Dating a woman with children

I'm not one of them though so keep trying. Fact is that single mothers are bottom of the barrel for men options. I don't give a damn how you feel.

If you're referring to me...I agree with some of your thoughts. But I wouldn't go as far as saying bottom Of barrel lol sounds harsh. Id say they aren't "ideal"

And I agree with jumpmankb I honestly don't know one babymother/father combo that don't hate each other now. It boggles my mind how they can have so much disdain for a person they actively chose to have a child with by not practicing safe sex.
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 Fact is that single mothers are bottom of the barrel for men options.
Bottom of the Barrel? lol There is far worse out there 

There are some of your perfect single chicks with no kids out there who would be more than happy to sneak up on u in the middle of the night, snap off your little man with a pair of pliers and toss it in a soup.

Now THAT'S some bottom of the barrel stuff bro.

If you prefer not to date a mother, tha'ts fine do you.

No need to dive into reckless blabber
So many opinions and stereotypes being thrown around as fact in here. Gotta love NT, where dudes in their early 20's are able to dissect, understand and define the inner workings and intricacies of this thing called life and human nature. And not just for themselves--for everyone! :lol :lol
Zzzzzzzzz feelings have been hurt. As I said earlier we know which posters fall in what category. My job is done here.
At the end of day fellas, no man will seek out a chick with kids. If your game is right and you have to ability to turn down women. Chances are you will never put yourself in that position. It's hard enough finding a women that not bat **** crazy.
Some of y'all talk a big game but have never been in a real relationship or with a women period so I don't take anything said in here "that" seriously.


I'm not one of them though so keep trying. Fact is that single mothers are bottom of the barrel for men options. I don't give a damn how you feel. Make better decisions with who you choose to lay down with. You shouldn't have kids with anyone you don't see being your lifelong partners. Have the audacity to get mad when a dude who wasnt **** knocked you up and left you. Please

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I'm not one of them though so keep trying. Fact is that single mothers are bottom of the barrel for men options.
I must say, I'm glad to see in this thread we have so many guys that are actually men and truly value themselves and know who and what kind of woman they deserve in life.  I like to see dudes not settling, especially if they know they can and should do better.
But I wouldn't go as far as saying bottom Of barrel lol sounds harsh
That's the reality of the matter. 
It boggles my mind how they can have so much disdain for a person they actively chose to have a child with by not practicing safe sex.
It's pretty easy. Just imagine being forced to see and interact with your least favorite ex on a periodic basis for the next forever.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way, birth control is not some impervious shield. Condoms are only 93% effective at preventing pregnancy even used properly and most other forms of birth control are less than 100% as well.

A few minutes of rubbing bellybuttons is not an implicit contract to share responsibility for the long term health and welfare of another human being.

The only real form of birth control besides your hands is getting fixed. Not such a bad idea, honestly.
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At the end of day fellas, no man will seek out a chick with kids. If your game is right and you have to ability to turn down women. Chances are you will never put yourself in that position. It's hard enough finding a women that not bat **** crazy.
true dudes need to realize what the value of being a man earns in this society. You get to choose what u want and because of that you get chosen. Theres dudes that have slimed in halle and havent wifed her up because they know they have options ( and that she's partially crazy). 
So many opinions and stereotypes being thrown around as fact in here. Gotta love NT, where dudes in their early 20's are able to dissect, understand and define the inner workings and intricacies of this thing called life and human nature. And not just for themselves--for everyone!
i could give you facts...

single mother fact one.... 3 outta 5 single mothers who had a child before the age of 18...1. dont have formal education/graduate highschool

2 outta 5 have another kid by another father before the age of 25

82% had kids out of wedlock...and has never been married.

74% had their first sexual encounter before the age of 15...

69% were raised in a single parent home themselves...(basically a product of young mother not wed, multiple baby daddies aka generational curse.

SO Somewhere around close to 30% (not even 30%) who dont have multiple kids by multiple men before the age of 25, are women who were married and/or long term relationship...wasnt out having sex on a regular basis at like 13/14... finished highschool, have some sort of post secondary education...and a steady job.

Thats a very small number..considering other factors...such as do you find her attractive, do you like her personaility, does she have mental pyschological problems/unresolved issues...etc that any person may have...regardless of having a kid etc...

So why would a well off well to do man, fish thru a line of women, which at best 3 outta 10 might be suitable for dating...although realistically maybe 1 possibly 2. When he has another line of women where his odds are easily 2/3 times greater in finding a suitable companion?

End of the day the odds of a single mother who aint got multiple baby daddies, was in a long term relationship and/or married...has a degree, head on str8...wasnt being promiscous in middle school, wasnt a product of a young single mom who went thru the same thing is slim to none. So why go thru all that unwarranted hassle...just to say i get the priviledge of taking care of someone elses kid, and cleaning up some womans mess of a life?
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hell i get it ppl play the slots, play the lottery etc....and the odds are not in your favor also...but the outcome if you do alot better then the odds if you find a decent women with some other dudes children.
As a single guy around the age of 27 and up with no kids, are basically the cream of the crop (that goes double if your black).
This is true but as a black guy in the same situation and I don't drink/smoke...on some primitive level they think something is wrong with you.

That goes for women with kids and,white etc. Just yesterday I was talking to a female and she was like "guys like you usually have something else going on" :lol
I would hit it but won't date even if they got their life together the child will be a problem itself when he or she gets older and then count the ex boyfriend and the events where your family come through and think that its your baby

Let's just avoid all of this.
So many opinions and stereotypes being thrown around as fact in here. Gotta love NT, where dudes in their early 20's are able to dissect, understand and define the inner workings and intricacies of this thing called life and human nature. And not just for themselves--for everyone! :lol :lol
i could give you facts...

single mother fact one.... 3 outta 5 single mothers who had a child before the age of 18...1. dont have formal education/graduate highschool
2 outta 5 have another kid by another father before the age of 25
82% had kids out of wedlock...and has never been married.
74% had their first sexual encounter before the age ofe raised in a single parent home themselves...(basically a product of young mother not wed, multiple baby daddies aka generational curse.l c[/B]l curse.

SO Somewhere around close to 30% (not even 30%) who dont have multiple kids by multiple men before the age of 25, are women who were married and/or long term relationship...wasnt out having sex on a regular basis at like 13/14... finished highschool, have some sort of post secondary education...and a steady job.

Thats a very small number..considering other factors...such as do you find her attractive, do you like her personaility, does she have mental pyschological problems/unresolved issues...etc that any person may have...regardless of having a kid etc...

So why would a well off well to do man, fish thru a line of women, which at best 3 outta 10 might be suitable for dating...although realistically maybe 1 possibly 2. When he has another line of women where his odds are easily 2/3 times greater in finding a suitable companion?

End of the day the odds of a single mother who aint got multiple baby daddies, was in a long term relationship and/or married...has a degree, head on str8...wasnt being promiscous in middle school, wasnt a product of a young single mom who went thru the same thing is slim to none. So why go thru all that unwarranted hassle...just to say i get the priviledge of taking care of someone elses kid, and cleaning up some womans mess of a life?

This to me is the biggest problem. I can go on for days on this alone.
So many opinions and stereotypes being thrown around as fact in here. Gotta love NT, where dudes in their early 20's are able to dissect, understand and define the inner workings and intricacies of this thing called life and human nature. And not just for themselves--for everyone! :lol :lol
i could give you facts...

single mother fact one.... 3 outta 5 single mothers who had a child before the age of 18...1. dont have formal education/graduate highschool
2 outta 5 have another kid by another father before the age of 25
82% had kids out of wedlock...and has never been married.
74% had their first sexual encounter before the age of 15...
69% were raised in a single parent home themselves...(basically a product of young mother not wed, multiple baby daddies aka generational curse.

SO Somewhere around close to 30% (not even 30%) who dont have multiple kids by multiple men before the age of 25, are women who were married and/or long term relationship...wasnt out having sex on a regular basis at like 13/14... finished highschool, have some sort of post secondary education...and a steady job.

Thats a very small number..considering other factors...such as do you find her attractive, do you like her personaility, does she have mental pyschological problems/unresolved issues...etc that any person may have...regardless of having a kid etc...

So why would a well off well to do man, fish thru a line of women, which at best 3 outta 10 might be suitable for dating...although realistically maybe 1 possibly 2. When he has another line of women where his odds are easily 2/3 times greater in finding a suitable companion?

End of the day the odds of a single mother who aint got multiple baby daddies, was in a long term relationship and/or married...has a degree, head on str8...wasnt being promiscous in middle school, wasnt a product of a young single mom who went thru the same thing is slim to none. So why go thru all that unwarranted hassle...just to say i get the priviledge of taking care of someone elses kid, and cleaning up some womans mess of a life?

Well then I guess I should play the lottery, because my former single mother wife fits none of those categories.

1. College graduate
2. Kids by same dad. Had our kid after marriage at the age of 36
3. Had all kids after being married
4. Was 16
5. Parents are still married

I beat the odds. As do many others. So the facts don't always correlate with the reality on the other side of the coin. And yes, there is a flipside to all those Jerry Springer, baby daddy drama type broads. I know because I've lived it. I won't deny that wifing up an immature, single mom isn't a good idea. But let's stop acting like all single moms are the scourge of the earth.
As a single guy around the age of 27 and up with no kids, are basically the cream of the crop (that goes double if your black).
This is true but as a black guy in the same situation and I don't drink/smoke...on some primitive level they think something is wrong with you.

That goes for women with kids and,white etc. Just yesterday I was talking to a female and she was like "guys like you usually have something else going on"
Don't worry about those chicks for now.  I promise you in about 5-7 years when some of their female  friends are getting married or more importantly once their biological clock start ticking they realize that a good man is really hard to find.  At this point is when these women are practically begging to date you and offer you the goods with ease in hopes of trying to land a man. 

They also realize that these younger chicks have now taken the spot that they once had, so they are kicked even more so to the curb by us dudes...........and rightfully so. 
i was lol making the comparison....ppl take risk chances...although the odds are more then likely not in their favor playing the lottery, playing slots etc...

Dating a single mother in a sense is the same thing....  The difference is the lottery/slots cost you little to nothing...and the outcome/results of winning has a more rewarding result. As oppose to dating a single mother...which could cost you alot, things money cant buy or compensate lost time, piece of mind etc...and the reward being you find a suitable single mother...isnt all that great...cause realistcially you can get the same results/reward without all the drama, and issues thats most likely going to be associated with said single mother. And without the hassle of baby daddies, kids that arent on and so forth.
This is true but as a black guy in the same situation and I don't drink/smoke...on some primitive level they think something is wrong with you.

That goes for women with kids and,white etc. Just yesterday I was talking to a female and she was like "guys like you usually have something else going on" :lol

:eek Yooooooooooo... this is the story of my life!
Well then I guess I should play the lottery, because my former single mother wife fits none of those categories.

1. College graduate
2. Kids by same dad. Had our kid after marriage at the age of 36
3. Had all kids after being married
4. Was 16
5. Parents are still married

I beat the odds. As do many others. So the facts don't always correlate with the reality on the other side of the coin. And yes, there is a flipside to all those Jerry Springer, baby daddy drama type broads. I know because I've lived it. I won't deny that wifing up an immature, single mom isn't a good idea. But let's stop acting like all single moms are the scourge of the earth.
one you said former....and second just because you beat the odds doesnt mean the odds arent there. Hell ive hit the lottery...scatch offs kinda big a few times before in my life...and i rarely play buy a ticket... still doesnt change the fact the odds are 1 to 100,000...

And to play the game...being dating based on one successful venture in which the odds are heavily against you is foolish.

It would be like me saying hell i know the getting a big scratch off is 1 in 100,000 but since ive only played 5 times and hit 2/3 times...f it...imma quit my job etc... and str8 play the lottery based on my success of hitting, and negate the fact that the odds are heavily against me repeating.

I never said dating single women is a bad thing, nor am i against it, but the numbers/facts indicate the odds of you winning...aka getting someone good is heavily not in your favor. And also i never said all..matter fact i gave factual statistics... and the facts are the facts... its overwhelmingly favors what alot of guys in here are saying.

So congrads you lucked up...beat the odds, but to suggest they dont exist, or say nah it isnt true cause i beat the odds is misleading.
Coming from a 28 yr old man with a good job, no kids, both parents in my life, and never dated a single mother in my life. There's a lot of naive lil boys posting in this thread. Talking pure foolishness.
Coming from a 28 yr old man with a good job, no kids, both parents in my life, and never dated a single mother in my life. There's a lot of naive lil boys posting in this thread. Talking pure foolishness.
fellow nfc south brethren what dont you agree with ? i can see alot of dudes are talking about hood rat baby mommas and are generalizing but its not like they are lying .
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