DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

Stop hating on dude. Stage actors are talented people. If ya'll can tolerate wooden *** Cavill and Gadot, he will be fine.

I love the DCEU and can't wait for JL, but the team should of started with a Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter before Cyborg. I'd be more receptive of him if it wasn't at the loss of someone better. Maybe he'll shine in JL and make me a fan, but until then... Nah.
I love the DCEU and can't wait for JL, but the team should of started with a Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter before Cyborg. I'd be more receptive of him if it wasn't at the loss of someone better. Maybe he'll shine in JL and make me a fan, but until then... Nah.

The most detailed nah I've read
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Damn, why yall hating on Ray Fisher? Let that man live. I'm sure he will make an excellent Victor Stone/Cyborg.
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I saw that last night. That was a fun interview. It seems with those comments last week that Ben just wanted people to chill out asking about when The Batman will start shooting. I never believed for a second that the movie was in trouble. But Damn, people took that bait and ran with it. I saw damn near 30 videos pop up on Ben's comments. People just need to calm down. 
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Seems some rumors are swirling around that Jeff Bridges is in talks to join the DCEU as Darkseid...

grain of salt of course
Watch Sin City this past weekend, Mickey Rourke would make a great Lobo.

If we ever see Lobo on screen. I think they need someone under 45 to play him. I hope we do. Make a grizzled 90s action flick mixed with a modern CBM. Get a younger version of someone like Mickey Rourke, Ian McShane, Danny Trejo, Ray Stevenson, or Jeffrey Dean Morgan to play The Main Man.
Ares Confirmed in WW

In addition to debuting some cool new BTS images from the Wonder Woman movie last night, French publication Studio Cine Live also seems to have confirmed that Ares will be one of the villains. The mag followed up some quotes by actor Chris Pine by stating that the God of War would attempt to use some kind of gas devised from the formulas Steve Trevor stole to end all human life.

Here's a translation courtesy of Les Toiles Héroïques:

“Behind these scientific formulas, there is a deadly gas that could well annihilate humanity. Now, it turns out that this is precisely the goal of Ares, the god of war. He is jealous of humanity, which is a creation of his father, the deceased Zeus (he was killed by Ares when he rebelled against him, with the help of the Amazons)…”
well he is going to be in heavy make-up/cgi anyways

actually, maybe his disfigured face will come in handy, they'd just have to shave his head and paint him grey

Watch Sin City this past weekend, Mickey Rourke would make a great Lobo.

If we ever see Lobo on screen. I think they need someone under 45 to play him. I hope we do. Make a grizzled 90s action flick mixed with a modern CBM. Get a younger version of someone like Mickey Rourke, Ian McShane, Danny Trejo, Ray Stevenson, or Jeffrey Dean Morgan to play The Main Man.
Fun fact: Danny Trejo IS Lobos.
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