DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Zack Snyder is the worst thing to happen to the DCEU

He just doesn't get it

Blame dceu for not being able to quit him.

I do blame them. Like I blame fox for holding on to Singer. And kicking out Tim Miller.

Crazy how incompetent both companies are. One holds on to someone who seems hell bent on sabotaging their cinematic universe and the other kicks out someone who could've been the key to building their entire cinematic universe.
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A vast majority of message boards, blogs, critics are basically adding insult to injury at this point. DC films is pretty much the laughing stock and if WW doesn't do well critically and/or financially,,, it's safe to say it's a wrap. That's assuming people didn't call it a wrap after SS.......
A vast majority of message boards, blogs, critics are basically adding insult to injury at this point. DC films is pretty much the laughing stock and if WW doesn't do well critically and/or financially,,, it's safe to say it's a wrap. That's assuming people didn't call it a wrap after SS.......

The only thing stopping anythkng is a box office bomb and you are high if you think WW or JL is doing that.

WW is gonna do numbers and i got confidence it will be a good movie that audience's will get behind. Same with Aquaman. JL who knows cause its singer.

But not a single studio gives a **** if blogs and youtube critics trash their movies they care about thst box office

Zik himself went from having no faith in Fox Xmen then he sees logan and now he's looking forwaed tk whats next.

This movies folks, one good film and ALL you will be watching and paying and the fronting when it comes to that is what kills me.
Not quite ridiculous when you consider the over/under, like look at all of Fox's Wolverine missteps to the one. Not ridiculous for someone to lose faith when the odds heavily favor negative. Honestly the opposite would be ridiculous, I believe it's also the definition of insanity. . Expecting a positive result despite the pervasive negative history. A positive surprise is very much welcome though.
I think a good movie can course correct.. if legit changes are involved, like with WS for cap, MCU and Russo bros

And fox screwed up when they had Vaughn and had a chance to reboot a bit with first class
When people say they have no faith such and such studio will ever make a good movie, its a ridiculous statement.

It's like anything else.. if you continue to receive a subpar (or any consistent level/standard) product from anything in life, why would you all of a sudden expect differently all of a sudden

Resident evil movies, you should know what you're getting.. ditto underworld.. even fast and the furious

For marvel, look at the Thor movies.. they aren't standing still accepting mediocre.. they're making changes trying to find an answer

I had hope for SS because I was a big fan of David Ayer's work and I figured they would make it more character driven, as a movie like that should be (was thinking we would get something like a mix of 'end of watch' and 'fury').. figured the studio would leave it alone and let it seem smaller like deadpool (and just make it similar to the animated movie)

Deadpool I give very little credit to fox for, it took whoever leaking the test footage and seeing the fans reaction before they moved forward with it
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People having faith that DC will turn around this clown show of a cinematic universe are exhibiting those battered housewife mentalities.

"Sure, he beats me but I know he loves me deep down. I just have to give him another chance."

itsaboutthattime has it right when he says "if you continue to receive a subpar product from anything in life, why would you all of a sudden expect differently all of a sudden"

I'm not saying WB will stop making these movies altogether. There's no arguing that -- barring a box office bomb, of course. But if DC/WB is fine being the realm of "Transformers" (i.e. raking in the dough but getting reviled by everyone else),,,, people shouldn't be mad when we call a spade a spade.
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I disagree with expectations, I don't think you should look at it that way. Yes go in with low expectations based on the last films but coming in with little to no faith/no hope is just not a way to go in.

Got to be open to the possibilities, come in with an open mind.

Fast and the Furious is a bad example, it started as all about racing, up to Tokyo Drift. Then you got F4 and it change it up and then F5 really took it to another level and was actually done well, a normal heist film and it just went onto ridiculous and extreme proportions from then on.

You weren't expecting it to where it is now based on the first three films.

I think people need to stop acting like they aren't trying to improve their product.
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A vast majority of message boards, blogs, critics are basically adding insult to injury at this point. DC films is pretty much the laughing stock and if WW doesn't do well critically and/or financially,,, it's safe to say it's a wrap. That's assuming people didn't call it a wrap after SS.......

ss may have been a joke of a movie but it still made a lot of money. It wasn't the movie that would sink the ship.
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I think WB knows they got lucky SS made as much money as it did, and that was due to the star studded cast and the characters they were portraying...

Had that movie been any better, it could have made tons more...
RFX, I'm just saying at this point you're either in or you're out when it comes to 'fate of the furious'

But there have been changes, so I agree that isn't the best example for that simple fact.. even in the recent movies they have had changes in the director's chair

Transformers is a better example, pretty hard to expect anything that different then what we have gotten to date because those controlling it haven't changed
Thats all im saying.

Were talking about superhero movies, some you guys standards are misplaced.

This dude really said people are like battered women for likkng DC movies.

This the ridiculous stuff im talking about. You guys take your opinions about this specific genre of movies to extremes that are bizarre.
I think WB knows they got lucky SS made as much money as it did, and that was due to the star studded cast and the characters they were portraying...

Had that movie been any better, it could have made tons more...
Really, the thing that showed me how disappointing DC got and some might argue is the true low point, is that fact that BvS did not reach 1 billion in box office. Hell, they couldn't even crack 900 mil. With freaking BATMAN and SUPERMAN in the movie. smdh
Also, I'm a fan of the f&f movies..

but Harry Potter series just wasn't for me, after the 3rd one I gave up.. i figured I knew what type of movies were coming at that point and I wasn't really a fan
RFX, I'm just saying at this point you're either in or you're out when it comes to 'fate of the furious'

But there have been changes, so I agree that isn't the best example for that simple fact.. even in the recent movies they have had changes in the director's chair

Transformers is a better example, pretty hard to expect anything that different then what we have gotten to date because those controlling it haven't changed

but there has been changes in DC/WB just like in the F&F series, WB got a new CEO and Snyder is only in charge of JL these days from what I understand
Also, I'm a fan of the f&f movies..

but Harry Potter series just wasn't for me, after the 3rd one I gave up.. i figured I knew what type of movies were coming at that point and I wasn't really a fan

Right but thats just a preference. I dont rock with harry potter so you don't have a lack of fsith you just don't care one way or another for those movies.
but Harry Potter series just wasn't for me, after the 3rd one I gave up.. i figured I knew what type of movies were coming at that point and I wasn't really a fan

and again you would be wrong, the films got darker as it moved on and the actors/characters matured

it's just set in the same world but it progressively changed, of course towards the end it had to be more consistent because it's based on the book but they definitely evolved and got so much better as the series progressed

seemed like you just didn't like the theme, it's not the quality you had an issue with which seems different from these dicussions because then you'd just avoid all CBMs altogether
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^ ive watched bits and pieces of the other movies at this point.. I'm just not a fan of the series.. my girl is a huge fan and watches those movies all the time and read all the books, I just was never moved by it

I don't mean to indicate all those series I name above to be subpar.. just you should know what's coming

but there has been changes in DC/WB just like in the F&F series, WB got a new CEO and Snyder is only in charge of JL these days from what I understand

This is a discussion we've had before.. but Snyder is just a bad fit for JL/supes and certain other characters, in my opinion

Obviously I'm not giving up on D.C. because they went from Schumacher to Nolan

What he excels at visually doesn't fit with what it should/could be, in my opinion
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it seems like it's the HP theme you're not into, not the quality

the main discussion here is the quality of the films expectations
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it seems like it's the HP theme you're not into, not the quality

the main discussion here is the quality of the films expectations

I completely agree.. that was the point I was trying to make, poorly I guess

Was just trying to differentiate aspects to long running series

Harry Potter just wasn't for me, quality could have been great.. just wasn't my cup of tea

Some folks are just out on Star Wars movies on the whole.. but obviously we understand criticism when it comes to the prequels

the transformers movies I think are legit bad, like twilight.. but there are folks who enjoy(ed) those
People having faith that DC will turn around this clown show of a cinematic universe are exhibiting those battered housewife mentalities.

"Sure, he beats me but I know he loves me deep down. I just have to give him another chance."

itsaboutthattime has it right when he says "if you continue to receive a subpar product from anything in life, why would you all of a sudden expect differently all of a sudden"

I'm not saying WB will stop making these movies altogether. There's no arguing that -- barring a box office bomb, of course. But if DC/WB is fine being the realm of "Transformers" (i.e. raking in the dough but getting reviled by everyone else),,,, people shouldn't be mad when we call a spade a spade.
This is why I can't take some of yall seriously. Yall be taking it too far.
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So what do you guys think is the best way to handle a MOS sequel. Do you surround him with another hero, or make it solely with him?
make is solely about him to make it a legitimated sequel to MoS

partnering him up with someone like BvS will just get a huge backlash again

when it was announced people already slaughtered DC for not having faith in Supes and capitalizing on bats popularity

he has enough story/villains to write good story, just avoid Lex wanting more real state as a plot
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