Da Official Apple WWDC Thread: June 7, 2010- 10AM PST/1PM EST

Originally Posted by PH3N0M3N0N

Steel and Glass. Integrated antennas.

Hate all you want but these dudes know how to engineer and design products.

My cousin's friend of a friend is HR at Apple. They only higher the top designers from what she told me. Before the iPhone was even invented, she said it was a field day finding the right engineers to create it. I think that is why she gets paid almost 6 figures.

And this HD display thing is kind of dumb unless you are doing slides off your phone. With such a small screen, why would you need that much definition?
iPhone 4 couldn't load NYT website.

joint looks nice so far tho
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

This dude has billions of dollars and he can't dress and wears the same attire. smh

you really think thats the message hes trying to send people by wearing the same thing all the time?  that he cant dress?

What? U tryin to tell me he know's how to dress, because he wears the same thing. If he knew how to dress he wouldn't be wearing the same thing.

Anyways, I really like the new design, I like the industrial looks and fine edges.
I never really liked the iphone round curves and the metal lining always looked awkward on the iphone.

I wish the Iphone will come to T-Mobile. I would never go to AT&T.
I don't see why they will have a contract to one carrier, if they sold it to other carries, wouldn't they have a bigger market share? isn't that what they want?
Ha ha

APPLE just shot themselves in the foot. Damn thing won't even load. How awkward is that?

But hey, at least we got Farmville, right guys???
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Ha ha

APPLE just shot themselves in the foot. Damn thing won't even load. How awkward is that?

But hey, at least we got Farmville, right guys???


Meet the iPhone 4, powered by 20 foxconn employee's souls.

Available on At&t (just dont use it on their network) and your nearest Apple Store.

I know yall had to hear those stats as far as how much the battery life has improved
with all the battery stats...ill believe it when i see it but still plan on picking up the iPhone 4
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