DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

If true, Elba is still DCs choice which they may hope not to resign with Marvel by the time they have to shoot the JL films?

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Scheduling-wise, I don't think it's gonna work out. Ragnarok releases summer of '17 and JLA probably during the holidays (WW releases in '17 and I'm assuming it will be first). Snyder usually ends principal photography way ahead of the RD for post so I wouldn't be surprised if JLA wraps before Ragnarok. I believe BvS has already done, and it's not even releasing until summer of '16.
The second you hear Tyrese laugh in the movie it'd be over. Take me right out of it :lol:

Son always overdoing it with that laugh like it's a pretend laugh :smh:
Scheduling-wise, I don't think it's gonna work out. Ragnarok releases summer of '17 and JLA probably during the holidays (WW releases in '17 and I'm assuming it will be first). Snyder usually ends principal photography way ahead of the RD for post so I wouldn't be surprised if JLA wraps before Ragnarok. I believe BvS has already done, and it's not even releasing until summer of '16.
Only possibility I see here is if GL isn't in the JL movie for w/e reason or they cast some guy as Kyle or the other one that goes crazy, kill him in the JL movie and then bring in Stewart.

Looking at that pic it sure is a shame Marvel couldn't utilize Idris better. Also a shame cuz by 2020 Idris will be much older. Not that his skill will be lessened over time but being that old going in to the future doesn't help but DC might reboot their movieverse like they do their comics anyway :lol:
Only possibility I see here is if GL isn't in the JL movie for w/e reason or they cast some guy as Kyle or the other one that goes crazy, kill him in the JL movie and then bring in Stewart.

Looking at that pic it sure is a shame Marvel couldn't utilize Idris better. Also a shame cuz by 2020 Idris will be much older. Not that his skill will be lessened over time but being that old going in to the future doesn't help but DC might reboot their movieverse like they do their comics anyway :lol:
lol, naw man, if they're gonna do that, it better be the Guy Gardner GL. In the iterations I remember from the comics, he looked like Lloyd from Dumb and Dumber.

Don't know much about Ragnarok (comic or mythology) other than the fact it's essentially the Asgardian Armageddon, but I really hope he has a significant role... then gets killed off in the end and is shipped to WB/DC. :D

And I had been thinking about that the fact he'll be older, but I think that's a good thing. He and Bats could be the elder statesmen of the JLA (strategist/general types), Supes and WW are the 30 year olds in their prime (basically the muscle and warriors of the team) and Flash will be the young newcomer.
DC already lost Chadwick Boseman to Marvel. That would of been my choice for John Stewart. If they can in anyway manage to get Idris though. :pimp:
Luther aint got no prolem with Marvel. Those were rumors.

Is there even going to be a GL film? I thought it was going to be a team up with non tv Flash. If that's the case, they could go with an unknown, or Bryan Cranston.
All you need to know about the mythology is that it was the apocalypse for Norse gods. It was set in the future and predicted everyone's death. Odin died because of the giant wolf Fenrir. Heimdall died avenging odin, etc etc etc.

Comic book has nothing to do with it really.

I thought Elba cleared up that he did in fact enjoys being Heimdall and that news was twisting his words around for a click bait article.

I wanna see him as James Bond tho :smokin
I like Tyese as an actor , but I don't think he'd be the right fit for Green Lantern. It's not a knock on him as a actor , but as the lead role he wouldn't fit. He's better as a supporting character.
I mean how air tight are these contracts actors drop outta movies all the time I sure if elba wanted to be GL he would just drop out of marvel and go do it
I think they are pretty solid, Weaving said he doesn't want to do Red Skull anymore but if Marvel forces him due to his contract, he would have to do it.

There are probably loopholes to get out of your contract to go to the competition but why burn bridges with Marvel/Disney by doing that?
This is Hollywood were talking about and really I think people are giving a weird cult status to marvel. They can't make someone act in their movie bruh I don't care how tight they contract is lol.

Also I highly doubt Idris contract is that air tight when he is a minor third tier character. I feel is really wanted to be green lantern he would, thats a ten times greater role than anything he's doing im Thor. I bet he's waiting for BvS to come out to see what reception is cause the whole slate is banking om that
There is no way to get out of these contracts. If you sign another contract while you still have prior obligations, those prior obligations come first. Which is why Emily Blunt couldnt be Black Widow.

If you choose not to do em they will sue you into a black hole. Its ******* contract not a pinky swear
I am sure they could force someone or else get some money back from that actor, especially if the actor is going to the competition. Hollywood lawyers are probably one of the worst in the world so I wouldn't be surprised if Marvel/Disney could get away with locking these actors to these many films in a contract. I don't think we even have any slightest clue how crazy and detailed these contracts get.

I'm also going by what Weaving said, he clearly said he would have to do it if they really wanted him and it was up to Marvel if they wanted to force someone to do something they want to do but contractually, they could if they really wanted to. In the end, it's just whether you want someone to throw the performance if you force them to do it.

I [signed a multi-picture deal] for Captain America. I think the tendency, with those films, would be to probably not bring a villain back. They might for The Avengers, but I didn’t think I’d be in Captain America 2 or 3. I don’t think Red Skull will be there. And it’s not something I would want to do again. I’m glad I did it. I did sign up for a number of pictures and I suppose, contractually, I would be obliged to, if they forced me to, but they wouldn’t want to force someone to do it, if they didn’t want to.

Elba has also been talking about being unhappy as Heimdall.

Speaking to The Telegraph last month, Elba spoke about the transition from playing Nelson Mandela in Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom to returning to the Marvel Universe as Heimdall:

"It was really weird...I’d just done eight months in South Africa. I came to England and the day I came back I had to do reshoots on Thor 2....And in the actual scene my hair was different, my…[exasperated sigh.]...“I was like, ‘This is torture, man. I don’t want to do this.’ My agent said: ‘You have to, it’s part of the deal.’ "

His feelings towards the Marvel movies didn't improve during the reshoots...

“I’m actually falling down from a spaceship, so they had to put me in harness in this green-screen studio. And in between takes I was stuck there, fake hair stuck on to my head with glue, this f***** helmet, while they reset. And I’m thinking: ‘24 hours ago, I was Mandela’. When I walked into the set the extras called me Madiba. I was literally walking in this man’s boots. [Within] six months, the crew, we were all so in love with this film we had made. I was him. I was Mandela, practically...Then there I was, in this stupid harness, with this wig and this sword and these contact lenses. It ripped my heart out."

And take it with a giant grain of salt but when sent a PS of him as GL, he did respond well.

Idris Elba [emoji]10004[/emoji] @idriselba

Thank you baby love..i like this idea..."@HeyTaz: @idriselba you should set this up [emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji][emoji]128571[/emoji] pic.twitter.com/htnwDK5OjD"

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For a guy like hugo weaving who signed with probably a good amount of money up front that applies, again elba was a supporting character. Look at James Marsden dropping out of X 3 half way through thw movie to go do superman. This happens all the time, again this isn't Evans or Downey we talking elba, who should go and be GL there is no role for him in marvel hes done
Idris Elba is honestly the perfect match for John Stewart.

Dude is pretty much one of, if not THE most important/powerful black superhero in DC.

Would be anything but Heimdall feels im guessing.
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I mean was he teally offered iy was it just rumour, they don't even have a director yet for it
For a guy like hugo weaving who signed with probably a good amount of money up front that applies, again elba was a supporting character. Look at James Marsden dropping out of X 3 half way through thw movie to go do superman. This happens all the time, again this isn't Evans or Downey we talking elba, who should go and be GL there is no role for him in marvel hes done

Marsden was excused by Fox though because he joined Singer in that film who still had good relations with Fox and they settled with shooting a scene to kill him off before moving on. As you can see his presence in DoFP, there is no bad blood there.

And I don't think it happens all the time since this studio versus studio for comic book franchise films has ever existed before. I also do not remember any other franchises signing actors to 5-9 films to lock them up. Sure you see someone leave a project but it isn't always to run to the competition but mostly because the project is at a halt or there are problems (writers, directors, etc...) or the studio just lets them go because they do not want an actor to phone-in their performance since they do not want to be there but in those scenarios, the actor wasn't running to the other studio to make them millions and that other studio loses out on millions. So the scenarios isn't exactly the same.

Even if he has a small role, he is still contracted and that is what matters. You sign on the dotted line and there are things you are obligated to do and if you want out, you have to reach an agreement where both parties make a deal but you simply do not walk out or say "no" without a consequence whether financially or reputation-wise with the studios.
Not to go off on a tangent, and I love Idris, but I hate it when people ***** abouth their jobs. I'm not just talking about actors and athletes, I am including cab drivers, waiters, whoever. If you don't like it, shut your mouth, fulfill your obligation and in the future, don't do it again. Last time I checked you were getting a paycheck. Same goes for Hugo Weaving trashing sci-fi. He hates it, yet signs on time after time on those projects.

BTW, does anyone actually know what projects Elba is contractually obligated to do? Ya'll make it sound like Marvel/Disney has a permanent option on him.
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