DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

From the forums just an interesting story, here's actually what is the thing with Snyder and this new DCEU, apparently no one wanted to do it.

It was offered to Nolan and he turned it down because he wanted to move on from CBMs at the moment. So he was asked who he can vouch for and no one wants to take on the project. Nolan supposedly me with Gullimero Del Toro, Robert Zemeckis, Ben Affleck, Darren Aronofsky, Duncan Jones, Jonathan Liebesman, Matt Reeves, and Tony Scott before Zack Snyder for MOS.

Snyder, the ever comic book fan and risk taker (took on Watchmen, a movie most deemed unfilmable) was almost a last resort and even his wife supposedly warned him because he was still recovering from that owl cgi film and Sucker Punch.

But for all intents and purposes, Snyder was endorsed by Nolan (though not the first choice) and sold the film to WB with Goyers story.

This of course doesn't excuse what Snyder has done, I personally do not mind his directing but really he is just better at doing big action films, I don't want to say he is on the same level as Michael Bay but I think the simpler the story he has to tell the better the audience would accept his work?

With that said, if no one wanted to tackle this universe before, I could imagine how much difficult it is now to get someone on board to take over Snyder.
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Disappointed to see the early reviews are negative. And again.. with RT.. it's not a grade of quality. Thor 1 wasn't a 71% great movie.. just that 71% of critics considered it a "fresh" or positive movie. I know it seems like common sense, but people always seem to ignore that.

I know why they did it, but I wish they would have taken their time to jump into the shared universe. Give us a solo Batman movie first, Man of Steel 2, then this movie, then Justice League. I like Snyder, but not as the primary guy. He has ideas I like, some style choices I enjoy, but overall he's got too many issues to be the guy.
imo the perfect line up would of been BvS, SS, Batman, JL, WW, Flash, Aquaman or GL*, JL 2

* on GL because i don't even know if it's worth risking it again.

BvS introduces Batman to the DCEU, SS setups his rogue gallery and touches more on his backstory then you do the big payoff with the Batman solo film.

Then go into JL and take the momentum of that into WW and hope it's able to sustain the interest throughout the other films until you get to JL 2.

This isn't a perfect plan by any means but i think what i'm saying mostly is having something like Batman being the JL lead-in and WW being the first film after JL would of been smarter than the slate as constructed
Justice League shoots next month too, I wonder if the studio will light a fire under Snyder too churn out a better movie. I don't really see them firing him or haltingproduction to recoup. WB doesn't really have anymore tentpole franchises, so a lot is riding on the DCEU. I wanna see this universe to flourish bruh.
anything other than delaying the film will just make it worse imo.

you can't really do rewrites of a film of that scale while shooting so unless they delay production they're ******.
Keep in mind delaying production would cost money as well. That's losing permits, locations (that are basically rented), etc.
was going to say the same thing but couldn't find a way to talk about it w/o using spoilers :lol:

this film definitely isn't for the diehards when they have character violating crucial parts of their moral codes

Those characters have broken moral codes before...in certain comics etc...
Yeah but when it's both that's usually a straight up villain version of those guys.
^ Yea scripted by Chris Terrio and Snyder back directing...JL part 1. Terrio says he may not even be part of JL part 2

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the film, but the negative response from the critics came out of left filed. Got my brain scrambling :wow:

And yea you guys are right, I know damn well WB won't delay another film. Especially with the production cost they probably have lined up. Actors schedules as well.
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Just saw BATMAN V SUPERMAN and I have to take a shower to wash the stink off. An epic mess that is GREEN LANTERN-level bad. A total misfire.
— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) March 23, 2016

Come on man.
Please. I know I was worried about this film but I wanted to be proven wrong. Please be good.
You guys ever wonder if DC has ever considered giving Greg Berlanti the keys?

Lol, yea I know he's pretty much a TV guy. But Joss Whedon and the Russos were considered only TV ppl at one point too.
Terio did have to rescue/work with Goyers original script so I am curious how JL will pan out with Terio taking reigns from the start.
I thought Watchmen felt spot on from the novel and Suckerpunch was deep to me, veiled as a mindless CGI action movie. MOS was dope and that's coming from a batman fan.
From the forums just an interesting story, here's actually what is the thing with Snyder and this new DCEU, apparently no one wanted to do it.

It was offered to Nolan and he turned it down because he wanted to move on from CBMs at the moment. So he was asked who he can vouch for and no one wants to take on the project. Nolan supposedly me with Gullimero Del Toro, Robert Zemeckis, Ben Affleck, Darren Aronofsky, Duncan Jones, Jonathan Liebesman, Matt Reeves, and Tony Scott before Zack Snyder for MOS.

Snyder, the ever comic book fan and risk taker (took on Watchmen, a movie most deemed unfilmable) was almost a last resort and even his wife supposedly warned him because he was still recovering from that owl cgi film and Sucker Punch.

But for all intents and purposes, Snyder was endorsed by Nolan (though not the first choice) and sold the film to WB with Goyers story.

This of course doesn't excuse what Snyder has done, I personally do not mind his directing but really he is just better at doing big action films, I don't want to say he is on the same level as Michael Bay but I think the simpler the story he has to tell the better the audience would accept his work?

With that said, if no one wanted to tackle this universe before, I could imagine how much difficult it is now to get someone on board to take over Snyder.
man... this is kind of shocking :lol:

Seems like Superman has some sort of stank attached to him throughout the industry
I read reviews about the movie saying there was too much dialogue, Supes was dry, and Doomsday was underwhelming, but it's still seems like it will be interesting in my eyes.
Just saw BATMAN V SUPERMAN and I have to take a shower to wash the stink off. An epic mess that is GREEN LANTERN-level bad. A total misfire.
— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) March 23, 2016

Come on man.
Please. I know I was worried about this film but I wanted to be proven wrong. Please be good.
did you read his whole rant on the film? Said critics walked out silent like it was a funeral :lol:
Gullimero Del Toro, Robert Zemeckis, Ben Affleck, Darren Aronofsky, Duncan Jones, Jonathan Liebesman, Matt Reeves, and Tony Scott before Zack Snyder for MOS.

Not sure who on that list I would want for a superman project..

A couple I'd love for batman..

I'd probably bet on Matt reeves having the best superman movie of that group.. Would be curious to see what zemeckis did

Del toro I would want for teen titans or some sort of unique DC property

But most on that list I would love to see their takes on various batman properties
OMG it's at 37 now.

Geez. Movie is gonna be a failure. I doubt many people are going to want to go for that second watch.

I mean this movie had stupid written everywhere.

Old bats, bringing in WW and Doomsday. A weird Luthor.

The premise from the first trailer seemed really really awesome.

Should of just focused on that. Bats vs Supes.
^ Yea scripted by Chris Terrio and Snyder back directing...JL part 1. Terrio says he may not even be part of JL part 2

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed the film, but the negative response from the critics came out of left filed. Got my brain scrambling :wow:

And yea you guys are right, I know damn well WB won't delay another film. Especially with the production cost they probably have lined up.
You know it's funny cuz that does indicate bad signs if Terrio doesn't return for pt. 2

But then you look over at something like Star Wars and when you hear about the director leaving or that that writer isn't writing the entire trilogy there's no big reaction cuz you trust in the team put together.

Just saw BATMAN V SUPERMAN and I have to take a shower to wash the stink off. An epic mess that is GREEN LANTERN-level bad. A total misfire.
— Jeff Sneider (@TheInSneider) March 23, 2016

Come on man.
Please. I know I was worried about this film but I wanted to be proven wrong. Please be good.
Ok now I'm not believing this.

No way Snyder directs a movie as bad as Green ******* Lantern. I mean what's next? Somebody gonna say it's Ghost Rider level?

Snyder's worst movie is Sucker Punch. I can't imagine he's found a new low.

You guys ever wonder if DC has ever considered giving Greg Berlanti the keys?

Lol, yea I know he's pretty much a TV guy. But Joss Whedon and the Russos were considered only TV ppl at one point too.
They probably didn't for that exact reason.
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I've just always seen Superman as a double sword, views on him will be divided because the character and his overall theme is just outdated (and that's coming from a big Supes fan) and the kill or no-kill thing and being overpowered are just going to hover over him. He is the biug blue boy scout and this is pretty much Bret Hart being the face but the fans turning on him because they want the bad*ss heel Stonecold.

Anyways, at this point I am more curios about NTs view because it seems like the general audience likes it and critics hovers around hating it to just the film being ok.

I should tally up an NTScore and come up with NTrotten or NTfresh :lol: So when you see the film, put up your rating out 8, 5 or more gets a fresh and I'll see if I can keep track of it.

So far I know of 3 NTers who has seen it and liked it (including myself).
The reviews being posted are so entertaining. It's not even people saying the movie wasn't that good, it's people wondering what the hell they watched.
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