DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

After looking at more, WW has the best costume to me. Flash's cod piece thows it off :lol:
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Ok. That looks way better. Too bad the movie will have them fighting in darkness most of the time.
Aquaman's armor is too dark. Needs some more orange and green.
The pic taken for some reason he's in the dark. Like the bulb is working fine over by Batffleck but is broke by Aquaman.

Odd the light is working for the dude in all black.

I expect it to be even darker in the movie.
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This chick who has works with the costume team for JL has seemingly confirmed a second costume for Flash:

And probably posted before but from a JL set visit: http://screenrant.com/justice-league-set-visit-details/?view=all

"There were multiple shots of the Cyborg armor in the War Room and even more – showcasing possible different variations – in the costume department. Since this outfit is done in post, they’re still tweaking the final concept. It will however intentionally look alien in design, emphasizing that he’s comprised of Apokoliptian technology and not human “nuts and bolts.” Some shots feature his right arm transformed into an energy cannon – something he discovers, and another features battle mode with full helmet and two extra arms.

In art featuring some of the team in action, where Batmobile is being tipped on its side with Wonder Woman leaping into the air, Cyborg is scene hovering beside his team mates, in full battle mode with his head covered and with extra armors – reminiscent of what Ultron looks like in certain Marvel Comics designs."

And from collider :

"Cyborg’s suit can enlarge when provoked or when he goes into battle mode.
We’ll see Cyborg in civilian clothes during parts of the film. I think he wears sweatpants."

"Also, there will be a 'civilian mode' where the suit transforms into a hooded track suit or sweatsuit."
cyborg looking like the black robocop

this is sons first movie huh? wonder why they went that route...
 In art featuring some of the team in action, where Batmobile is being tipped on its side with Wonder Woman leaping into the air, Cyborg is scene hovering beside his team mates, in full battle mode with his head covered and with extra armors – reminiscent of what Ultron looks like in certain Marvel Comics designs."
Show me this concept art 
Fisher is a stage actor with no prior film experience.

Curious how he got this role. His audition was spot-on? He "knows" people? He's getting paid in JL merch?

He was also in the running for Boyega's role in the new SW films, so maybe he's legit?
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Stop hating on dude. Stage actors are talented people. If ya'll can tolerate wooden *** Cavill and Gadot, he will be fine.

I know wikipedia isnt the best source but it says he will make an appearance in the Flash. Didn't know that if true.
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Probably couldn't afford a young black actor worth a damn and/or possible nepotism?

you mean marvel signed all the good young talentand left dc with this jabroni :lol:
:lol: I was thinking that but there are still some black actors worth pursuing. Keep in mind they picked this guy a while back before Marvel took all the talented black actors for Black Panther. It was such an odd choice at the time given who they could've got.

I can't think of any right now but that's just cuz I don't like the Cyborg character from design to personality.
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Cyborg has enough problems as a character without sticking him with Tyrese :lol:
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