They weaponized jesus against Black people as soon as they came upon the shores of Africa.
Dr. King embraced jesus, died while fighting for freedom, and they weaponized him in order to control Black rage.
I had two idiots on this very site try and weaponize Malcolm X against me, suggesting that when he traveled to Mecca? That he too had a different perspective regarding white people and oppression. Malcolm NEVER once wanted white people to join the Black cause. Not once did he ever suggest that you could even trust white empathy, in the fight for Black rights in a world where white supremacy exists.
They will weaponize Black anything, simply to keep Black anger in check.
This is why they gentrify, this is why they appropriate, and this is why they need for Black people to love jesus.
They even say it here, I had nothing to do with what older white people have done.
Yes, you do. And that is because you do not fight against being white.