DC Studios THREAD - GunnVerse Begins - The Penguin out 9/19 then every Sunday on MAX

Spoiler free impressions:

Just got back from the theater. Saw it with a couple friends and they said it was great. I felt the same way. There were definitely things I didn't like but I really enjoyed the film. You could tell the audience generally liked it too. I don't see how this movie could not appeal to general audiences. There is clear DC fan service, but it's not as thick as some early critics made me think it would be.

- I wasn't the biggest fan of Man of Steel.

- I felt this film was leagues better.

- Jesse Eisenberg was still cringeworthy, but didn't affect the quality of the film for me.

- The story moves from point-to-point a little fast, but not as bad as Watchmen. I'm really excited to see an extended cut on Blu-ray. I feel like the story will flow better. (I understand that they needed to have the film be a certain time. General audiences aren't going to sit through really long movies, so you put out the super extendo cut for the home release like Lord of the Rings.)

- The movie IS doing a lot. There are quick cameos that serve a purpose for the future, which they try to make relevant to the current story and blend them in as naturally as possible, but I can definitely see the complaint about this. It wasn't an issue for me though.

- Some of the dream sequences (or maybe all of them, I can't remember) just come out of nowhere. They could of edited them waaaay better. There's one in particular that is a huge WTF moment that had me doing the jagsfan.gif. It isn't until it's done until you find out it was in the characters head, but it transitions to another WTF moment right after.

- The story for TDK flowed a lot better, but this movie has way more moving parts. I understand people are going to compare it to the Nolan films, because that's the gold standard, but BVS is great in different ways.

- Superman (who's never been a character I've cared for) was kind of cool. He has his moments and I actually cared about the things he cared about and for his well being in this film. I didn't think they could do that.

- This may be the most awesome portrayal of Batman on film. He makes great use of his gadgets and mind in battle. He literally throws everything but the kitchen sink in his fights and it's some of the most satisfying action sequences in a comic book action film or action film in general to me.

- I was so wrong about Gal Gadot as WW. I have to swallow my pride and say that @shogun was right.
Admitting that is killing me on the inside. She was ELECTRIC. When she actually fights with the trinity she is a certified BADASS.

- Overall. Really awesome film. Super excited for what's coming down the pipeline. This is definitely a movie I want to see multiple times. Word to @Kal-El-8. It's a great time for fans of superheroes from all publishers.

Saw it in IMAX 3D.

Just amazing.

Luthor was on point crazy.

Please take my money for the 4K Ultra Blu Ray Ultimate Edition now Please!
All the pieces of a good cinematic universe are here. Snyder's artistry is appreciated but WB really needs to throw some ice into the glass of hard liquor that is his creativity.

We need some yang for all that yin.

But the pieces are there.

Henry is a fine Superman.

Gal wowed and amazed.

Nothing needs to be said about Affleck.

Hell Lex Luthor got the most positive audience response in my theater but I am hoping his character is tweaked.

Momoa :pimp:

I believe in Ezra Miller and his struggle beard.

Hans Zimmer da gawd. Batman's theme music :wow:

Just for the love of god. Tweak these scripts, throw someone with some structural knowledge in the editing room.

And the reviews calling the movie "humorless". Yes. I appreciate the movies being darker than Marvel. But for the love of ****, throw some comic book whimsy in this *****. Perry White was much needed comic relief.

Just someone please get in there with Snyder and balance his *** out.

We love you, Snyder. But you're putting too much salt on the fries. The potatoes taste great as-is, man.

But I am optimistic about the DCeU. I want the WW, Flash, and Aquaman movies now. **** JL.

They have the potential to do better origins than any of Marvel's Phase I blunders.
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^ ^ ^

I do wish Snyder is at least open to someone editting the bluray version, there's a much better movie in this if the scenes are just placed somewhere, removed or transitions flowed better. I pretty much said the same with MoS, something I'd actually pay to see.

as for humor, I thought there were some funny Alfred and Bruce banter
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Well, when it comes to humor, people laughed literally twice

When Bats said, 'I'm a friend of your son' and the other one, literally can't remember
Left the theater scratching my head, cant say its bad but its definitely not good. WW was dope though, and I would like for someone to explain to me why Eisenberg was casted as Lex.
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My theater laughed at every Lex line. They thought he was great. Jessie is a great actor but somehow it does the character a disservice. Can't say I hated his performance though.

I had absolutely zero problem with Batman's decisions in the movie. I would like to stop seeing people posting about Cranston as Lex Sr. It's not happening. If we get less camp and more menace with Eisenberg, that'd be fine with me.

His Freudian slip at the party during his speech exemplifies what his character should be 24/7
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People can say it's humorless and criticized that it's not for kids. Guess what? I don't want a Batman film made for kids. I wanna see a dark character traumatized by the murder of his parents violently beating criminals.
Affleck actually doesn't want his kids to see this film, he was asking the editting team to make a cut just for his kids :lol:

That does got me curious on what they actually cut out that'll make the R version.
So despite ppl scoring the movie way differently in here, people overwhelmingly agree on :

The pacing/movie being rushed/all over the place
Poor editing/story structure and storytelling
The Lex casting being :x
Battfleck being :pimp:
WW being :smokin

It's nearly an unanimous consensus on these 5 things. Just some ppl more forgiving about the flaws than others.
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when I saw this it makes me think Lois might dies in JL, Supes comes back to life all Injustice bad (because of her death?) and Bats forms the JL to take him down/beat some sense into him
Just saw the film.

Pros: Ben Affleck and every scene with him as Bruce and Batman. I was invested in his character and understood his motivations.

Cons: Snyder's inability to tell a cohesive story.

Overall, it is not a horrible movie but it just left me empty inside similar to how Man of Steel did.
My theater laughed at every Lex line. They thought he was great. Jessie is a great actor but somehow it does the character a disservice. Can't say I hated his performance though.

I had absolutely zero problem with Batman's decisions in the movie. I would like to stop seeing people posting about Cranston as Lex Sr. It's not happening. If we get less camp and more menace with Eisenberg, that'd be fine with me.

His Freudian slip at the party during his speech exemplifies what his character should be 24/7
lex sr is dead so yeah, def not happening 
Spoiler free impressions:

- I was so wrong about Gal Gadot as WW. I have to swallow my pride and say that @shogun was right. :smh: Admitting that is killing me on the inside. She was ELECTRIC. When she actually fights with the trinity she is a certified BADASS.

that smirk she had after being knocked down by Doomsday was downright awesome

It really was. She was just awesome in general throughout that whole battle.

Matter of fact. I liked that Doomsday fight a lot. I liked that the trinity felt weak to him and needed teamwork, coordination, and a little extra to take him down. I love the Avengers films, but they seem to end with shooting galleries with enemies who's only threat is sheer numbers. It seems like light work for them and you just see a montage of aliens or robots getting dusted.

WW had to stop what she was doing and join the fight. It was dope how they had WW serve Doomsday in the air and Supes spike him down. And even after a nuke, Doomsday re-genned and came back. They needed ultimate teamwork to put him down. WW lasso'd him, then Bats hitting him with the kryptonite gas, and Supes flying in with the kryptonite spear beatdown combo. Supes "died" for that W. This is what I wanted to see the Avengers do to Ultron.

I think that's why I like the solo Marvel films better, because the battles are more interesting. I'm still a much bigger fan of Marvel's characters, but I really liked this ensemble for DC in BVS. I hope we see an epic battle with Thanos actually fighting the Avengers on his own. I feel like both studios could serve as inspiration for one another.
Battfleck and Gal killed it, other than that I'm 50/50. Movie was far too all over the place for my liking. Will watch it again on a matinee.
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Yes, actual teamwork in the final battle as opposed to everybody washing minions to the theme music was good.

I feel like that scene RFX posted is DC's answer to the post credits craze. Instead of having the audience sit through the credits, just pepper one scene like that into your movies in order to pique interest in the grander tale.

I'm still scratching my head about this movie. I liked it, and all the pieces were there, it just wasn't clicking together. Either that or it was missing something.
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How does Aquaman have all these products but Flash have more scenes than him

thought he was gonna join the doomsday fight
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