DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Yall realize this movie is still gonna make bank right?

Bad movies can make money too. We're not the studios so we're concerned with watching a good movie.

Yeah, I have no doubts this'll make bank, so they'll have no problem continuing their DCCU plan. I just hope they're able to use any feedback to improve their movies going forward.

With that said, I'm still excited as hell to see this tomorrow.
Reading the IGN and RT reviews with the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme playing in the background brings for hilarity :lol: try it.
Man these fools on RT gave IM3 a 79. A 7ty friggin 9! That's all the proof I need to not take them seriously.

I will be in the theatre, on Friday, at 11am, to watch BvS; and I'm confident I'll enjoy myself. All this hating is just background noise at this point.

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Even if the movie is pure DC fan service, I'll be fine with it.  I'm a DC fan, and I've been waiting a long time to see certain things on screen.

Then again, I love the Transformers movies simply because Optimus is a total bad *** so my opinion probably doesn't really count for much.  It always helps when you remember what you signed up for when you buy the ticket, too.  You're not going to walk off of a roller coaster *****ing that it wasn't a leisurely tour of a vineyard, are you?
..... I must be the dumbest motherf***er alive, because I for the life of me can't grasp where these critics mass their ratings from. I loved the movie and will go see it multiple times as planned. I loved MOS as well. But I think the backlash against this movie is severely unwarranted. Comparing it to 2011's green Lantern? Da faq? IDK. I just hope that people see it for themselves and decide if they like it or not. I like Snyder as a director and I've liked most of his movies. Hopefully the box office numbers will shoot sky high.
I'm pushing 40, the only persons' opinion I give a **** about is my own.  If a movie can turn my brain off and put me in another place for 2-3 hours and let me forget about the **** going on in the real world, it's done its job and I'll gladly fork over the $12.
I see most of the gripes being that the movie was too serious.

If that's the case, I think I'll be fine. I loved Watchmen. I think I'll like this.

They took on a lot in trying to use this movie to kick off the universe, though. They definitely should have went with individual origin stories first. Could be that there had to be too much exposition in order to get the audience up to speed on the world they were thrown into almost mid-story.

But who knows. I can't say until I see it. Crazy how different the fans and critic opinions have been.
From what I gather, the way they're setting the universe up is via short appearances that will make total sense to fans of the comics/properties, but for people unfamiliar with DC they'll be total headscratchers, which is why we're seeing such a disconnect between fans and critics.
..... I must be the dumbest motherf***er alive, because I for the life of me can't grasp where these critics mass their ratings from. I loved the movie and will go see it multiple times as planned. I loved MOS as well. But I think the backlash against this movie is severely unwarranted. Comparing it to 2011's green Lantern? Da faq? IDK. I just hope that people see it for themselves and decide if they like it or not. I like Snyder as a director and I've liked most of his movies. Hopefully the box office numbers will shoot sky high.
I feel like some of these extreme comments and comparisons are just push back from the unbearable hype around this movie. I can't see this movie being half as bad as Green Lantern. Critics racing to be the first to bash the movie for some kind of clout. I'm sure it has its issues, but I really have a tough time believing the movie is as bad as critics make it out to be especially when actual fans with nothing to gain were gushing over it.
From what I gather, the way they're setting the universe up is via short appearances that will make total sense to fans of the comics/properties, but for people unfamiliar with DC they'll be total headscratchers, which is why we're seeing such a disconnect between fans and critics.
Makes a lot of sense. And if it's hardcore DC fan service then I'm going to love it.

I guess most of the people willing to wait in those long lines and dedicate hours to seeing it a few days early are more than likely hardcore fans, so you're probably right.
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And BTW....... F Andy Sig(whatever his last name is) and F screen junkies. The only good thing they have is Honest Trailers.
Man these fools on RT gave IM3 a 79. A 7ty friggin 9! That's all the proof I need to not take them seriously.

I will be in the theatre, on Friday, at 11am, to watch BvS; and I'm confident I'll enjoy myself. All this hating is just background noise at this point.


Not a good idea to bring up IM3.. Some folk didn't like my referencing of it a couple days ago
Ummmmmmmm really?
Yep.  I don't expect anything more out of them than a bunch of robots based on toys I grew up smashing together beating the **** out of each other.  If I went in expecting anything different, it'd be my fault for being disappointed.  I watch them in the same mindset that I watched the cartoons in when I was 6.

Do you get pissed off that a pizza joint doesn't have filet on the menu, even though you read the sign and knew it was a pizza joint before you went in?
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Depending on who's writing them, sure they are.  Batman and Superman have just as many bad stories as the Transformers do, a lot of them even worse.

I'm just saying...if I walk into a Transformers movie expecting anything but trash...fun trash, to me, but trash nonetheless, whose fault is it when I walk out disappointed?  Do I blame the director, the writers, the actors for making the exact movie they set out to make, or do I blame myself for not paying attention to what I was sold?
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Ummmmmmmm really?
Yep.  I don't expect anything more out of them than a bunch of robots based on toys I grew up smashing together beating the **** out of each other.  If I went in expecting anything different, it'd be my fault for being disappointed.  I watch them in the same mindset that I watched the cartoons in when I was 6.

Do you get pissed off that a pizza joint doesn't have filet on the menu, even though you read the sign and knew it was a pizza joint before you went in?

If I go to a pizza joint and get terrible service.. A pizza with the crust tasting like cardboard.. And the ingredients that look and taste like they were picked out of the garbage

Guess what, I ain't going back

The first film worked because of the eagerness of my inner child to see such a huge portion of my childhood on the screen.. The 2nd film had that forest scene

That's it
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If you read the reviews of a pizza joint that tell you exactly what you're gonna get and you go in expecting something else, that's your fault.  That's what I'm trying to say here.  You don't go into a Transformers movie expecting anything but exactly what you've been told you're going to get.  It's crystal clear, it might as well have a neon sign flashing in your face saying, "THIS IS CRAP".  Now it might be fun crap, but it's still crap.  If you walk into a place that advertises, clearly, that they sell crap and you're upset when you're actually fed crap, that's on you.  

There's a place for empty calories and there's a place for a healthy, filling meal that you'll remember fondly after you've eaten it.  If you buy something that's clearly one but you ignore any and all signs expressing that and eat it anyway then complain that you didn't get what you wanted, that's not the product's fault.
I'll just say there's a part of me that really ******* appreciates sitting in a movie theater and being able to watch Optimus Prime, with a sword and shield, ride a goddamn robot Tyrannosaurus Rex into a fight.  I'm glad I'm still able to enjoy dumb stuff like that.
If you read the reviews of a pizza joint that tell you exactly what you're gonna get and you go in expecting something else, that's your fault.  That's what I'm trying to say here.  You don't go into a Transformers movie expecting anything but exactly what you've been told you're going to get.  It's crystal clear, it might as well have a neon sign flashing in your face saying, "THIS IS CRAP".  Now it might be fun crap, but it's still crap.  If you walk into a place that advertises, clearly, that they sell crap and you're upset when you're actually fed crap, that's on you.  

There's a place for empty calories and there's a place for a healthy, filling meal that you'll remember fondly after you've eaten it.  If you buy something that's clearly one but you ignore any and all signs expressing that and eat it anyway then complain that you didn't get what you wanted, that's not the product's fault.

Not a fan of pizza?

There is some pretty good pizza out there man

Do i expect all of these movies to be the dark knight, no.. But I do think what was done with deadpool is an attainable goal for most of these project, actually show a little respect for what you're dealing with

Michael bay literally cut a scene from one of his previous movies (the island) and just up and inserted it into one of your previous transformers movies just to get more explosions in there
If you read the reviews of a pizza joint that tell you exactly what you're gonna get and you go in expecting something else, that's your fault.  That's what I'm trying to say here.  You don't go into a Transformers movie expecting anything but exactly what you've been told you're going to get.  It's crystal clear, it might as well have a neon sign flashing in your face saying, "THIS IS CRAP".  Now it might be fun crap, but it's still crap.  If you walk into a place that advertises, clearly, that they sell crap and you're upset when you're actually fed crap, that's on you.  

There's a place for empty calories and there's a place for a healthy, filling meal that you'll remember fondly after you've eaten it.  If you buy something that's clearly one but you ignore any and all signs expressing that and eat it anyway then complain that you didn't get what you wanted, that's not the product's fault.

Not a fan of pizza?

There is some pretty good pizza out there man

Most of the places I really like to eat at only have average reviews on Yelp that I think are inaccurate :lol:

I know TF is trash because I've seen them all and made my decision. Will there be a poll in this thread for people who've actually seen the movie?
I'll just say there's a part of me that really ******* appreciates sitting in a movie theater and being able to watch Optimus Prime, with a sword and shield, ride a goddamn robot Tyrannosaurus Rex into a fight.  I'm glad I'm still able to enjoy dumb stuff like that.

That was in the trailer..

You could have gone and seen a better movie and catch that on the preview beforehand
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