Yeah I find this take strange
This has been going on for years. The Closer didn't start this, Dave's first jokes were about people being grossed out about transgender people. His one about using the urinal, and Trump's military ban. He got blowback for those much of the smoke he got from the Closer was worse, I would guess it is partly because of the compounding effect of him being a repeat offender. People have memories
Dave seems to have problems with any harsh criticism, not just the ones he feels operates within a certain narrow framework
imo Dave's problem is criticism within this frame work
and not harsh criticism in general.
Dave's been a public figure for a long time, and has been comedian
of various levels of controversy for years, he's never reacted quite like this to criticism.
so if his problem is with harsh criticism, the implication is this is his first time receiving it.
I find it really hard to believe that this is the first time in his like 30 years of doming comedy
he's received "harsh" criticism
Dave himself has been guilty of escalating the situation too. This is his comments about Da Baby and how robbing someone of their ability to make money is a kin to killing them. Besides Da Baby still out there making money, this is the type of logic that is hypocritical because he dipped from his show seemingly without consideration for the livelihoods of people who worked on it.
And then implies that his critic's bullying of his friend contributed to her death (which he has no evidence of, just guessing and putting it out there).
Dave critics' are not the only ones raising the temperature in the room from what I can see.
I can agree that Dave has not handled this in a bulletproof way,
and im sure his provocative style is contributing to the temperature being raised.
but I definitely don't agree that his critics aren't making a massive and larger contribution to raising the temperature.
telling jokes in the face or criticism is probably not advisable.
and perhaps dave could have done a better job of taking those criticisms to heart.
Which I have to point out he actually does in the closer,
he mentions that he previously was using slurs and telling silly jokes because he didn't understand transgender issues.
but saying that comedy is leading to the literal murder of trans people is I think orders of magnitude more provocative. and unproductive.
im not claiming dave is handled this 100% perfectly. but I think this overheated rhetoric is at the very least just as provocative.
Sure I can understand he is upset, and his anger makes him not let it go. Ok, fine. But that doesn't negate the fact that his actions, him intentionally trying to fire back at a small group of critics, is creating a feedback loop that in turn makes him more and more upset too.
Like Dave is an adult who has control over his actions. He is not some helpless victim. He fails to take the advice he gives his critic all the time. I mean he has been telling people they have the right to be upset at his jokes, but they should get over them because he is not censoring himself. Can't the same logic be true for Dave?
Like I said again a dozen times before, he is an emotional old dude caught up in his feelings. At some point, I think it is fair to say mans needs to take his own advice.
sure i grant most of this, If I was advising dave as an objective counsel,
id tell him to cut it out that it's not worth it.
he should probably just let it go, he's the most famous comedian in the world.
life would be easier if he just side stepped this whole thing.
but imo he is totally right to be angry.
and I respect him for standing up for art,
even if in the long run it's probably not in his own self interest.