Day Z- The First Hardcore Zombie Apocalypse Game

The Makers Of DayZ Want To Put It On Consoles
Jason Schreier

DayZ on your Xbox? Could happen soon.

Dean Hall, project lead on the popular zombie-survival title whose success transformed it from an Arma 2 mod into a full-fledged game, told Joystiq at Gamescom that he wants to bring it to consoles. And he's meeting with console-makers at the show.

"You're not going to put it on the consoles if you're only going to sell 100,000 units or something like that," Hall told Joystiq. "DayZ will be driven by its PC development and it will innovative on that. And, once we're at a point, we'll take it and do a Mac version, 360 and PS3."

DayZ already has over a million players.

DayZ lead wants game on consoles, 'having meetings' about it at Gamescom [Joystiq]

:pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
anyone upgraded their launchers?
the new one lets you add friends
and filter things much better
it also allows you to play in the new map:
:lol: at those videos

okay im sold on trying this out.

what should be my first step?

I see ARMA2 on Steam. Would that be my best bet? I'm assuming day z would be playable through Steam?
I'm on. Total noob since I never even played Arma. Anyone playing this? If so, what servers are you guys usually on?
so far from all the vids that i have seen about warz... dayz>> the zombies just seem to stand there and do nothing, the weapons all sound silenced, the inventory doesn't look/feel right to me
i'm hoping to get in the beta so i can try it out myself so i can make a final decision
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so far from all the vids that i have seen about warz... dayz>> the zombies just seem to stand there and do nothing, the weapons all sound silenced, the inventory doesn't look/feel right to me
i'm hoping to get in the beta so i can try it out myself so i can make a final decision

Are you still playing DayZ? My steam ID is jhendrix92 if anyone's interested in teaming up. I don't even have a map =_=
I was going to post about War Z... I'm playing the alpha and loving it... Except for ******* bandits.. I have 3 beta invites that starts on the 31st for the first 3 people who pm me!
Also war z is going to 60 square miles and multiple maps with 250 people per server.. It's currently running Only 1 map at only 30% of the size with only 30-40 people per map.
Are you still playing DayZ? My steam ID is jhendrix92 if anyone's interested in teaming up. I don't even have a map =_=

i don't play in chern anymore i play in the new map lingor
takistan is awful if you don't have a map off the bat... :smh:

also don't have steam... actually i do but i don't use it to play it
i use the launcher i posted up there... but there is a friends list... i'mma see if i can add you.
I recently played a game online called "The last stand 3" while bored at work. It sounds a lot like that.
I was going to post about War Z... I'm playing the alpha and loving it... Except for ******* bandits.. I have 3 beta invites that starts on the 31st for the first 3 people who pm me!

so i'm trying to download this so i can play throughout the weekend
how do i dl this
and when i do, do i have to use my beta key
and if so do i have they start the 48 hour count down from there?

thanks in advance
Anyone still playing? I'm self-sufficient (items needed to live in wilderness are box of matches, hatchet, hunting knife, and waterbottle) right now and heading north towards the military base on servers with low population. Wouldn't mind linking up with a few NTers.
i play still
but i try out other maps
the maps i like are Lingor, Panthera and Chernebus (sp)
so if you ever see "spidermachine" do the "q" "e" dance
i play still
but i try out other maps
the maps i like are Lingor, Panthera and Chernebus (sp)
so if you ever see "spidermachine" do the "q" "e" dance

Hey man, was in the middle of looting the huge airfield up north when I glitched through the walls of the firestation and broke my leg. I don't have an morphine so I'm stranded... Have some good stuff so I don't really want to kill myself either. Any idea if you can help me out? If you can make it up there it'll be worth your while regardless. I'll send you a PM too.
lol, i was on at the time just got off... what server, and name, and remember "q" "e" dance

I actually don't go on any particular server, I just see which ones are the least crowded at the time and go for those. I'll inbox you my skype name and we can just pick a server from there. I play on less crowded places to minimize the chances of getting screwed over by other survivors.
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