When Donald Trump et al. were making Sinophobic and generally anti-Asian "jokes" like "kung flu" last year, it's not hyperbole to associate that rhetoric with hate crimes.
Hate crimes, generally, have been on the rise since 2015. According to UCR data, most of these hate crimes are motivated by anti-Black racism. You've not seen anyone connect those dots as well?
Im talking about stand up comedy, the context is important.
Im not talking about the leader of the free world blaming Asian people for incurable respiratory disease.
Lets say I accept that these hate crime, data do you think there has been a substantive change in who stand up comedians can make fun of
that has led to causal rise in hate crimes?
it seems to me 2015 we've had a significant narrowing of what is acceptable material for stand up comedy.
Given the massive influence of comedy in motivating hate crimes, shouldn't we have seen a reduction in hate crimes?
again forgive me I do not remember people saying Louis CK's n-word bit led to a rise in anti-black hate crimes.
You don't have to make the claim that John Gruden's recently revealed racist comments will be the single driving force behind a genocidal murder wave against Black Americans to find them unacceptable, nor to exercise your speech rights to criticize his conduct or your consumer rights to boycott those who cannot be bothered to replace a racist when so many other candidates exist who are no less deserving of the opportunity. If he's fired, every bigot with a data connection will start howling about the "woke mob", "snowflakes," and how the only acceptable prejudice remaining in America is anti-White bias. (I see it constantly in our inboxes from people who despise our forum policies.)
The prevalence of dehumanizing comments - including "jokes" - can, and too often does, undermine the personal safety of those subject to them, and can have a corrosive effect on self-esteem (e.g. Kenneth Clark's famous doll study.)
There is an undercurrent of resentment here that centers Whiteness within the trans experience, as though Black trans people do not face unique mistreatment and are somehow part of this "super minority" as you've so flippantly suggested.
The notion that you can kill a Black man but you can't hurt a trans person's feelings necessarily elides the experiences of Black trans men, because these group affiliations are not mutually exclusive.
That's a necessary point, and it's hardly a strawman when we see evidence of that very resentment right here in this thread.
That's my point, no one would seriously make the claim that John Grudens comment was leading to any genocidal murder wave against black Americans.
But plenty of people do make that claim when it comes to trans issues, hence giving them a special status that no other minority groups seems to get.
Dave a special that supported many of the political struggles of trans people, but it's still being cited as adding "jet fuel" to the epidemic of Trans murder.
I have never said it's impermissible to criticizing Dave's speech, make what ever criticisms you want,
id even agree that some of Dave's jokes in the past could be considered "transphobic"
my problem is expansion of speech as violence as a concept to shut down artistic expression that doesn't conform to a certain orthodoxy.
Criticize the special vigorously if you want to, but this expansion of the concept of harm
is really pernicious force when it comes to artistic expression. and think often times it's used cynically as a elite status signaling.
The Doll Study was used as an argument against Jim Freaking Crow, The idea that Dave's special
is in any comparable to the dehumanization visited upon black people in Jim Crow era segregation. I think that's an insane claim.
This is anti-vax level "research." You're not even willing to stand by the claims made in these pieces, so I'm not interested in engaging in some argument by proxy with a pair of links you scrabbled together from a hasty Google query and haven't even read.
Even if you've cause to doubt the much-cited 35-year life expectancy for trans people, think about the point you're trying to make here. Is it really your belief that violence against Black trans women is overstated or insignificant?
Exactly what level of external validation is necessary for you to care?
This is exactly my point.
You are comparing the vaccine, a medical product that has gone through rigours double blind clinical trials.
studied by every major government health institutions
to this Trans murder wave narrative, killing every trans person before the age of 35?
you think those two things are in any way comparable in terms of the robustness of the evidence?
of course not, but you are willing to uncritically accept it,
because it fits a specific political orthodoxy surrounding trans people that no other minority groups gets afforded.
the stranger article tracks where that 35 year life expectancy number comes from it looks to be highly questionable.
Ok, so let’s parse this out. First: “Latin American organizations report that the life expectancy of trans women in the region is between 30 and 35 years of age.” There are no data attached, but evidently outlets and people who repeat this claim are extrapolating the life expectancy for trans women in the United States based on organizations that have made that claim about an entirely different region, one with some of the highest murder rates in the world. Sounds airtight.
if I said Louis CK N word bit leads directly to the low life expectancy of black men.
and then I cited some stat that doesn't control for age, demographics, regional murder rate, no one would take me seriously.
but all these very hazy statistic around trans hate crime murders must be accepted totally and uncritically or you are a bigot.
or it's anti vax research.
but I think most of this stuff side steps people central issues here; Dave Chappelle's special The Closer features Dave;
-Affirms the gender identity of trans women
-Comes out against anti trans legislation
- admonishes crowd members cheering anti trans legislation
- ends the special with a story about a personal friendship with a trans person.
- says that trans women should use the bathroom of their chosen gender.
This is the special that is adding jet fuel to the trans murder don't see how this is unconvincing?
I think im pretty sympathetic to the struggle for trans people, over the years i've argued with NTer's about Trans peoples inclusion in sports
and the difference between sex and gender, ect ect
but this idea that you must subscribe to everything trans activists say or it's considered violence
to be a significant over reach that harms the struggle for trans rights in the long run.