"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

Think I'm done. Between these disturbing pics/info about Singer's lifestyle and sunshine plaguing x-men movie threads when he aint gonna see them along with his poor reading comprehension it's hard to get through each pg :lol: :smh: :stoneface:
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Fox lawyers gonna be workin overtime to shut this thread down with those pictures man. :smh:

Fox lawyers gonna be workin overtime to shut this thread down with those pictures man. :smh:


lol let them. Besides I thought it was established that they can't do anything if we hotlink and don't upload into the NT server?

I asked this in the other thread but no one answered. Does anyone know the comic book explanation for why Magneto can control non magnetic metals like lead bullets for instance?
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Magneto’s control over non-ferrous materials, from metals like gold to ceramincs to organic matter, is also accomplished through magnetism. Protons, neutrons and electrons all have magnetic fields that interact to hold the atom together, the positive charges of the protons governing the number of negatively charged electrons orbiting the nucleus and therefore dictating the type of atom it is. The exchange of the negatively charged electrons between the positively charged nuclei of atoms is what creates molecules. These magnetic fields seem minuscule, but their combined strength is so strong that they overcome the forces of gravity. Hence the reason you do not simply fall through the ground into the center of the earth. The electromagnetic bonds between the atoms of you feet are repelled by the electromagnetic bonds of the atoms of the ground. These small magnetic fields cause a non-ferrous substance to be either paramagnetic or diamagnetic.

A ferrous metal is termed (obviously) a “ferromagnetic” substance. The magnetic fields of the atoms a bar of iron or nickel align with either neighboring atoms within the iron or nickel. But when placed near or within a strong magnetic field, the magnetic fields of the atoms align themselves with the outside magnetic field and retain that alignment. Hence a piece of iron can be turned into a magnet and will remain stuck to your refrigerator for years. In a "paramagnetic" substance such as aluminum or oxygen molecules, the magnetic fields of atoms temporarily align themselves with a stronger magnetic field. However once that field is removed the atoms of a piece of aluminum immediately go back to their natural state (assuming the aluminum is at room temperature). A "diamagnetic" substance, such as water (which makes up 75% of our bodies), has magnetic fields within its atoms that align opposite to any external magnetic field. Hence if Magneto wants to levitate or control the body of a human being, or as scientists in the real world have done, a frog, he would apply strong magnetic fields in opposition to the way he wanted the person or Kermit to move.
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Has Fox released a statement?

If I was Marvel I would go to Fox and say they are sullying our most important franchise, pray that next X- Men bombs because of allegations, show that them hiring Singer means they can't be trusted with the license, it is having a detrimental effect on the imagine of Marvel studios as a whole...I'd start an undercover slander campaign to get the public against Marvel, say it's Fox's fault, get out the contract, get my rights back and put out a bomb as movie in a few years...this could be a blessing in disguise...well not for the little boys but for me as a viewing public.
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Who would've thought that Singer playing with boy booty would ruin the film and not the nimrod-looking sentinels in the future :smh:

Hopefully the xmen movie franchise is over and Marvel just carries over Hugh Jackman for crossover films
They should just scrap the whole franchise and let Marvel retain control. Hopefully some scandals come out about the new F4 flick and the Spider-Man films too
As long as X-Mem films make money, they won't be going back to Marvel any time soon.


This guy wildin
I thought this whole Singer being with little boys thing was widely known.

It's very convenient the whole rape accusation emerged right before the DoFP release. Coincidental?
Marvel tryna get them rights back
This would be the best move. Marvel has proven that it knows exactly what it's doing with all of its films.

I bet Fox is desperately trying to rein in this legal trouble. At the end of the day, if all of these allegations are true, Singer will still have a career in Hollywood.
Who would've thought that Singer playing with boy booty would ruin the film and not the nimrod-looking sentinels in the future :smh:

Hopefully the xmen movie franchise is over and Marvel just carries over Hugh Jackman for crossover films

They will have to get rid of Jackman. I don't want Marvel's X-Men to have anything to do with Fox's. But I don't blame Jackman. Despite being too tall for the franchise he is one of the only things they did right and it isnt his fault those movies suck. We would also need to get rid of Fassbender even though I feel he was a great Magneto. Besides Quick and Scarlet are adults and Marvel needs to cast someone who looks like they could be a 20sum year old's dad.

I mean whether or not those claims have substance, his career gotta be on life support right?
Yes considering he has already been accused of something similar. Also a lot of people don't recover from that. Grace has a very insightful opinion about this and gives an example of someone who was found guilty and had to flee the country as well as someone else who was found innocent but his career never recovered, though he will be able to find work, since hollywood will be able to find money. The TV show he was making is still going forward but they are not marketing it with his name anymore for instance

I thought this whole Singer being with little boys thing was widely known.

It's very convenient the whole rape accusation emerged right before the DoFP release. Coincidental?

lol. News to me but I have only been keeping up with the behind the scenes people for a few. With the exception of Tarantino and foreign filmmakers I really only started with Nolan. Hell until recently I used to not even memorize the names of actors.
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I think you guys are exaggerating the impact of the lawsuit on ticket sales. People are gonna line up to watch this movie and make money. They will just cast another director and keep it rolling this movies always make money kids don't care about the things we do :lol:

Marvel ain't never getting x men or Spider-Man back
I think you guys are exaggerating the impact of the lawsuit on ticket sales. People are gonna line up to watch this movie and make money. They will just cast another director and keep it rolling this movies always make money kids don't care about the things we do :lol:

Marvel ain't never getting x men or Spider-Man back
you're right. People won't boycott it fully but the scandal is definitely not going to help seeing that fox is spending a ******** of money on the movie plus marketing in addition to the fact that from what we've seen the movie looks >D
you're right. People won't boycott it fully but the scandal is definitely not going to help seeing that fox is spending a ******** of money on the movie plus marketing in addition to the fact that from what we've seen the movie looks >D

The last wolverine movie made 350 worldwide they ain't sweating this **** brah. These movies are gonna do well. The director messing with dem boys is not gonna stop anyone from seeing this movie. People still line for Woody Allen and Roman Polanski still getting academy awards, you give the American public too much credit.

When said done whatever they make it the US will pale in comparison to worldwide totals.
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