Dallas Peeps Back At It

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by K20Lee

Yea towneast still has a FSR of the freshwater 95s, wasn't feelin them enough to drop 150.
My dude could of hooked you up. he charges a 20 tip but he can get you 50% off anything!
This dude works in what mall? I want those fresh waters.
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

and you call yourself a sneakerhead?..they are these.
Seriously...keep your childish smart comments to yourself. I'm pretty sure you don't know every little thing about Marion Barber neither.
My bad for being out of the loop on these.....and obviously for good reason, those are trash.
These are nice! Although unless stored properly they look like trash.
Originally Posted by rwfanatic

Originally Posted by YoungSole93

Originally Posted by K20Lee

Yea towneast still has a FSR of the freshwater 95s, wasn't feelin them enough to drop 150.
My dude could of hooked you up. he charges a 20 tip but he can get you 50% off anything!
This dude works in what mall? I want those fresh waters.
TE... PM if you want more info.
Man I %+%$$!! hate ISS!!! I did a trade with a dude two weeks ago. My red suede 21s for his atmos AM 1s, he sent me 6 different tracking #s and all but onehave been delivered already.
i got the fresh waters for 50 off even though they exluded yall should know the math by now hot OG or OG looking color way air max =
200 and up in the following years.

ill mess with the new DMP pack them Vs is nice.

ISS been known to be corny just like ole boy.

But Them JAPAN monster 95 is a true GEM ive never seen a pair in person not even in NYC at flight club.

And speak on the problems with the 350 Zs ? ive heard nothing but good about them , im also thinking of going the 2002-2004 330Ci route
but i might just grab an impala it all depends.

and great my biggest fan back in the thread ? i thought you finnaly got the message you a herb and dipped. oh well you still a product
of me because i put you on to every thing u have damn near. Also im still waiting on them pictures of every thing you said you have. You
named everything i have owned or still own from the 99 IVs to the OG 12s.
damn, this thread grew in the last 2 days i wasnt here...havent had time to get on the pc...buy yea i heard ny expensive but like riverbear said they get paidmore..and not evey body is the same im pretty sure i like it up there if i get a chance to go to study up there..

oh yea river bear 1/2 cents are iLL...got ma pair for 225!!!!..and yes the freshwaters are iLL as well...
IM waiting till summer to get my 1/2 cents, no rush. And i will scoop up freshwaters on the next 50. Griffeys should drop wherever fresh waters dropped. Arent they GR?
youngsole can your homie hook it up with the griffys???lmk..if not thats cool....i guess it just gives me another reason to go to parks mall and look at thisone sexy chick!hopefully she can hook it up.
The Freshwaters are real nice but its a shame that Nike did away with the big bubbles on the 95's. The colorway is great but without the big bubbles theyjust look kind of strange to me.

Yeah Green Monster 95's are pretty hard to come by, especially in a size 11 and up. Ive only seen maybe 3 pop up in those sizes in the last couple ofyears.

Ay River Bear, this is Farris from Adikt. I really only remember talking to you on one occasion and thats when you came into the store talking about how youhad just come back from NY and the guys at Supreme were total #%$@$#+% to you. You also said you might have some "heat that the owner would like.".If i recall im pretty sure that we sat there and chopped it up with you for like 10-15 mins about sneakers in general, so im not really sure where yourcomments about me came from. If i "talked slick" to you and told you that we didnt have a shirt in your size, then its because we didnt have theshirt in your size. All those shirts you see sitting in those cubby holes are ALL the shirts in the store. The only thing we keep in the back are shoes. Sothere was no need for me to "go check in the back". Im not trying to stir anything up, but i think that needed to be clarified.
Originally Posted by RiverXBear

and great my biggest fan back in the thread ? i thought you finnaly got the message you a herb and dipped. oh well you still a product
of me because i put you on to every thing u have damn near. Also im still waiting on them pictures of every thing you said you have. You
named everything i have owned or still own from the 99 IVs to the OG 12s.
You are by far the biggest herb on NT, You've been banned 3 times in like 4 months
. There's only two people out of about 10 that are cool with you in thisthread. Hop off, i'm willin to bet you can't go three post in this thread w/o mentioning/referring to me. WHAT KIND OF GROWN MAN GOES BY A SELF-MADE UPNAME? "RICO"
Everyone know your name is Spencer--did you makeup rico because kids picked on you about your name at school? O wait they really did, thats why you won't go back and you like 21 w/o a diploma or GED.KING OF DALLAS?!?! You're not even heard of or known in Mckinney, so little N stand down you too weak.You been on my d since day 1, including in thisthread.....I never even mentioned you and you over here like "Yeah my homeboy Zach doin things" you wish you were me and its sad b/c you know theonly thing you got on me is kicks (theres more to life then shoes) and when i told you what i had on stash you flipped and you been begging me for pics since,while i'm on chill laughin at everyone pullin your card and jokin on you...A couple days ago you got made fun of so bad in your own thread you were like"I'm done w/ NT for good"
awwwww did the bullies make you cry?--like a coward you came back the next day asif you never said that.

Truth hurts.
YOUNGSOLE I'M BEGGIN YOU TO TALK SOME SENSE INTO YA BOY. Tell him to keep his mouth closed and keep this thread positive/productive like you always suggestto everyone else.

wow man i truly dont even know what to say. I got my GED pimp , and the reason i didnt finish school is because i had to help my family survive
something that i hope you or any one else here on NT will have to go through my dad almost died and has never been the same for 3 years since
he had his heart attack. Thats why i didn't finish school. I gave my mother 2 thousand bucks to help her move into a new house to get away from
problems in life. I dont claim to sell D or do anything illegal i work 55 hours a week and sell stuff on the side to get my money the legit way. Im known inmckinney ask around little man. Zach you some little upper middle class kid that gets every thing in life handed to you. The sad thing is bro you were a gooood@*% friend for a good 6 months man. i put you on to stuff you wanted for dirt cheap then you stabbed me in the back. The
thing that kills me is you didnt have the guts to step out and do it your self. Bro i know i may transfer on a message board as trying to hard but
maybe i just dont get my thoughts out well on paper. I have seen so much BS from watching my grand mother die in front of me , to seeing my family beingdestroyed by drugs , and drinking. Before you or any one else judge me look at what ive been through man. Zach you should know this the most out of every onei used to tell you bout how stuff wasnt good in my personal life and how much i wished i was in your shoes and
had a shot how you do
I just dont think you have what you say you do.I dont wish to be any one else but me Zach. Im going places dog i just
signed up for medical assiatant school so i can move to NY and help pay for a 4 year school over there so i can learn how to open my own buisness
I know maybe 3 people from the DFW NT heads and i bet that all 3 of them will say i am one loyal and good person and i always try to have the
helping hand in life. That girl was my first love bro she was one of the baddest things i ever messed with in my life and im man enough to say i mad
mistakes and did the wrong thing. Yerrr and Rico is a family nick name that my aunt from cuba gave to me when i was born
Spencer is a player
name i mean who else got spencer ? bro im proud to be white,indian and a small hint of spanish i rep that hard sooo just sit and ya seat and just keep itmoving my man because you are a joke using 1 year old info on me. your mans has came along way.

Farris i was tight that one day because you didnt have my A life shirts and i thought you was BSin

man that has been like over a year ago since i went to adikt around that time i went to NY a week latter. When i go i can usually get a whole bunch
of old sold out retros from the footlocker on dyckman with the 50 off. i remember seeing the neon 95s,penny 1s,infrared 90s , and a bunch of
jordan Vs just sitting there. i can also come across some random heat to. it really all depends.Man i seen 1 size 11 go for like 900 on ebay from
fox hound so i give you props with them man they sooooooooooooo bad
Man ima roll through Adikt soon dude i need some Tees
If i remember u done said u was in the military or something.
^ i said that about 9 months ago but he keeps saying "im killing his high" and im not worthy to see him to his face no more. He said he was gonna goto valley view to the CDP XI/XII release and i said i will be there to snatch the gucci rag off his face and he no showed.

im not speaking on it no more though lets see if the goons is mature enough to leave it at this right here and move on which i doubt they are.

Yerrrr farris whats them 180s from ?
Originally Posted by DallasSneakerHead08

You are by far the biggest herb on NT, You've been banned 3 times in like 4 months
. There's only two people out of about 10 that are cool with you in this thread. Hop off, i'm willin to bet you can't go three post in this thread w/o mentioning/referring to me. WHAT KIND OF GROWN MAN GOES BY A SELF-MADE UP NAME? "RICO"
Everyone know your name is Spencer--did you make up rico because kids picked on you about your name at school? O wait they really did, thats why you won't go back and you like 21 w/o a diploma or GED. KING OF DALLAS?!?! You're not even heard of or known in Mckinney, so little N stand down you too weak.You been on my d since day 1, including in this thread.....I never even mentioned you and you over here like "Yeah my homeboy Zach doin things" you wish you were me and its sad b/c you know the only thing you got on me is kicks
(theres more to life then shoes) and when i told you what i had on stash you flipped and you been begging me for pics since, while i'm on chill laughin at everyone pullin your card and jokin on you...A couple days ago you got made fun of so bad in your own thread you were like "I'm done w/ NT for good"
awwwww did the bullies make you cry?--like a coward you came back the next day as if you never said that.

Truth hurts.
YOUNGSOLE I'M BEGGIN YOU TO TALK SOME SENSE INTO YA BOY. Tell him to keep his mouth closed and keep this thread positive/productive like you always suggest to everyone else.
MAJIK214 im callin you out too, since everyone on here is gettin mad doggie. MAJIK214 = cornball. Lets fight, ill meet youhalf-way. ill meet in Hillsboro @ the Nike Outlet, we can duke it out there......

on a real note, all this back talk is just making this thread weak. Its always fun, funny to cause some stir ups, but now its gone to far, FOR WAYTOO LONG. Lets get back to sneakers!
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