DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

almost finished watching this....

without any spoilers, Xena Warrior princess meets Captain America, da 1st avenger, no doubt about it.
I feel like we need 3 really good Flash movies just to get to a Flashpoint movie.

Reverse Flash, time travel, speed force, etc. Its common understanding for anybody growing up with those kind of stories but the general audience would be lost and/or truly not grasp what they're getting.

Plus needing to have had established certain characters sufficiently well enough, that when they go against type or certain stuff happens it's not overly confusing

Plus needing the actors to be able to pull off the aquaman and WW parts especially

Affleck woulda made a good poppa bats.. guess gotta go with the comedian if things remain with the current group
Just got back from seeing it. Enjoyed it. Like someone mention, the ending kind of threw it off a little. Seems totally different from the rest of the movies.
Just got back from seeing it. Enjoyed it. Like someone mention, the ending kind of threw it off a little. Seems totally different from the rest of the movies.
It's like Synder fought Patty when it came to the third act and was like "give me the damn camera Pat, there's not enough CGI in this" 
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Just saw the movie......... That movie was hot fiya!!! Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Patty Jenkins, Geoff John's, Zack Snyder, and Deborah Snyder all did superb putting this movie togheter. The heart and soul of this movie to me was the relationship between Diana and Steve. And they pulled off that aspect very well. The action was dope and so were the special effects. I really liked the slow mo scenes as well for emphasizing the artistry and intricacies of the action.

Gal Gadot is perfection. She bodied this role. I hope all those haters who ragged on her when Zack casted her ( cough.... John campea.... Cough) are eating crow now. I knew she would showcase what she can do and she did it in spades. Chris Pine was an excellent companion to WW. I'm glad they portrayed him as being equal to WW and not diminish him as being a man.

Great step for the DCEU. I gotta see this about 3-4 more times. I'd rate it 7.5/8. WW is now neck and neck with MOS as my favorite DCEU movie.
Took a while for WW to use her full strength in the boss fight.

How does her strength compare to the kryptonians in MOS? They got better abilities but she got some pretty good genetics from her father.
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Yea it seems like Kryptonians are stronger than the gods

wonder where the Atlantean rank
She's so fine. Perfect casting. She's bae. Innocence. Fierce. Sensual. She had me feeling some type of way when she's on the boat talking about are you going to sleep with me.
saw it last night
maybe spoilers
not really
Movie was just ok for me. That run time really killed me. what's funny is that this is easily 2nd best for me in the DCEU for me. This film had "Normal" bad movie problems to me, but there were some "this doesn't make sense to me" scenes which seems to be a standard whenever I watch DC films, things that literally make no sense to me. those were:

- When the 2 villains test out the gas and then they throw in a gas mask, why didn't they show the men in the room fighting over the mask then the villains laughing that it's useless?.....or better yet why didn't Maru throw in the mask first, have it land on the table, then throw in the gas

- The whole "Diana SHIELD" was not needed AT ALL as Diana already could've done that without the mens help and did it earlier in the film when she got the sword. They could've done that and it would've been dope if she just jumped off the ground and over them too.

- After witnessing her destroy that tower and walk away without a scratch, they really gonna have a convo about if all this is real :stoneface: including Steve :smh: Like how could half of this be true?? If someone ties me in a lasso that makes me tell the truth I'll believe that part, along with the island full of amazons who put in work, but the other half about Ares is completely wrong and I'd question this super powered Amazons mental stability.

Loved everything on Thymiscera, just never wanted to leave, Chris Pine was great in this and I LOVED most of the scenes they were in together. Then when they got to london, I dunno movie just fell apart to me. Those 2 mockery of Villains were just atrocious. and then that final fight was just ok.

and Gal?? I dunno man, before I saw the film literally every comment was about how amazing she looks or hot she was, and man she was so fine in this movie it was ridiculously distracting to me, that hasn't happened in awhile to me(maybe back when Scarjo popped up in Ironman2) To me if I'm distracted by your looks during the movie(Not Harley Quinn) then you aren't doing your job as an actor. I didn't necessarily connect with WW the character(only when she was speaking different languages was I able to).

I'm sure Gal will get better first outing as carrying a film. With Robin Wright and Connie Nielsen, 2 seasoned vets, sure they looked amazing but their characters were nailed to a T and I def got what they were going for.

Movie just wasn't my cup of tea, much like Thor isn't my cup of tea, (I only watched the Thor 2 end credits scenes)

I got to say my wife hated this movie :lol: she actually apologized to me for taking me to it. She fell asleep for a bit. Then went hard how it was similar to TFA

-Pure person who will always see the good in the world
-recruiting a rag tag group of misfits to help them do a rogue mission
- A person named Steve decides to sacrifice himself on a plane to save the world

wife said they gonna make an "Agent Steve" TV show, so they can tell the untold story of this dude's life before WW :lol:
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Sounds like you and your wife shouldn't be watching super hero movies? Your expectations seem wildly out of line of the concept of a superhero movie. They have to make a movie that is appealing to an extremely broad range of viewers. People like you guys seem to hate simply because you view everything with the same lens. It'd be like saying Taco Bell is trash because you compare it against some fancy place you went to in Mexico on a beach.
Yea it seems like Kryptonians are stronger than the gods

wonder where the Atlantean rank

Since the Greek gods are in this world I wonder if Aquaman knows Poseidon.

The gods vs jl would be a cool animated movie.
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Sounds like you and your wife shouldn't be watching super hero movies? Your expectations seem wildly out of line of the concept of a superhero movie. They have to make a movie that is appealing to an extremely broad range of viewers. People like you guys seem to hate simply because you view everything with the same lens. It'd be like saying Taco Bell is trash because you compare it against some fancy place you went to in Mexico on a beach.

seems like you shouldn't expect everyone to like everything you like, I said it wasn't my cup of tea like Thor just isn't my cup of tea. Gonna rip on me for not liking Thor??
Your comparison was sad as that wasn't what I was saying at all. I even said I didn't like it that much but in ranking the DCEU it's a clear 2nd. At banning me and my wife from superhero movies :lol:. It's funny I see people caping for these movies so hard and demeaning people over it(and their spouses apparently) not just on here but I got a group of film collaborators who also ride or die for DC and will insult people, regardless of if they just didn't like the movie.

They are all single and wonder why....you can't just go around bashing people who give an actual thought out opinion of something that differs from yours. No way you have anyone that you value in your life that you think it's ok to not even respond to my criticisms but just deem me(and my wife) ignorant over a movie, ANY movie for that matter
no person with any self worth would look at you twice man

I mean I saw the movie, wasn't feeling it, in comparison I'd watch MOS over and over when on TV, tornados aside, still like that movie.

moving on
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Oh yeah, completely forgot about that. zeus is probably emptying his clip somewhere making more kids.
Yes move on. You broguht your wife up in your post and I simply responded. I think she has poor taste if she thinks this movie was so bad she apologizes to you for bringing you to it. It's not all rainbows if you are going to have strong opinions. I'm sure she would think I have poor taste for liking this movie. I don't get what got you so riled up? Two reasonable, intelligent people can be on two completely different sides of the fence on something as subjective as a movie.

My point was that there are tons of movies out at any given time. Seems like a different genre or type of movie is more suited to the expectations and lens you view movies from
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Yes move on. You broguht your wife up in your post and I simply responded. I think she has poor taste if she thinks this movie was so bad she apologizes to you for bringing you to it. It's not all rainbows if you are going to have strong opinions. I'm sure she would think I have poor taste for liking this movie. I don't get what got you so riled up? Two reasonable, intelligent people can be on two completely different sides of the fence on something as subjective as a movie.

My point was that there are tons of movies out at any given time. Seems like a different genre or type of movie is more suited to the expectations and lens you view movies from

not riled up at all, My point is that you shouldn't go around insulting people because they didn't like this movie :lol: which you did. I didn't even rag on the film that bad I'm even looking forward to the sequel and what they do there

The bolded part is what baffles me, why didn't you discuss with me what I didn't like, like an intelligent person would :lol:
Maybe I missed something while watching the movie and could've understood it more or vice verse, I only post to get a great dialogue going, I'm not here to say "Well you shouldn't watch superhero movies" and then be dismissive about it. that doesn't sound intelligent at all, but i assume it does to you.
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