DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Jason Momoa seems like hes really having the time of his life

JL coulda made $0 and hed probably still be the happiest man on earth

Dude is hanging with gal gadot, emilia clarke, and amber heard. He was chilling at a bar with the Game Of Thrones cast last week. Probably telling kit to clap the cheeks of his former tv wife proper.
I wonder how this would have turned out if they had Whedon on from day 1 or at the very least pushed the thing back to next spring / summer?

Should've included all of this

ESPECIALLY the backstory of Cyborg

Also Steppenwolf should've been less CGI

The CGI during the Themescira scene was iffy
I wonder how this would have turned out if they had Whedon on from day 1 or at the very least pushed the thing back to next spring / summer?
They would've made a pretty good movie. Only thing is I'm sure Joss would've just blatantly ignored DCEU continuity, no damns given
Ok so I caught a matinee today for Roman J. Israel Esq. and then caught JL cuz I wasn't gonna pay to see this and don't trust the DCEU or Snyder and didn't trust that Whedon could save this.

All in all though, JL wasn't terrible. Coming off seeing MoS which was pretty bad, BvS which was ******* trash, and then the extended SS which was awful, then deciding to just skip WW I did not get that same sort of dread watching JL, at least not all of it. So it being fun and my extremely lowered standards did not have me hating this at all.

The movie definitely gets better as it goes on. First 2 acts are meh to average. But it ended pretty strong and gave me some hope.

Take this as a pro or con but this movie really reminded me of Age of Ultron with how certain things played out. Forget the first act but to Supe's resurrection = birth of the Vision, final fight is against the main villain and a swarm of mindless grunts, and the final fight takes place in some Eastern European country. Just really made me notice those comparisons.


- Team interactions, everybody getting to shine. Cyborg and WW surprised me the most.

- This is the first time Superman felt like Superman. A hero that resembled the character I really liked in Smallville a bit. Plus while I felt it was forced on Batman's end, I saw the beginnings of the Batman/Superman friendship/relationship on Supes end a bit.

- Action was pretty good. From WW stopping the terrorists to the flashback war where SteppenL had to retreat, to most of the final fight.

- Most of the jokes landed for me. Aquaman sitting on the lasso, Supes carrying the entire apartment, one Batman joke, Flash was like 4 for 12 on jokes.

- I liked SteppenL. Ciaran with the dope voice but he did look like a videogame monster to me but I didn't mind. I just accepted it. His history retelling was direct, took the L on Earth, got exiled, came back 5,000 years later and took another L like a scared *****.

- Cyborg. Wasn't great but wasn't the lame I thought he'd be. Still don't believe inn a Cyborg solo but the actor didn't disappoint me as a relative unknown. His story arc was good and understandable. Snyder's approach to him wasn't bad.

- Batman's a-hole reasoning for bringing Supes back and the "He'll get over it." line. That is Batman when it comes to decisions and situations like that. So spot on.

- Superman beating the **** out of everybody with ease. When son had his eyes on the Flash and just brushed the redt off :pimp:

And forget do you bleed? when he said "You won't let me live, you won't let me die." that hit the feels.


- The writing and overall plot. Could've been way better. Lot of the dialogue.

- Aquadudebro. I get it and it was okay at first but then it just became vapid and grating. The Denzel "My man!" line to Cyborg worked but the "Alright!" cut to him when Superman returned on their side was meaningless. Should've been deleted.

- Cyborg's all cgi suit. What specifically pisses me off is they show us him getting his filled out body in the end. Son should've got that after he got the mother box when they brought Supes back to life. He claimed he changed/upgradednevery night so I wanted that look sooner. His all cgi suit look was ugly and parts of him looked frail. Big reason why thought he'd be lame every time I saw him. Probably should've rocked the hoody the whole movie. His look was a bad decision all around.

- Flash. Got annoying after a while. What I really didn't like was how much of a newbie he was and not skilled as a speedster. I watched dude fall down and lose control too many times in the movie. It wss not physical fall down comedy. Just lame. As things stand: FoX-Men Quicksilver >>> CW Flash >> AoU Quicksilver >>>>>>> DCEU Flash.

- The water fights were not impressive to me at all. Amazon's put up more of a fight.

- Cgi was meh. What got to me was the reasoning for some reshoots and the cgi mustache. Sometimes you could clearly see it and it looked off making Cavill look weird and goofy as ****. What was Whedon thinking with that opening scene? Unecessary.

- The process and reasoning behind how Superman would be resurrected. Not real science at all.

- The grave robbing scene. The worst thing in this movie. The reasoning, the scene. All of it. Flash jokes and trying to bond with Cyborg could not save that travesty. Like what makes it so bad is Snyder and whoever wrote that is aware of how macabre it is and still do it. I've read some in here but there were so many better options. Sitting through that just had me like :stoneface:

- Another big con was not having Diane Lane bae look her sexy self. If Aunt May can be sexy then Martha Kent can be too.


- Depowering BatGod Batffleck. Son did not have one dope fight scene the whole flick. My dude was basically the actual regular slow Hawkeye human on the team. I get why to an extent but son could've had one dope scene taking on SteppenL the way he tried to go at "Doomsday" I was so disappoint

- Mentioned it before about it being forced Batman's whole guilt trip with Supes dying and blaming himself. GTFOOH. Not buying it. Did not like.

- Cyborg's defense systems attacks a recently ressurrected Supes. Wasting all that time talking when Flash literally could've grabbed him and ran him to Gotham. Flawed writing.

- Bruce back on his if there's even a 1% chance blah blah blah illogical reasoning. Did it for why he wanted to kill Supes and had the same for why he wanted to bring him back to life. I was thinking if Lois didn't work he's bring the kryptonite spear back out :lol: "big guns".

I probably won't rewatch this in theaters but I look forward to having it on in the background when it airs on HBO next year.

I will say it doesn't deserve such a low RT score. Its at 39%. To me this movie falls in the 55%-65% range.

Justice League 5.8/8
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Those Whedon shots look awful. All he had to do was copy how Zack framed them. All the forced smirks too. FOH with that garbage. SMDFTB Whedon.

Thank god the Russo's are handling IW.
Supes saying "Do you bleed?" was Whedon? This dude is lowkey trying a sabotage. :lol:

There's one or two things Whedon did that I actually liked. Kind of surprised. But a lot of the stuff he did, like some of the jokes and the Russian family added nothing. They shortened some of Zack's scenes that would of helped slow down the pace too?! They shortened the damn stuff that would of fleshed out Steppenwolf, shortened the recruiting process, and chopped Zack's history lesson scene too!? They had more footage of the Green Lantern in Zack's history lesson!? WTF!

I'm heated. SMDFTB Whedon.

EDIT: And they initially were going to show a glimpse of Darkseid through a boomtube?! I need that Zack extendo on the blu-ray. This is some BS.
:lol: Yeah but I really lowered my standards so I really left the movie like not bad.

I also didn't heavily focus on the differences between Snyder and Whedon. It was very obvious what was Whedon with lines.

One gripe I forgot to mention was **** Eisenberg Lex and this movie deserved a 3rd Darkseid aftercredit. No excuses.

Also I really was fine with the length. I do not in anyway care what of Snyder's was cut or deleted. No interest

Gotta ask was the terrorist that tried to blow up the 4 block radius in England suppose to be any sort of DC villain? I assumed throwaway but his reasoning seemed like iy may have been hinting at something.
EDIT: And they initially were going to show a glimpse of Darkseid through a boomtube?! I need that Zack extendo on the blu-ray. This is some BS.
They missed the opportunity for Darkseid when Stepphenwolf got sent back. Even if it was a quick glimpse of dissapointment.
Doing some research into the Snyder v Whedon debacle and it's pretty interesting what bits of Zack's work were taken out. It seems like Whedon prioritized "fun" over heart.

Several character scenes have been cut like Vulko (for Aquaman), Iris West (for Flash), and Flash eating burgers while trying to come up with superhero names. Cyborg's origin with his mother called "the heart of the film" by Snyder was removed. The world-wide reaction to the Crisis and Heroes (paying off the world-wide reaction in BvS and montage at the beginning of the film) was removed. A lot of things that connected JL to MOS and BVS.

Snyder's film isn't just devoid of Whedon's scenes; his OWN moments of character building (supporting characters), backstory (Cyborg origin), levity, and heroism (world reaction) were excised BEFORE this breakdown. And that's just the scenes we know about! Snyder had other scenes not in this breakdown. Zack had more Atlantis, more Steppenwolf backstory and his ties to Darkseid, Flash rescuing Iris, and DeSaad was going to make an appearance.

Some of the people who worked on the movie spoke about it as well. I guess the disparity in VFX between scenes. Some looking great, some looking rough, is from Whedon reshoots. The staff who worked on JL say Whedon didn't change much in terms of what happens, but just changed dialog.

"Just something to keep in mind - the people who work on these films are fans too; we want them to be great. It breaks our heart when they're a let down as much if not more than it does normal audiences, we put 2 years into it each time. We don't control the edit, the budget, the time or the dumb**** decisions studios make."

"Zack's the absolute best to work with. Every member of every team he's ever had assembled loves working for/with him."

"A lot of lovely work was omitted, unfortunately, in favour of what we had to rush from the reshoots. Having seen the film now I'm massively disappointed that 95% of Superman's scenes are from the reshoots."

"I was upset that 95% of Superman's stuff was from the reshoots in august. Hardly any of Zacks original photography."

Were Superman's scenes changed? "They were pretty much the same, there's been some additional dialogue and stuff but all very similar. There was the scene where he arrives at the lake house and spoke to Alfred before flying off to Russia but not much else."

It sounds like Zack's footage all looks better, makes the movie more fleshed out, and has more heart to it. The scariest part?

"Extended is a possibility but I doubt Zack'll be the one to do it. It's already too far removed from what he intended."
Will probably end up seeing this week, but I had question since it looks like most people in here saw it already.

Does anybody think Ryan Renolds would of made a better Flash? I remember him wanting to play him but instead they made him the Green Lantern (horrible)
Will probably end up seeing this week, but I had question since it looks like most people in here saw it already.

Does anybody think Ryan Renolds would of made a better Flash? I remember him wanting to play him but instead they made him the Green Lantern (horrible)

Nah. I'm all in on Ezra Miller. I'm equally all in on Reynolds as Deadpool too, fwiw.
Ryan Reynolds' personality is more suited to Plastic Man. Or maybe even Deadman in a JLD flick. But Deadpool is the perfect role for him.
Supes saying "Do you bleed?" was Whedon? This dude is lowkey trying a sabotage. :lol:

There's one or two things Whedon did that I actually liked. Kind of surprised. But a lot of the stuff he did, like some of the jokes and the Russian family added nothing. They shortened some of Zack's scenes that would of helped slow down the pace too?! They shortened the damn stuff that would of fleshed out Steppenwolf, shortened the recruiting process, and chopped Zack's history lesson scene too!? They had more footage of the Green Lantern in Zack's history lesson!? WTF!

I'm heated. SMDFTB Whedon.

EDIT: And they initially were going to show a glimpse of Darkseid through a boomtube?! I need that Zack extendo on the blu-ray. This is some BS.

Yep need to see Darkseid man
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