DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

From what I've seen, a lot of people view it like wan's other big franchise movie FF

Where either it's for you or it's not

Unlike his horror movies which have more of a stable spectrum on how people view it
I thought the 3rd act was fuggin fantastic. Wan hittin us with hella creatures from the sea fighting an under water war was dope AF to me and had me like :wow::lol::nthat:

Then when Arthur was talking to the sea aninals and the little circular visuals that were taken from the OG Justice League cartoons that once looked stupid AF but looked bad *** now :lol: :wow::nthat:
Watching now, of course this movie got a pitbull song

Not sure mamoa can carry this.. they need to find another Chris Hemsworth

Wan succeeded with cringe worthy dialogue and bad actors in FF.. maybe they’ll figure it out with this crew eventually

Patrick Wilson is more than pulling his weight thou.. also not a fan of all the rings and extra shh they got mamoa wearing but goes with the pitbull song

I do like that they’re going for it.. but need to turn it down on some of that stuff
I definitely would’ve preferred some Planet Earth type underwater clarity than the murky water cgi they had. Just hard to watch a movie with visuals not looking sharp and dark.
I know get why ppl question blackmanta surviving

You could make argument about something in the suit.. but with the thing caught around his neck, I c it

But dude is one of those bad actors that is failing wan.. cause his scenes were cool enough
Movie was ok.. I'd probably say like 5/8 and that's being generous

I wanna say casting was the biggest issue, cause Patrick Wilson actually worked and didn't seem cringeworthy when delivering his dialogue.. blackmanta's father also didn't see cringeworthy in his small part, whereas blackmanta just had permanent scowl going

But dialogue was definitely cringe worthy a little too often.. and wan got wayyyy too aggressive with some things, for how they styled aquabro, to a pitbull song feeling way too at home and then the CGI fest at the end just felt like wayyy too much

Felt like the movie would have benefited greatly from turning some things down couple notches.. like I kept expecting that rock around dude's neck to come into play at some point, like it was a gift from his mother that he would need later on.. or something as simple as the fountain scene, just do the the Dolphins and call it that don't need Dolphins followed by seahorses and all that

And then at the end I figured once aquaman, the kaiji, his mother and mera showed up with the trident, the significance would speak follows.. and again less probably would have been more.. so have them showing up end the fight, but oceanmaster still has the right to challenge and then have aquaman and oceanmaster go round 2 and save all the CGI fest
Also, did CR7 have a cameo in this??


Also more on the little stuff after watching some spoiler vids from YouTube channels I check out.. like the bar joke, don't need dude to have a pink phone on top of it.. or the stuff with Nicole Kidman was great early even with the hair needing to be better, the get up they gave her later on just made you focus more on that especially with it being so similar to antman and the wasp

Drago was also good, although needed better hair like Kidman.. although Kidman was super weird after she came back
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Yea they should have kept him around.. his "daughter" wasn't helping the situation on the actors front
I don't even remember the daughter appearing after they killed the king and told her to give up her army to support Orm.

Briefly at the end in the war scene.. just seemed out of place for the princess to be in the middle of that looking like a lost puppy.. like actually out there in battle
Briefly at the end in the war scene.. just seemed out of place for the princess to be in the middle of that looking like a lost puppy.. like actually out there in battle

I think that was the point of Orm killing him, the princess was too young and way out of her league to do anything so Orm overwhelmed her and took over her army
I think that was the point of Orm killing him, the princess was too young and way out of her league to do anything so Orm overwhelmed her and took over her army

I get that.. still don’t get why they needed her actually in battle.. seems like he needed her army and also was just trying to unite as many of the 7 to gain the title of oceanmaster

I think the film would have been better off with less.. so easily could have had the king stick around and then him and drago order their armies to stop once aquabro shows up with the trident because of the significance of that.. could even have orm kill 1 or both of them for defying him and really cement him as the villain and force him to working even more with blackmanta in the sequel since his betrayal is so known
First off,
Wan can't handle comedy, AT ALL. What's with the silly disney channel quips with matching silly tunes to boot? The efforts at comedy just had me cringing. Man!!!
And Pitbull? Really?
Jesus though! Black Manta was visually incredible. It was clear Injustice 2 definitely influenced the design. Superb work on him.
But Yahya A.M. really oughta work on that constant snarl of his; it's a tough sell. His acting here could use some fine tuning. Now his dad was awesome though; he conveyed emotions and invoked sympathy efforlessly.
Action is where this flick shines!!!
Wan knows his strengths and played on them. From the Submarine invasion to the Ring of Fire duel. I found myself grinning more than i expected. I enjoyed the flick; very solid show of what i hope is a streak of wins.
Thumbs up from me.
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Since i NEVER listen to pitbull i didnt kno he had a song in this movie

I actually remember liking the score alot.

I hste reggaeton btw
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