DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - Chapter ONE: Gods & Monsters

I loved the WW trailers. But I also really enjoyed SS trailers and figured there is absolutely no way they can mess up such a simple story :smh:
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There's a rumor that the Matt Reeves deal fell through because Reeve's agency was trying to fleece DC/WB for more money because of their current situation and negative perception of the films. They leaked the information about the initial talks to negotiate in the press and take advantage of WB. Capitalizing on the "panic" and journalists.
There's a rumor that the Matt Reeves deal fell through because Reeve's agency was trying to fleece DC/WB for more money because of their current situation and negative perception of the films. They leaked the information about the initial talks to negotiate in the press and take advantage of WB. Capitalizing on the "panic" and journalists.

Genius move. Now Marvel can scoop him up.
There's a rumor that the Matt Reeves deal fell through because Reeve's agency was trying to fleece DC/WB for more money because of their current situation and negative perception of the films. They leaked the information about the initial talks to negotiate in the press and take advantage of WB. Capitalizing on the "panic" and journalists.
Yeah that's what I heard. I said it a few pages back. I don't think it's gonna work because they really don't need him as much as his agents think they do. I mean the apes movies are ok but he's not gonna get that top tier director money no matter how desperate WB is
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There's a rumor that the Matt Reeves deal fell through because Reeve's agency was trying to fleece DC/WB for more money because of their current situation and negative perception of the films. They leaked the information about the initial talks to negotiate in the press and take advantage of WB. Capitalizing on the "panic" and journalists.

sounds like something Ari Gold would do, especially since it's WB and that whole plot line the show had with that studio and the head of it
Also I think Zach snyder is also under that same agency. I wonder if he also tries to do the same thing when his deal is up. Although that would be best for D.C., him not returning
There's a rumor that the Matt Reeves deal fell through because Reeve's agency was trying to fleece DC/WB for more money because of their current situation and negative perception of the films. They leaked the information about the initial talks to negotiate in the press and take advantage of WB. Capitalizing on the "panic" and journalists.

Yeah that's what I heard. I said it a few pages back. I don't think it's gonna work because they really don't need him as much as his agents think they do. I mean the apes movies are ok but he's not gonna get that top tier director money no matter how desperate WB is

I think he can get top tier money. It sounds like the agency just wanted to straight up bend them over and go in dry. :lol:

It's a shame though. It sounded like a great potential combo with Reeves and Affleck.
There's a rumor that the Matt Reeves deal fell through because Reeve's agency was trying to fleece DC/WB for more money because of their current situation and negative perception of the films. They leaked the information about the initial talks to negotiate in the press and take advantage of WB. Capitalizing on the "panic" and journalists.

El Mayimbe mentioned this on periscope the other day.

He said that Reeves is from the same agency as Snyder and David Ayer, so Reeves' agent held off talks until his client can get an offer sheet similar or close too the other guys.
:rofl: @ bend them over and go in dry.

When it comes to the more notable on the rise directors I can see them all do the same thing.

They probably gonna have to keep going after the Josh Trank types (one good movie then give them a huge project).
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I love the ape movies but it's not like anyone was even aware he was the one behind the Lens of those movies, the Special Affects and Andy serkis performance is what people talk about. Same with his other movies, No one even knew he directed Cloverfield most thought Abrams did
they'll just give the Bats film to Snydergawd
Hac Snyder is signing the dotted line right now as we speak.
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I love the ape movies but it's not like anyone was even aware he was the one behind the Lens of those movies, the Special Affects and Andy serkis performance is what people talk about. Same with his other movies, No one even knew he directed Cloverfield most thought Abrams did
Nah b. When the movie is a success the director gets the credit. His name might not be buzzing like that but dude built up an impressive resume and been somebody to watch in Hollywood. That's how these dudes get the bigger gigs.

Can't try to pick a part his work like that :lol: Talking about ppl thought Abrams directed. Son is the master of slapping his name on stuff. More part of the process an idea guy.
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Nobody picking apart his work simmer down, I was the first one in here talking about how much I love the ape movies. The general public don't know who he is as a director and for him to demand a salary like Ayers and Snyder ain't the move, he's not in their category the whole world knows who those two are.

Look up any article about the apes movies and it's all about Andy Serkis and his motion cap being talked about

And everyone and they momma thought Abrams directed Cloverfield go ask any random person right now they'll tell you he did
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Not only did Abrams direct Cloverfield, he invented the first person shaky cam style of filmmaking.

Amazing Abrams
Nobody picking apart his work
You just tried to pass off why his movies are good/known for to cgi, Serkis, and JJ.

What the public thinks doesn't matter. I'm talking about Hollywood and the directors getting the credit for successful movies. When the Deadpool director left for the sequel, Fox got one of the 2 directors of John Wick. You don't know those guys names either.

Its all about your resume. Studio execs aren't saying oh the only reason John Wick was good is cuz it's Keanu so all this ppl thought JJ directed a Reeves movie and cgi/Serkis is what's talked about for the ape movies is irrelevant.

Makes sense and is not surprising Reeves would tried to get paid dealing with WB especially the way they operate.

Also, :rofl: @ ppl know Ayer's name. What ppl? We talking casual movie goers or film buffs? There's only so many directors who are known like that. Ayer is not one of them. Snyder is getting there for the wrong reasons. For that certain level of directors being known by fans isn't what's gonna get them their next offer or contract. Its a strong track record of successful movies whether that's box office or critical acclaim.
And everyone and they momma thought Abrams directed Cloverfield go ask any random person right now they'll tell you he did
:lol: Meanwhile JJ has actually only directed 5 movies; 2 of them rehashes, one really good one, and the others eh.

Not only did Abrams direct Cloverfield, he invented the first person shaky cam style of filmmaking.

Amazing Abrams

Reeves directed Cloverfield. Trachtenberg directed 10 Cloverfield Lane.

That ppl think JJ directed it just shows how he's elevated himself as a name and being a part of quality work when his name is attached. I remember earlier in until the finale ppl trying to give JJ credit for Lost. Even he distanced himself from it once it was no longer wildly positive praise.

Yeah I can't name another movie by dude
Well just like most of these other directors WB/DC (and really all studios making cbm) the directors don't all have lengthy resumes. Some have a good 5 movies in the can at best.

Then again in not sure if you're referring to Reeves or Abrams. Reeves is understandable but with Abrams you got ppl attributing movies to him just for being a producer that he didn't come close to directing.
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