They need time to get ready for those kind of loads.
They've had three years to "get it ready" and it's still @%*$. My boy used to be embarrased when we would be chilling and my tmobile 2G iphone would get calls and data, while his att 3GS would pop up with voicemails from calls he never got. It's kinda sad compared to the EVO that does ok, but not great video calls on just their 3G. How can att upgrade to video chat, when it can't even catch up with just making a damn call?
so he said if your contract ends in 2010 you can upgrade early.....what about if your eligible for upgrade in dec. 2010(12 months) can you still upgrade....
maybe i understood things wrong but im just trying to see if i will be paying 299 or upwards of 599.
Originally Posted by balloonoboy

Originally Posted by JUS3

I'm surprised at the prices they're offering. Props to AT&T and Apple for not screwing over their customers this time around.

27% thinner than the 3G/3Gs? Damn.

The big thing with this phone is the battery life.
Really?  I could have sworn it was the video calling.
Definitely has gotta be the battery life...With all the new features they keep adding the battery life is the number one priority

Video calling is cool but realistically, who would use this on a regular basis? Don't get me wrong, it's a fun/cool little app but its only limited to WiFi and iPhone 4 to iPhone 4.
Originally Posted by icykicks79

IM SO Confused!

everyone is saying different stuff

$199/$299 is the regular price for an upgrade or WITH?

3gs sold for more than 400 online last time it came out like 2 days after.

199 (16GB)/299(32GB) are the on contract prices.

that includes upgrades for those who are eligible (including iphone user whose contract is going to expire this year)

Originally Posted by FEETure

so he said if your contract ends in 2010 you can upgrade early.....what about if your eligible for upgrade in dec. 2010(12 months) can you still upgrade....
maybe i understood things wrong but im just trying to see if i will be paying 299 or upwards of 599.

december is still 2010, so you should have no problem upgrading
Originally Posted by FEETure

so he said if your contract ends in 2010 you can upgrade early.....what about if your eligible for upgrade in dec. 2010(12 months) can you still upgrade....
maybe i understood things wrong but im just trying to see if i will be paying 299 or upwards of 599.

11:41AM "AT&T is going to make an incredibly generous upgrade offer. If your contract expires at any time in 2010, you can upgrade to the iPhone 4. You can get it up to six months early."
Originally Posted by FEETure

so he said if your contract ends in 2010 you can upgrade early.....what about if your eligible for upgrade in dec. 2010(12 months) can you still upgrade....
maybe i understood things wrong but im just trying to see if i will be paying 299 or upwards of 599.

11:41AM "AT&T is going to make an incredibly generous upgrade offer. If your contract expires at any time in 2010, you can upgrade to the iPhone 4. You can get it up to six months early."
Originally Posted by FEETure

so he said if your contract ends in 2010 you can upgrade early.....what about if your eligible for upgrade in dec. 2010(12 months) can you still upgrade....
maybe i understood things wrong but im just trying to see if i will be paying 299 or upwards of 599.

Didnt think of it like that, im also eligible in dec 2010
Was not as impressed

  • Same 3.5' screen when others are doing 3.7, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.3.
  • Same homescreen since 2007, it's showing it's varicose veins.
  • Facetime is WiFi only -_+
The only thing that looked interesting was the quality of 5MP camera and all the software integration into it, other than that, ill be sticking with my 2G iPhone and Evo 4G.
Speaking of 720p, about how many minutes can you get out of a 16gb HDD that may also have video, music, and apps? my digital camera can barely push 640x380 30fps full frame and that is around 120mb/minute. How feasible is uploading a 720p video to Youtube on the AT&T network? or is that wifi only too? Is my digital camera encoding it inefficiently?
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