"Days of Future Past" - New X-Men Movie Release Date (First Class Sequel)

The lost ticket sales will amount to be less than 5-10 million worldwide. Next time or maybe in an alternate universe marvel got better lawyers. Selling your rights for a potentially infinite amount of time is just unheard of :smh:
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The last wolverine movie made 350 worldwide they ain't sweating this **** brah. These movies are gonna do well. The director messing with dem boys is not gonna stop anyone from seeing this movie. People still line for Woody Allen and Roman Polanski still getting academy awards, you give the American public too much credit.

When said done whatever they make it the US will pale in comparison to worldwide totals.

If DoFP made only 350m worldwide, it would be a ******* disaster for Fox :lol:

Fox is betting huge on this movie and it would probably need 700-800m worldwide to turn a decent profit based on their budget. No X-Men movie has ever made over 500m btw. And with a fatiguing franchise like X-men(we're like 7 films in now?) any controversial news is the last thing they need. Singer is def out as director of Apocalypse and I bet they're kinda regretting making that quick nothing announcement for it all those months back now.
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lol at Fox expecting 700 mill off this movie :lol:

The next movie will simply have to cost less. I was surprised by the news of the budget myself. What were they thinking?

EDIT: They likely just want to make enough Merch revenue to make this film worthwhile
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Does anyone else think that Singer just LOOKS like a kiddy fiddler? Something has been off about that dude ever since I first saw an interview with him
The general public and comic book readers love ensemble films and that is what this got going for it. I mean look at all the "add Wolverine, Spidey, all the heroes in the Avengers" suggestions. Or the JLA requests.

And hate Singer or not but he is a big selling point to DoFP since many liked his XMen films (outside of NT).

Keep in mind that X3 is the highest grossing X-Film including the Wolverine films and that was a huge "ensemble" film by having the most heroes and most villains in it's release, though it was executed very, very poorly. Bad word of mouth did not affect it much. It's budget was $210m, only about $10m-$15m short of DoFP. That film made $460m worldwide and foreign box office was $225m and that is when international gross wasn't as big as it is today. In comparison, X3s international sales accounted for 49% of the worldwide gross while for 1st Class, it accounted for about 57%. International box office plays a big role in films these days., Pacific Rim would have been a huge flop had it not made up it's money on international shores.

A lot of people here hated the Wolverine and it is the second highest grossing XMen film, it made $414m and international box office accounted for 68% ($282m) of that so don't be surprised if that is where Fox makes their profits from.

Now if X3s budget was $210m (not adjusted for inflation iirc) and they were happy with it making $460m, even if DoFP makes $500m, Fox will be very happy at an extra $10-$20m budget. I honestly do not think $600m-$700m is far fetch when it is all said and done.

Now I am not sure if this scandal will have a huge negative effect in the box office, as mentioned before it might miss ~$10m in sales domestically but internationally, I am not sure the effect will be felt much.

Seems like most here in NT already planned to boycott the film even before Fox tried to bully the thread and Singers scandal so I am not sure many would have changed their position in watching the film here anyways.
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I gotta wonder if Fox was truly happy with X3s box office. If I remember correctly, the studios only take in around 50-60% of the domestic gross and an even smaller cut from the international gross, but I guess you also have to factor in profits from merchandise and DVD/bluray sales. But bottom line is, DoFPneeds to make a **** ton of money, the last reported budget was like 230m before reshoots so if you account for that and throw in promotional budget, the budget is probably around 350m if not more :lol: I hope they do make a good profit cause I wanna see the four horsemen and apocalypse done right.

lol at Fox expecting 700 mill off this movie :lol:

The next movie will simply have to cost less. I was surprised by the news of the budget myself. What were they thinking?

EDIT: They likely just want to make enough Merch revenue to make this film worthwhile

Fox probably ain't scared of nothin, they got Avatar 2, 3, and 4 coming out in the next couple of years. They're about to be swimming in billions again :lol:
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I gotta wonder if Fox was truly happy with X3s box office. If I remember correctly, the studios only take in around 50-60% of the domestic gross and an even smaller cut from the international gross, but I guess you also have to factor in profits from merchandise and DVD/bluray sales. But bottom line is, DoFp needs to make a **** ton of money and I hope they do cause I wanna see the four horsemen and apocalypse done right.

That is not going to be done right under Fox. Even En Sabah Nur won't be done right. Hell I have serious doubts about any silver screen apocalypse story done without Archangel. The sequel is set 2 years later? Is is Warren even born yet? Then again if it is based on AoA the four horsemen would be Onslaught, Mikhail Rasputin, Abyss, and Sinister. But they are not fitting every AoA detail in a 2 hour movie
That is not going to be done right under Fox. Even En Sabah Nur won't be done right. Hell I have serious doubts about any silver screen apocalypse story done without Archangel. The sequel is set 2 years later? Is is Warren even born yet? Then again if it is based on AoA the four horsemen would be Onslaught, Mikhail Rasputin, Abyss, and Sinister. But they are not fitting every AoA detail in a 2 hour movie

I think they were happy with $460m, it came out in 2006 and movies reaching billions, especially comic book based films, were unheard of back then. Plus it was still their highest earner up to that point so Fox execs must be very optimistic and it still holds up til this day. It opened at $102m, also Fox's biggest in the genre.

Only the Spiderman franchise was making bigger bucks back then and even SM2 was at about $750m and that was the top earners for the genre, not even close to a bil which most kind of are trying to reach for these days it seems ever since TDK (2008), Avengers, TDKR and IM3. SM3 did made $890m in 2007 though and again that is despite bad word of mouth and being the worst reviewed of the franchise. Again, this is was the franchises biggest ensemble film with SM, Sandman, Venom and GG though admittedly the biggest sale was definitely Venom being in the film.
That is not going to be done right under Fox. Even En Sabah Nur won't be done right. Hell I have serious doubts about any silver screen apocalypse story done without Archangel. The sequel is set 2 years later? Is is Warren even born yet? Then again if it is based on AoA the four horsemen would be Onslaught, Mikhail Rasputin, Abyss, and Sinister. But they are not fitting every AoA detail in a 2 hour movie

Why is Archangel essential for an Apocalypse film? Are they attached at the hips? Does all Apocalypse storyline include him?

And why do you have the notion that they'll simply put exactly what in the comic book is on the film and that is why it won't fit? I mean this film is DoFP and you can already see they aren't sticking to the source material page for page, it is just loosely based on it just like almost all comic book films outside of 300 and Watchmen.

I can understand the doubt in Fox producing the film but all the rest of the complaints are pure fan speculation that might never even happen so your energy is wasted on such a negative post.
Why is Archangel essential for an Apocalypse film? Are they attached at the hips? Does all Apocalypse storyline include him?

And why do you have the notion that they'll simply put exactly what in the comic book is on the film and that is why it won't fit? I mean this film is DoFP and you can already see they aren't sticking to the source material page for page, it is just loosely based on it just like almost all comic book films outside of 300 and Watchmen.

I can understand the doubt in Fox producing the film but all the rest of the complaints are pure fan speculation that might never even happen so your energy is wasted on such a negative post.

:lol: It's just an opinion of what I want to see. No not all Apocalypse stories include him. I don't think even half include him. Doesn't change the fact that they aint gonna do the Apocalypse story right like they haven't done any story arc right. I even said AoA don't even include him so including him would be a change. I actually prefer that the movies make changes. But none of those horsemen will be done right nor will any other horsemen they choose to use.

That negative post took SOOOO much of my energy. My fingers will be tired for weeks....
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How does I have "serious doubts" about a non archangel apocalypse film even translate to anything in your response? So it's speculation. I'm allowed to speculate. Archangel is simply the best horseman. But watch you try to flip my opinion as some sort of fact.

EDIT: But none of this matters since I wont be watching that movie either. Still would be cool if they replaced one of the horsemen with archangel
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God I don't wan to get into this again with you trying to be a victim all the damn time, like I'm saying do not speculate or telling you stop doing things but dude you always post things like they are facts. You never stated it is just what you want to see, you just blatantly ripped on Fox for storylines as if they were already doing it. You are already saying that they can't do these and that right, things they aren't even attempting or planning yet even though not everyone hated the other XMen films, hell majority actually liked/likes it. You just didn't like what they did and that is fine but you were better off simply saying "I hate Fox". Actually you've said this many, many times yet continue to post them anyways for some reason.

But apparently you have plenty of energy to waste on being negative and just plain hating stuff so have at it.

Hell I have serious doubts about any silver screen apocalypse story done without Archangel.

This "speculation" makes no sense because as you said, Archangel isn't even involved in half of his stories. This statement of yours make it sound like Archangel is essential when you just admitted afterwards that he isn't. So what is your "doubts" about an Apocalypse story w/o Archangel? Why is an Apocalypse movie w/o Archangel not going to work when he isn't always in his comic book storylines?
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They can hardly get the X-Men's most interesting characters right. That's why. If they use anything less you know damn well they will get it wrong.
I had a feeling @sunshineblotters would have something to say about Apocalypse or anything X-Men related.
Its a given :lol:

I will be very vocal about Fox ruining my favorite Marvel series. No surprise, no secret.

As you should be. An "ok" xmen film? Ehhh.... Maybe......

A horrible wolverine movie? BURN IN HELL!

A second EVER WORSE wolverine movie?!?? ....... $"&$@"$&"&$@"&&"&&?"$@"?'hlvljvl"$geidhsjxjdis.......
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They can hardly get the X-Men's most interesting characters right. That's why. If they use anything less you know damn well they will get it wrong.

That is not my question, my question is why specifically involving Archangel and Apocalypse? Again you said they can't do Apocalypse w/o Archangel but then continue to say that Archangel isn't essential in his stories anyways, so why is he so relevant in the film? That was the question.

You really could have said "Fox will mess up anything" and be done with it instead of going into detail with a statement that contradicts itself.

And if you are well aware that Fox will ruin everything, isn't it much easier on your life to just ignore it instead of posting the same crap over and over again? Do you really need to let everyone know every single day that you hate Fox?
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It did answer your question. Because Archangel was the best horseman. Most of the horsemen are boring (at least for a film adaptation). Fox would ruin a movie with archangel in it. I don't see what chance they have with a horseman like Abyss.

Are you under the presumtion that expressing my distaste for this film takes up all my energy needed to function for the rest of the day? No I don't need to. I don't need to be on NT either. i don't NEED to collect shoes. I don't need to listen to music. I don't need to watch TV. I only need shelter, food, water, and money.

As you should be. An "ok" xmen film? Ehhh.... Maybe......

A horrible wolverine movie? BURN IN HELL!

A second EVER WORSE wolverine movie?!?? ....... $"&$@"$&"&$@"&&"&&?"$@"?'hlvljvl"$geidhsjxjdis.......
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It did answer your question. Because Archangel was the best horseman. Most of the horsemen are boring (at least for a film adaptation). Fox would ruin a movie with archangel in it. I don't see what chance they have with a horseman like Abyss.

That really still makes no sense, you said Apocalypse can't be made w/o Archangel, him being the best horsemen shouldn't matter because it is about Apocalypse and Archangel isn't the one who make Apocalypse interesting. Apocalypse doesn't need the 4 horsemen, they could easily pick any of the other stories w/o the horsemen. If you find Archangel interesting, then say you want an Archangel film or he be included in the next.

Are you under the presumtion that expressing my distaste for this film takes up all my energy needed to function for the rest of the day? No I don't need to. I don't need to be on NT either. i don't NEED to collect shoes. I don't need to listen to music. I don't need to watch TV. I only need shelter, food, water, and money.

Yet you go ahead and waste your time saying the same thing over and over and over again? I am not saying it drains your energy to a point that you can't function, I am saying you say the same thing over and over again, about a fact that everyone here knows already. That is time better spent on posting something more relevant or doing something that is well, more relevant. Again, whats the point of saying you hate Fox everyday? Whats the point of promising to bash future Xmen films by Fox knowing you won't see it anyways? This is just like you talking about comics while admitting you're not a fan, or talking crap about specific characters when you admittedly hardly read any of their books. Its in the same vein.

Hell I know I spend a sh*tload of time here but I do not try to beat peoples head in to the same ideas and opinions every chance I get, I don't state my opinions as facts and if I were going to speculate or guess, I make it clear as to not confuse anyone. Since you have so much time and energy, a few seconds to write out something much clearer or just thinking about what you're writing couldn't hurt.
lol I didnt say I wasnt a comic fan either. Someone in that thread said called into question my comic fandom and I said just like I dont like to be grouped with sneakerheads I dont like to be grouped with comic fans either. Every time someone brings that up I clarify and you still misquote me. Now I am getting more into the image stuff but X-Men and Cosmic universe is my ****. More X-Men than cosmic universe tho, by far but in recent comics the cosmic universe stuff has been way better.
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