DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Whats the deal with the DCEU tho? Are they continuing it or what? Seems like they're just doing one-off's and reboots as of late (w/ the exception of WW84)
It appears they're doing one offs until the JJ Abrams Superman movie which sounds like it'll take place in a whole separate universe.

The Flash movie may make things a bit more clearer about a new continuity.

Black Adam also might be in a whole other universe or at least set in the past.

I don't think anyone really knows. Warner Brothers has been so damn reactionary to this, I don't even think they have a fully fleshed out plan yet. I feel like they're just throwing **** on the wall, seeing what sticks, rolling with it and then repeat. At least Snyder had a vision, whether you like it or not, he had a start and end in mind...I don't think WB can say the same.

As far as I know, Suicide Squad is coming out soon. Flash, Black Adam (?) and Shazam (?) are the only things that I think are having any kind of (pre) production at the moment
He did but Snyder's vision was short term. Had he been allowed to keep going like he was his last JL movie would've been coming out this year or next.

I would hope DC isn't so stubborn they want to do the opposite of the MCU in every way. They should be thinking long term with long term continuity to maximize success. Not just random one offs on and on.
Man. Batman was so weak.
Snyder should of lowkey made Bats like ‘Predator’
Using all this tech crap load of bombs and tie downs.
i know he used a few but still could of made him more dangerous.
honestly looked like a joke next to WW, Flash and AM.
Man. Batman was so weak.
Snyder should of lowkey made Bats like ‘Predator’
Using all this tech crap load of bombs and tie downs.
i know he used a few but still could of made him more dangerous.
honestly looked like a joke next to WW, Flash and AM.
Getting washed by a single parademon all while WW was taking on 10 at a time :lol:

speaking of Batman, there wasn’t a single instance when he didn’t use a gun to fight 🤷🏽‍♂️
Getting washed by a single parademon all while WW was taking on 10 at a time :lol:

speaking of Batman, there wasn’t a single instance when he didn’t use a gun to fight 🤷🏽‍♂️

lol i mean...is that a fair comparison tho? now that i think about it...yea batman fighting them all with a blaster is really not in true batman form. parademons were stronger than him, i think they'd wash him hand to hand.

this is why i wanted a standalone batman movie. R rated and saving Martha levels of beatdowns.

when he fought the court of owls (animated movie) bruce pulled out a budget gundam to fight them, at the end at least :nerd:
lol i mean...is that a fair comparison tho? now that i think about it...yea batman fighting them all with a blaster is really not in true batman form. parademons were stronger than him, i think they'd wash him hand to hand.

this is why i wanted a standalone batman movie. R rated and saving Martha levels of beatdowns.

when he fought the court of owls (animated movie) bruce pulled out a budget gundam to fight them, at the end at least :nerd:
Oh I get it but they should of put him in better situations aka better writing. The whole movie he looked weak and stupid. He didn’t even fix the jet.
Man. Batman was so weak.
Snyder should of lowkey made Bats like ‘Predator’
Using all this tech crap load of bombs and tie downs.
i know he used a few but still could of made him more dangerous.
honestly looked like a joke next to WW, Flash and AM.
Bro, batman is a mere human compared to the gods he's fighting with. What more you wanted him to do?? He has physical limitations.
Bro, batman is a mere human compared to the gods he's fighting with. What more you wanted him to do?? He has physical limitations.

which is the point, Batman should be more coach than actual player

show dude being smarter than everyone and coming up with a strategy

given what was shown of flash and aquaman, both provided opportunities to explore this and help build towards their individual movies after learning from someone without their gifts
Batman not being a predominant role in the fights is more realistic than him being on the same Power Levels as his teammates who are pretty much Gods among men.
He could have used more gadgets but that would have taken away from the slow-mo fight scenes IMO.

My wife was kinda annoyed of at how the parademons survived the hillside collapse & flew out without harm. I can see Steppenwolf because of his strength & suit of armor but idk about the flying mokneys... That was something my wife could not stop dissecting about the movie lol. All 4 hours & that's what she chose to focus on lol.
which is the point, Batman should be more coach than actual player

show dude being smarter than everyone and coming up with a strategy

given what was shown of flash and aquaman, both provided opportunities to explore this and help build towards their individual movies after learning from someone without their gifts
He did put the team together after all. And him piloting the nightcrawler saved wonderwoman. Also he was the one who figured out that Silas Stone's sacrifice was to heat the motherbox to the hottest substance on earth so they could track it. So im still not seeing what more yall expected Batman to do.
He did put the team together after all. And him piloting the nightcrawler saved wonderwoman. Also he was the one who figured out that Silas Stone's sacrifice was to heat the motherbox to the hottest substance on earth so they could track it. So im still not seeing what more yall expected Batman to do.

I know nothing about Flash haha. This version made me respect the character more, I actually don't find him as annoying as other folks haha.
Man. Batman was so weak.
Snyder should of lowkey made Bats like ‘Predator’
Using all this tech crap load of bombs and tie downs.
i know he used a few but still could of made him more dangerous.
honestly looked like a joke next to WW, Flash and AM.
Big part of that is Snyder and Whedon just forgot how Batman fights in these situations.

No exploding batarangs (only time we saw one was for Flash), no martial arts skills on display, no bat plane to attack with from afar (he kept using jets and **** to get to far off places I guess for the team), etc.

In this he used guns and one hi-tech device that absorbed energy
Big part of that is Snyder and Whedon just forgot how Batman fights in these situations.

No exploding batarangs (only time we saw one was for Flash), no martial arts skills on display, no bat plane to attack with from afar (he kept using jets and **** to get to far off places I guess for the team), etc.

In this he used guns and one hi-tech device that absorbed energy
The Superman fight was hilarious in this. Man was hiding behind tanks and then just stood there with his mouth open as Supes took out the team one by one.

“C-Clark Nooooo!”
Batman not being a predominant role in the fights is more realistic than him being on the same Power Levels as his teammates who are pretty much Gods among men.
He could have used more gadgets but that would have taken away from the slow-mo fight scenes IMO.
And that would be a bad thing? :lol:

The Superman fight was hilarious in this. Man was hiding behind tanks and then just stood there with his mouth open as Supes took out the team one by one.

“C-Clark Nooooo!”
That's why at least liked the Whedon version where Superman got his hands on Bats.

The Superman fight was hilarious in this. Man was hiding behind tanks and then just stood there with his mouth open as Supes took out the team one by one.

“C-Clark Nooooo!”
That's why at least liked the Whedon version where Superman got his hands on Bats.
He did put the team together after all. And him piloting the nightcrawler saved wonderwoman. Also he was the one who figured out that Silas Stone's sacrifice was to heat the motherbox to the hottest substance on earth so they could track it. So im still not seeing what more yall expected Batman to do.
Be Batman.
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