DC vs. Marvel

ps... gave you kudos just from the fact that you were trying...... gtgt work now i'll be back on later........suggestion for the time being: know yourfacts! i'll come back and see what nonsense you put on
Originally Posted by Vidasman

YOU gotta see that youre asking a board that mostly consists of youngsters who are under the age of 25 or 21 for that part and most are going to base thier answers off of todays modern movies, toys, cool looks and popularity... that will mainly go to MARVEL, they have had better movies, toys and more popularity with getting thier own movie production rights MARVEL STUDIOS.. before youd see the MARVEL tied in with like paramount pictures but now that MARVEL is on its own, they can do whatever the heck they want and that means for sure movies like

* THE AVENGERS..... (thats gonna be insane seeing IRON MAN and many others on ONE SCREEN)

BUT WAIT A MINUTE...... the comic life as a whole without a doubt has to go with DC in terms of storylines, consistancy and human relations to a reader. Without a doubt the FRONT RUNNER and MOST ICONIC hero, hands down is SUPERMAN


Thank you! at last some one who knows what's up! ....I knew that the majority of NTers were gonna go with Marvel before I even looked in this thread, justbecause of the average age of this board.
& based on the movies, & even the current story arcs, I would say they are right! There is no question that Marvel's recent run of big budget Superhero flicks have been far more superior to any of the celluloid exploits that DC has put out in recent years.

But I have no doubt, that had DC & Warner Bros resolved their legal issues concerning the rights to the various Batman & Superman franchises, got theiract together & put into production some of the Films that have been discussed for many years such as; Superman/Batman, JLA, Flash,Wonder Woman etc......& had executed them with the same continuity & style that Marvel has, then there would be a lot more DC fanboys /forwarding thread.

What you have to realise is, that without the creation of Superman ...there would be no comic book genre ...there wouldn't even be a Marvel! No Batman,Watchmen, etc! Of course, hypothetically, you could argue that the genre would have been created at sometime alomg the way & it may well have evolved, butin a different way.

But like I said before, Superman is the original & the best!!

Oh & the Hulk would beat Superman? ......
....you must be smokingsomething green if you believe that!!
Originally Posted by GL Rayner

Although I like DC, its really hard to put one Brand over the other. Marvel and DC have had their periods where both struggled with their storylines and characters.

Superman Blue and Red
So many incarnations of Wolverine
Ben Reilly Spiderman
The Marvel phase of Hologram Covers
Hal Jordan becoming the Spectre
Spiderman/Mary-Jane making a deal with the devil/Mephisto....
Wolverine in every comic and on 3-4 different teams at the same time

The list goes on and on.....

^ Dude aint lyin... both brands have had thier fare share of desperation... in theend all that matters to me is if theyre going to keep making super hero movies

* PLEASE stick to the storylines

* Make the hero look NEAR Original at least with some slight mod

* PLEASE cast either Sophia Bush, Salma Hayek, or Megan Fox for the WonderWoman....
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

Originally Posted by AJ23ToKB24

Easy choice: DC

Superman can single handedly beat ALL heroes and villains of Marvel.

Heck, even Batman who is the super genius of all the superheroes can beat all the members of Marvel.

.............he can't even deal with his OWN villians i mean LEX LUTHOR!!! he's a freakin human!!! he doesn't have what it takes to do the job right!...and hands down Hulk or juggernaught could wup that sap from here to kingdom come! hulks got what 800+ ppl he's killed... he would have no problem killing superman..........and you say batmans super smart huh? is he smarter than brainiac? mr fantastic?
you're just a fanboy what do you know?
I can see your heartbeat is on the rise right now

Yes he is smarter than every Marvel member you name kid, and even your mom too!!!
yeah.... no one in both universes is smarter than a mere human
and about my heart... i'm passionate about comics.....you should take an interest in them too... don't just watch the movies and say: " hey i like that guy, from now on he's the best at everything... i'll go into discussions and just blurt out that he's better than everyone"

Alright, so you think Hulk can beat Superman just because he killed 800 plus people, well Superman can kill 800,000 people if he chooses to.

And I don't go and just watch the movies and say: " hey i like that guy, from now on he's the best at everything... i'll go into discussionsand just blurt out that he's better than everyone".

You like Marvel and you have your reasons why they're better and I like DC and I have reasons why they're better.....you just quoted me because youwere hurt at what I said about Marvel. That's just my opinion, don't take it too seriously.
Originally Posted by Spidermachine916

ps... gave you kudos just from the fact that you were trying...... gtgt work now i'll be back on later........suggestion for the time being: know your facts! i'll come back and see what nonsense you put on

This kid is unbelievable
, the hell you talking about i'm trying??Well what can I say, you're a Marvel lover and there's nothing wrong with that.

Don't work too hard now though.....
Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by Vidasman

YOU gotta see that youre asking a board that mostly consists of youngsters who are under the age of 25 or 21 for that part and most are going to base thier answers off of todays modern movies, toys, cool looks and popularity... that will mainly go to MARVEL, they have had better movies, toys and more popularity with getting thier own movie production rights MARVEL STUDIOS.. before youd see the MARVEL tied in with like paramount pictures but now that MARVEL is on its own, they can do whatever the heck they want and that means for sure movies like

* THE AVENGERS..... (thats gonna be insane seeing IRON MAN and many others on ONE SCREEN)

BUT WAIT A MINUTE...... the comic life as a whole without a doubt has to go with DC in terms of storylines, consistancy and human relations to a reader. Without a doubt the FRONT RUNNER and MOST ICONIC hero, hands down is SUPERMAN


Thank you! at last some one who knows what's up! ....I knew that the majority of NTers were gonna go with Marvel before I even looked in this thread, just because of the average age of this board.
& based on the movies, & even the current story arcs, I would say they are right! There is no question that Marvel's recent run of big budget Super hero flicks have been far more superior to any of the celluloid exploits that DC has put out in recent years.

But I have no doubt, that had DC & Warner Bros resolved their legal issues concerning the rights to the various Batman & Superman franchises, got their act together & put into production some of the Films that have been discussed for many years such as; Superman/Batman, JLA, Flash,Wonder Woman etc. .....& had executed them with the same continuity & style that Marvel has, then there would be a lot more DC fanboys /forwarding thread.

What you have to realise is, that without the creation of Superman ...there would be no comic book genre ...there wouldn't even be a Marvel! No Batman, Watchmen, etc! Of course, hypothetically, you could argue that the genre would have been created at sometime alomg the way & it may well have evolved, but in a different way.

But like I said before, Superman is the original & the best!!

Oh & the Hulk would beat Superman? ......
....you must be smoking something green if you believe that!!

Superman is the most iconic comic book figure ever created...that is true. But him being the best...nope. Superman as a character sucks so hard compared toother companies characters and you know why...they made him out to be god, they gave him a wack rogue's gallery, dude had to be finally beaten by someonemade out totally out of his one weakness, kryptonite.

You suckas are so stuck on the past it's not even funny...and Superman is only iconic because he was one of the first major blockbuster poweredsuper-heroes to ever come out...would the comic book genre have still been the way it is today? No way, Superman did pave the way for new comic books, heroes,movies...on and on. But best believe if he never existed someone else would have created a Superman prototype figure for the masses and then you guys wouldwant to argue why he was the best.

As to whether who's better I gotta give it to Marvel and this isn't a biased opinion, i've read alot from both Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse,etc... And Marvel while they have had their crappy storylines which really sucked (ben reilly, operation galactic storm, onslaught saga...) they still hadquality artists and creative writers and House of Ideas to lean on, DC did as well and Image certainly did when the first started up but to me not as much asMarvel.
Oh & the Hulk would beat Superman? ......image ....you must be smoking something green if you believe that!!

Let me get nerdy for a sec...

The Hulk gets stronger as he gets angrier. There is no cap on the Hulk's strength.

Plus, the Hulk lacks Superman's greatest weakness, which is Superman's inherent need to do good.

That is actually what makes Superman one of the weakest heroes around. Think of him as J.R. Smith... an incredibly gifted waste of talent.
I am getting a headache with some of the reasoning in this thread.

Originally Posted by kingjamesvehs

no cartoon is better than the old fox kids x men

maybe u can put the spiderman
or maybe 90s batman up there
but seriously
xmen for the winrar

I'm sorry but Batman The Animated Series > All.
I used to think the X-Men cartoon were real great but seeing it now, the animation looks good in the stand still (once they start moving, damn thing issketchy) but the stories kind of sucks.
I even prefer the Spider-Man cartoon over the X-Men.

There is nothing like Paul Dini's writing in the Batman Animated Series.
I'm sorry but Batman The Animated Series > All.

There is nothing like Paul Dini's writing in the Batman Animated Series.


The Fox X-Men Animated series was terrible.

The best X-Men cartoon was the one-shot Pryde of the X-Men. That was straight Byrne/Claremont era greatness. The worst part of that cartoon was Wolverine'sAustralian accent...
ok dc stans fans,

after batman and superman, what else you got? nothing. that's what. no other compelling heroes.
and like my man kingjamesveh said, the cats are too heroey - meaning too damn goody goody.

marvel has NUMEROUS compelling characters (notice that i started with the villians first - villians ftw):
dr. doom
incredible hulk
doctor strange
franklin richards

you want to know what's going on with these guys.
I find plenty of DC Characters interesting outside of Supes and Bats.

Flash (Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, John Stewart, Alan Scott, even Kilowog)
Green Lantern (Wally West, Barry Allen, Bart Allen, Jay Garrick)
Wonder Woman
Martian Manhunter
Superboy Prime
John Constantine
The Question
Swamp Thing
Green Arrow

Those are all just on the top of my head.
[h2]Top 10 Strongest Superheroes and the reasonswhy...


[/td] [td] HIS DEAL: Caught in the heart of a gamma bomb explosion, genius scientist Dr. Robert Bruce Banner finds himself transformed into a 7-foot, one-ton green behemoth with near-unlimited strength, rapid tissue-regenerative powers and nigh-inexhaustible stamina.
WHY HE'S #10: "Hulk Smash! ... and that's about it. Yeah, he may posseses Banner's keen scientific mind and the ruthless cunning of Mr. Fixit, but on this list of supermen, warrior women and Norse gods, the Hulk's muscle just ain't enough to overcome the #10 slot.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]9) FIRESTORM[/h2][table][tr][td]

[/td] [td] HIS DEAL: Trapped in an experimental nuclear reactor, high school student Ronnie Raymond and Prof. Martin Stein gained the ability to merge into the superhero Firestorm, a being with the ability to alter his own molecular density and the molecular configuration of all inanimate matter.
WHY HE'S #9: Ronnie's a young turk who's easily distracted, even with Stein playing the brainy scientist. While the Hulk's limited powers are something Ronnie could handle, any of the more varied attacks from the really diversified guys on this list would clean Ronnie's clock.

VS. HULK: One heavy-duty adamantium prison cell whipped up outta nowhere, and the Hulk is outta the fight in five seconds flat.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]
PROFESSOR X (PRE-ONSLAUGHT)[/h2][table][tr][td]

[/td] [td] HIS DEAL: Born a mutant, Prof. X is the world's most powerful telepath. Despite being wheelchair-bound, he can read minds and wipe minds clean.
WHY HE'S #8: While the good professor may possess the most powerful melon on Earth, his frail body would prove too much a liability against the powerhouses on this list.

VS. HULK: No contest. Prof. X would sense ol' Green-genes' thoughts from a mile away, and after having zero success trying to reason with him, turn ol' Jade Jaws into a green vegtable.

VS. FIRESTORM: Before Firestorm could think of a way to nix him, Prof. X. would "hear" his thoughts and force Stein and Raymond to seperate into their powerless civilian personas.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]7) SPAWN[/h2][table][tr][td] HIS DEAL: Making a deal with the devil, government assassin Al Simmons was resurrected with a price: finite magical powers capable of nearly any feat imaginable but, when exhausted, will drag him back to Hell to lead its forces against Heaven.
WHY HE'S #7: His fear of using his finite powers against the titans on this list would give his oppinents an opportunity to get a second shot in --- which, against this crowd, would be one shot too many.


[/td] [td] VS. HULK: Spawn has lost body parts in the past without sweating it too much, so while the greenskin goliath may punch an arm or two off, Spawny-guy here can take the punishment and blast the big guy to atoms.
VS. FIRESTORM: Though they have simliar powers, Spawn has the edge in that he can also create things outta nothing. Bound by common physics, Firestorm wouldn't have aprayer against a guy who has the powers of hell behind him.

VS. PROF. X: When Chuck probes a disturbing alienish mind, he gets all disoriented -- and they don't come more disturbing than resurrected government hitmen/generals-in-training for Satan's war against Heaven. The second Charlie taps into Al's noggin, BAM! the Professor'd be stunned for a few seconds and that's all Al'd need to leave Chuck a stain ina wheelchair.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]6) DR. STRANGE[/h2][table][tr][td] HIS DEAL: As our dimension's Sorcerer Supreme, Steven Strange stands as the first and last line of defense against all magic-based menaces that threaten our dimension.
WHY HE'S #6: While he's beaten cosmic menaces to save the universe countless times, Doc Strange is only human with limited stamina, speed and reflexes.


[/td] [td] VS. HULK: He's beaten the Hulk before (Hulk #300), and he'd do it again. Teleporting him to another dimension, forcing him to sleep, making the Hulk believe he's already won the fight and getting him to walk away ... the list goes on and on.
VS. FIRESTORM: Know how Spawn's mystical powers would overwhelm Firestorm? Doc's spellcasting would do it the same way. Just faster.

VS. PROF. X: Wouldn't Prof. X see him coming? Not when Dr. Strange steps out of a side dimension with a host of spells at the ready, kiboshing the Professor before he had time to spin his wheelchair around.

VS. SPAWN: Two things tip it in Doc's favor. First, he's been around a lot longer, traveled to countless dimensions with varied battlegrounds and has forgotten more mystic battles than Spawn's ever experienced. Secondly, while Spawn is cautious with his power, the Doc would just cut loose.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]5) FLASH[/h2][table][tr][td] HIS DEAL: Wally West taps into the Speed Force, a universal force that gives him the ability to run, think and react at near-lightspeed.
WHY HE'S #5: It's next to impossible to react to this guy's attack. You're not going to see him coming, and by the time you realize he's there, he's already hit you a hundred times over.


[/td] [td] VS. HULK: The Flash would just vibrate through the Hulk and , ewww, make him explode.
VS. FIRESTORM: For all his powers, Ronnie'd have no time to react to the Flash or even turn intangible. Flash would be all over this guy like white on rice.

VS. PROF. X: Knowing the Flash is one-tenth of a nanosecond away from clocking you isn't going to do you much good. Bye-bye, Chuck.

VS. SPAWN: 99 percent of Spawn's foes are just big hulking guys relying on raw power. The flash represents a foe unlike anything ol' Spawny-guy has ever faced, whereas Wally has dealt with magic-based foes before. This fight's over without Al ever knowing who clobbered him.

VS. DR. STRANGE: Same deal as Spawn. Doc Strange isn't going to know hitting him and isn't going to stay conscious long enough to find out.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]4) WONDER WOMAN[/h2][table][tr][td]
HER DEAL: Spawned by Greek goddesses on the paradise island of Themyscira, Dianan is an immortal Amazon granted flight, incredible strength, speed, wisdom, and beauty.

WHY SHE'S #4: Raised an an Amazon warrior, Wonder Woman isn't just some muscle-bound brawler--- she's a highly skilled warrior who knows how to spot an enemy's weakness and exploit it.


[/td] [td] VS. HULK: While the two are pretty evenly matched strength-wise, Diana gets the advantage with speed. flight and warrior skills. As cagey and sharp as the Hulk is, he isn't as skilled in tactical combat.
VS. FIRESTORM: Like Flash, Diana'd use superspeed to land one quick punch. And when you're as strong as the Hulk, that's about all you need.

VS. PROF. X: After countless battles of wills through fighting the Greek gods' magic and bending people to her will through her magic lasso, we see Wonder Woman being grabbed by Chuck telepathically. But a sluggish Diana either grabs the Prof with her lasso and commands him to stop or just hits him with some loose debris. Either scenario takes Charlie outta the fight.

VS. SPAWN: She could take the eraly hits Spawn would probably nail her with, but she wouldn't be hit by that many. Fueled by speed, strength and warrior know-how, Spawn goes down for the count.

VS. DR. STRANGE: Wonder Woman is based in magic, so while Doc is busy unsuccessfully trying to mess with her on that front (no way is he undoing the work of the Greek gods), Diana's superspeed has her on him from all fronts battering his shields with near-Superman-level strength. With that kind of onslaught, she's bound to tag him once, which is all she needs.

VS. FLASH: We see Diana hammered relentlessly by hundreds of blows from the as-good-as-invisible Flash. But between her nigh-invulnerability, superspeed and canny fighting prowess, she'd eventually detect a pattern in the Flash's attack and stun him with a glancing blow. Long enough for Diana to finish the job and then collapse.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]3) SUPERMAN (PRE-"ELECTRO-SUPERMAN")[/h2][table][tr][td] HIS DEAL: Rocketed from the exploding planet Krypton, Clark Kent grew to adulthood on Earth to learn that this planet's yellow sun and weaker gravity gave him near-invulnerability strength, speed, stamina, hearing, etc. Calling himself Superman, he now fights the never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American way!
WHY HE'S #3: This guy's name pretty much says it all. We've already see the power the Flash has as his command with superspeed, so when you mix in superstrength, heat vision, invulnerability and the other dozen powers at Supes' command, he becomes fairly unbeatable.


VS. HULK: We actually saw this already in Marvel vs. DC #3, which saw Supes coming out on top. While the Hulk can stand toe-to-toe in strength, Big Blue's superspeed, flight and heat vision put him over the top.

VS. FIRESTORM: While Supes would be in trouble if Firestorm got a bead on him (Firestorm once trapped Supes in a kryptonite bubble back in Fury of Firestorm #4), Supes' speed has him getting the drop on Ronnie, and ending the fight before it ever begins.
[/td] [td] VS. PROF. X: Though Supes wouldn't take Chuck down as fast as the Flash did, it would only be by a half-second or so.
VS. SPAWN: For those of you not in the know, magic (along with kryptonite) is one of the few things that really cripples Supes. Good thing Supes' Flash-like speed lets him get in close to Spawn and take him down with a super-punch before Al even knows what hit him.

VS. DR. STRANGE: We see Supes having a lot more trouble with Doc than with Spawn, simply because Doc's a sorcery veteran. But even if he bounced off an initial deflective shield, no way can Doc get a bead on him for a direct attack. A superspeed delivered punch or zap of heat visionwraps up the flight in under a minute.

VS. FLASH: Yeah, the Flash is faster, but Supes ain't no slouch in the speed department, either, giving Wally only slight edge. Plus, like WW, Supes can take anything the Flash can dish out and eventually land a knock-out blow.

VS. WONDER WOMAN: Now this would be a cool fight! Fairly evenly matched with flight, strength and speed, Supes is still just a little tougher, a little faster and just a tad stronger. Diana would eventually tire, whileSupes is a living solar battery with enough power reserves to be the one (barely) standing at the end of the battle.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]2) THOR[/h2][table][tr][td] HIS DEAL: The actual Norse God of Thunder, Thor possesses "normal" Asgardian attributes including immorality, superstrength and nigh-invulnerability. He is armed with Mjolnir, the mystical war hammer capable of opening passageways through space and time, blocking all sorts of energy blasts and bending the elements to its master's will.
WHY HE'S #2: This guy is a Norse god warrior, trained and skilled in the art of battle. And he's been doing it for countless ages. Give him a magical hammer and the power over the elements, and he's unbeatable. Almost.


VS. HULK: The Hulk may be as tough and as strong as Thor, but Goldilock's got 'im beat in the skill department, seeing as how he's been fighting gods, armies, trolls and wizards for over a millennium. It might mean a couple days bed rest afterward, but Thor wins the belt in this bout.

VS. FIRESTORM: Surprised by the sheer force of the storm and unexpected lightening bursts. Firestorm loses his concentration and becomes tangible. Yeah, he wouldn't be beaten by the storm, but one shot from Mjolnir would knock the Nuclear Man senseless.

VS. PROF. X: Pushing himself to the limits in his search for the mind behind the storm buffeting the mansion (Mjolnir's magic at work), Prof. X detects Thor's presence seconds before Thor clobbers him into unconsciousness.
[/td] [td] VS. SPAWN: Puh-lease! Thor's already faced down all sorts of demonic magic types like Hela (Asgard's ruler of Hel), so while Spawn may take some time to wear down, trapping him in the middle of a hurricane, hailing a blitzkrieg of lightening bolts on 'im and pounding him with Mjolnir would leave Al a pile of pulpy necroplasm.
VS. DR. STRANGE: Magic? No problema! You gotta remember that Thor's trusty hammer Mjolnir can handle any magic tossed Thor's way. Doc might as well be weaving a blanket instead of a spell, 'cause Thor'd make him say "good night".

VS. FLASH: Similiar to his bout with Wonder Woman, the Flash would get in some good shots against the Thunder God... but if it's one thing Thor has shown, it's that he can take punishment. Between the monstrous storm that'd spring up out of nowhere, dodging lightening bolts and whirlinghammers, the Flash would eventually be tagged and, well that'd be that.

VS. WONDER WOMAN: The collest fight on this whole list!!! Two super-strong, super-tough warriors battling it out with sheer power and skills in a battle that would leave both warriors horrifically wounded and completely exhausted... with Thor the last one standing. He's just tougher, with a billion more lifetimes of battle-experience beneath his belt.

VS. SUPERMAN: While Supes has the edge in speed and flight (Thor gets pulled by his hammer; he doesn;t really fly.), once again Thor's warrior training and combat experience would give him the edge he needs to have more of his blows connect, eventually laying the Kryptonian flat. It's all in the name: Super-Man; Thor, God of Thunder.
[/td] [/tr][/table][h3][/h3][h2]1) SILVER SURFER[/h2][table][tr][td] HIS DEAL: As the former herald of the world-devourer Galactus, Norrin Radd possesses he "power cosmic," an energy source capable of almost any feat imaginable, making him one of the most powerful beings in the cosmos.
WHY HE'S #1: The Surfer is the fringe character that seperates humanity from the omnipotence of Galactus or Eternity, making himtops on our list. His power cosmic is so powerful that it's not a matter of what the Surfer can do, it's what he can't. Matter-manipulation, the power reserves of stars, traveling at lightspeed ... he may even be able to create life. He's truely in a power class of his own.


VS. HULK: The Hulk may be physically stronger than the Surfer, but c'mon, our boy Norrin would never let the Hulk get near him. He'd zip up on the Hulk at near-lightspeed, unleash just a fraction of the power cosmic and, when the Hulk came to at the bottom of the smoking crater a couple days later, the Surfer'd be done kicking the crap out of the rest of the heros on this list.

VS. FIRESTORM: No contest. Whatever Ronnie can do, Norrin can undo. With the skill and far greater matter-manipulation power at his command, Firestorm rates a two-panel fight at best.
[/td] [td] VS. PROF. X: Yeah, you guessed it, between the Surfer's incomprehensible speed and indomitable will, Prof. X may give the Surfer a run for his money in chess, but not in combat.
VS. SPAWN: The Surfer's faced down Mephisto, Marvel's version of Satan, so a Satan-flunkie like Spawn ain't gonna do much that the Surfer hasn't overcome before.

VS. DR. STRANGE: Dr. Strange is a human conduit of magic with human frailties, while the Surfer can stand at the center of a super-nova without breaking a sweat. It might take a couple of hours, but Strange would burn himself out trying to dent the Surfer.

VS. FLASH: Sorry, the SUrfer is faster than the Flash, with the power of the universe at his command. Once you take away his speed, Wally is just a guy. G'night, Wally.

VS. WONDER WOMAN: Diana may be a better fight, but the Surfer is faster, tougher and more powerful. Ten bucks says Wonder Woman's bracelets aren't up to deflecting the power cosmic.

VS. SUPERMAN: While Supes might land a couple of blows as the Surfer is trying to talk to him, our bald buddy Norrin could either hammer Supes into submission with the power cosmic or suck all the solar energy out of him with his energy manipulation powers.

VS. THOR: Surfer's power cosmic is fairly evenly matched with Mjolnir (whose magical properies aren't affected by the universe's laws of physics), which would absorb/deflect Surfer's power for a while. While Surfer couldn't do much physical damage to Thor, Thor would hammer the Surfer unconscious ... if he could hit'em. And even though Mjolnir could block Surfer's powerful blasts, some would eventually land. As the battle progressed, more and more of the Surfer's blows would connect until one super-blast of the power cosmic would put the Odinson down for the count. And the worst part? The Surfer, one of the most noble spirits in the universe, would search the rubble after the fight, grab Mjolnir and head off to Disneyworld.
[/td] [/tr][/table]
And on DC you have

The entire JSA which is the first superhero team and the model which all other follow; a family of people passing on their training and talents to the nextgenerations making sure they live up the standard of heroism that they established
In Green Lantern we have the battle over the emotional spectrum with Willpower being the force that drives all others and being the agent of balance allcentering around Hal Jordan a man who shone the brightest and fell the farthest and has come back to show us all that fear can be conquered
The Flash is the ultimate heroic legacy, starting with Jay Garrick and going all the way to John Fox in the 832nd century. We've seen the return of BarryAllen, the man who without whom there wouldn't have been a Silver Age and no superhero comics to speak of, returning to life knowing he's living onborrowed time. Imagine that: the fastest man alive doesn't have enough time. Not enough time to save everyone, not enough time to love the woman he loves,not enough time to live. All this while bearing the weight of being seen as the greatest hero of all.
Nightwing is the son who now has to become his father.
The Legion are the standard bearers for a legacy no one was there to teach them beyond history books and they are fighting to preserve the future whilehonoring the past.
Booster Gold is trying to maintain history from unravelling knowing that for all his effort he will never be able to save his best friend and no one will everrecognize him as more than a flash in the pan braggart.
Green Arrow is trying to be a better man and father than he knows he wasn't the first time around.

If you can't find compelling stories in the DCU then you're actively not trying.
Originally Posted by jimmybeanz

ok dc stans fans,

after batman and superman, what else you got? nothing. that's what. no other compelling heroes.
and like my man kingjamesveh said, the cats are too heroey - meaning too damn goody goody.

marvel has NUMEROUS compelling characters (notice that i started with the villians first - villians ftw):
dr. doom
incredible hulk
doctor strange
franklin richards

you want to know what's going on with these guys.

if you really think DC only has Superman and Batman you should quit posting now
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by Vidasman

YOU gotta see that youre asking a board that mostly consists of youngsters who are under the age of 25 or 21 for that part and most are going to base thier answers off of todays modern movies, toys, cool looks and popularity... that will mainly go to MARVEL, they have had better movies, toys and more popularity with getting thier own movie production rights MARVEL STUDIOS.. before youd see the MARVEL tied in with like paramount pictures but now that MARVEL is on its own, they can do whatever the heck they want and that means for sure movies like

* THE AVENGERS..... (thats gonna be insane seeing IRON MAN and many others on ONE SCREEN)

BUT WAIT A MINUTE...... the comic life as a whole without a doubt has to go with DC in terms of storylines, consistancy and human relations to a reader. Without a doubt the FRONT RUNNER and MOST ICONIC hero, hands down is SUPERMAN


Thank you! at last some one who knows what's up! ....I knew that the majority of NTers were gonna go with Marvel before I even looked in this thread, just because of the average age of this board.
& based on the movies, & even the current story arcs, I would say they are right! There is no question that Marvel's recent run of big budget Super hero flicks have been far more superior to any of the celluloid exploits that DC has put out in recent years.

But I have no doubt, that had DC & Warner Bros resolved their legal issues concerning the rights to the various Batman & Superman franchises, got their act together & put into production some of the Films that have been discussed for many years such as; Superman/Batman, JLA, Flash,Wonder Woman etc. .....& had executed them with the same continuity & style that Marvel has, then there would be a lot more DC fanboys /forwarding thread.

What you have to realise is, that without the creation of Superman ...there would be no comic book genre ...there wouldn't even be a Marvel! No Batman, Watchmen, etc! Of course, hypothetically, you could argue that the genre would have been created at sometime alomg the way & it may well have evolved, but in a different way.

But like I said before, Superman is the original & the best!!

Oh & the Hulk would beat Superman? ......
....you must be smoking something green if you believe that!!

Superman is the most iconic comic book figure ever created...that is true. But him being the best...nope. Superman as a character sucks so hard compared to other companies characters and you know why...they made him out to be god, they gave him a wack rogue's gallery, dude had to be finally beaten by someone made out totally out of his one weakness, kryptonite.

You suckas are so stuck on the past it's not even funny...and Superman is only iconic because he was one of the first major blockbuster powered super-heroes to ever come out...would the comic book genre have still been the way it is today? No way, Superman did pave the way for new comic books, heroes, movies...on and on. But best believe if he never existed someone else would have created a Superman prototype figure for the masses and then you guys would want to argue why he was the best.

As to whether who's better I gotta give it to Marvel and this isn't a biased opinion, i've read alot from both Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, etc... And Marvel while they have had their crappy storylines which really sucked (ben reilly, operation galactic storm, onslaught saga...) they still had quality artists and creative writers and House of Ideas to lean on, DC did as well and Image certainly did when the first started up but to me not as much as Marvel.

lol, you obviously didn't read my quote properly, I actually stated that the comic book genere would always have evolved eventually & yes, you'reright a Superman/god like carachter would have been created. ...but the point is, it wasn't! It evolved the way it did.

As for Superman having a weak rogue's gallery, I will agree. Well ...he was created in 1938 for goodness sake! Obviously characters that were createdafter, evolved & had a more intelligent creation process behind them, as well as more real world influence to the artists & writers behind them, (2ndWorld War, the Cold War, womens rights & Nuclear power all feature heavily in the themes of some of the greatest comics ever written)

Don't get it twisted, I'm not hating on Marvel, far from it, I love Marvel ...I love comics period! & as you mention Dark Horse & Image arejust as good & as important to the genre! Not even counting 2000AD!
It's just for me, personally DC struck a nerve at an early age & I guess it stuck.
Like, I said in my first post in this thread, I have been reading both Marvel & DC comics for over 25 years! So I think I am in a position to have abalanced view of both.

Everybody has their own opinions, favourites & influences ....that's what makes it all so enjoyable.

**Oh & to MrTracerBullet ....Supes would just fly Hulk into spacewhere he would have no oxygen & would pass into unconscienceness, therefore reverting him back to B. Banner & rendering him defenceless!
/game over!
That list is pretty consistent but I would put Supes over Thor any day.
Supes can take the Mjolnir from Thor and it would over, and yes, Supes has been deemed worthy enough to carry the mighty hammer.
Hell Ultimate Hulk destroyed Ultimate Thor.
Then again I don't know how Supes would match up against World War Hulk... the strongest version of Supes could probably take him though.
You suckas are so stuck on the past it's not even funny...and Superman is only iconic because he was one of the first major blockbuster powered super-heroes to ever come out...would the comic book genre have still been the way it is today? No way, Superman did pave the way for new comic books, heroes, movies...on and on. But best believe if he never existed someone else would have created a Superman prototype figure for the masses and then you guys would want to argue why he was the best.
WOW you totally contradict yourself and NO hate on you believe me, you do make some good points but this has to bethe one that takes away everything smart you said.... SUPERMAN- WAS, IS and WILL be the ICONIC figure for heroism all over when it comes to comics.. He wasoriginated for the AMERICAN way during the world war eras,,, DID you see SPIDEY in any american campaigns when it came to the war, or the INCREDIBLE HULKduring the Great Depression???? NO, not one, bit.. When you see campaigns back in the troubled times of AMERICA, people looked to SUPERMAN comics and beinglike the savior not because he can shoot webs out of his hands, or because he was green with ANGER or to compare to batman, he didnt have wings and pointyears. What Im saying is that SUPERMAN represents the AMERICAN WAY and alot of you youngsters may not like the american way but it is what it is.. To this daywhen it comes to war in IRAQ, Terrorism from 911, you see SUPERMAN as the Symbol for the US as taking on all foes as in his saying goes "TRUTH, JUSTICE,and the AMERICAN WAY" those words will be iconic for many years to come weather you like it or not. Dont get me wrong, I like Marvel alot and many ofthier characters but OP asked who is better and im saying when it comes to the figure that will is without a doubt ICONIC youre gonna see SUPERMAN logoseverywhere. Todays superheroes are cool in the sense they can teleport into walls, grow Claws outta thier hands, but NONE of them were ever created out theimage of the every day AMERICAN... the ICON the world leader = SUPERMAN.. sorry but thats truth for ya so to answer your question

NO the Comic world, hero world WOULD not be the same if it wasnt for SUPERMAN, sure it would be around and toys, n movies would still be selling but not nearlyas a huge if it wasnt any SUPERMAN..
**Oh & to MrTracerBullet ....Supes would just fly Hulk into space where he would have no oxygen & would pass into unconscienceness, therefore reverting him back to B. Banner & rendering him defenceless! image /game over!

You are assuming that Supes knows that Hulk is Banner. Supes isn't the brightest hero in DC. If it were Bats, then yes. Supes, not so much.

Plus what makes you think that the Hulk would let Supes fly him into space? You are assuming that Supes would use his powers to his advantage which hedoesn't. Ever. If he did, all Supes would do against his foes would to fly super fast while heat vision blasting them from afar, then super punching themto oblivion. But Supes would never do that. Supes always holds back. The Hulk on the other hand, would get annoyed by Supes irritating methods, Hulk-up to thenth degree pound the living crapola outta him.

The only way Supes would beat Hulk, was if we were talking about Pre-Crisis Supes with no conscience whatsoever. Maybe Superboy(man)-Prime.
Originally Posted by MrTracerBullet

**Oh & to MrTracerBullet ....Supes would just fly Hulk into space where he would have no oxygen & would pass into unconscienceness, therefore reverting him back to B. Banner & rendering him defenceless! image /game over!

You are assuming that Supes knows that Hulk is Banner. Supes isn't the brightest hero in DC. If it were Bats, then yes. Supes, not so much.

Plus what makes you think that the Hulk would let Supes fly him into space? You are assuming that Supes would use his powers to his advantage which he doesn't. Ever. If he did, all Supes would do against his foes would to fly super fast while heat vision blasting them from afar, then super punching them to oblivion. But Supes would never do that. Supes always holds back. The Hulk on the other hand, would get annoyed by Supes irritating methods, Hulk-up to the nth degree pound the living crapola outta him.

The only way Supes would beat Hulk, was if we were talking about Pre-Crisis Supes with no conscience whatsoever. Maybe Superboy(man)-Prime.
lol, good point about him not knowing he is Banner,
however your quote "Supes always holds back" falls down. It is not a case of him holding back, it is that he merely does enough to get the job done.To use his own quote against Doomsday: "I've got to stop him, whatever it takes!"
The point is, when the chips are down & innocent lives/loved ones are in danger, Superman would take the necesarry steps to stop the impending threat.
It's funny that everybody is just throwing out character A>B. I think if we went story for story, DC "might" have the edge.

Kingdom Come
Superman Red Son
Flash - The Return of Barry Allen
Batman - Hush
Teen Titans - The Judas Contract
JLA - Tower of Babel
Batman - The Dark Knight Returns
Superman - Doomsday
Green Lantern - Rebirth
Identity Crisis
Flash - Rogue War
Green Lantern - Sinestro Corp War
Superman - Birthright
Superman - Whatever happened to the Man of Tommorow?
Batman - The Killing Joke
Batman - Long Halloween
Batman - A Death in The Family
Teen titans - A Kids Game
Suicide Squad

The list goes on and on......
idk....Marvel has Wolverine, Hulk and Spider-Man, but

DC has Batman, and Superman is on a league of his own.

Superman>>>Wolverine Hulk Spiderman and Batman. Yes I said it.
Originally Posted by CB94

Originally Posted by Barack 0drama

Originally Posted by Falcon4567

Marvel has over a 1000+ plus parallel worlds it just uses them for humor, the only series that takes advantage of that is Exiles. DC only has 52 (less after Final Crisis) and actually uses them to tell really grand metafictional stories. And Marvel has tons of god-like beings - you have three actual gods as superheroes for cripes sake.
Yea, But DC's flagship, franchise characters are Gods, And that's the main reason I don't like them too much.


That article pretty much sums up how I feel about Superman, And you can almost apply it to Diana and GL too.

Marvel's characters are more relatable to me...Story arcs less convulted too.

You know what my __, this was so spot on I had to post it for you....
[h1]BK FEATURE: Why Superman Will Always Suck[/h1]
The title is all the intro you should need.



It almost goes without saying, but if your hero cannot possibly be killed in any instance which does not somehow involve an incredibly rare space-rock, then you've got one boring-*+# hero. It's sort of like watching Neo fight all the agent Smiths in The Matrix Reloaded: we know our hero can't possibly die, and he doesn't act like he's in any danger whatsoever, so the entire fight is a foregone conclusion and the audience becomes bored out of their skulls.

I mean, yeah - we obviously go into most superhero stories more or less positive that the hero won't die, but they still entertain us because the hero doesn't know that. Spidey is always scared, even if only a little, that one of the Green Goblin's pumpkin bombs will be the end of him; Daredevil is fully aware that a well-placed projectile from Bullseye could kill him. As a result, these characters act with restraint and forethought; since Superman knows nothing bad can happen to him no matter what, he acts with no such subtlety. He flies headlong into every conflict, fists thrust forward, because he knows he's in no immediate danger. Thus, we know he's in no immediate danger, and we get bored out of our %*!@!%% skulls.

Moral absolutism


Superman sez: all criminals are bad. All lawbreakers deserve punishment. If Superman were in charge of the DEA, roughly 70% of college students across the country would be serving time in prison right now.

Superman has no values of his own, so he's content to just uphold the values of the ruling class; this prevents him from becoming a dangerous vigilante a la Frank Castle, but it also means he has no legitimate opinions of his own where crime is concerned. In Paul Dini's storybook series on DC superheroes, Batman had to deal with gangland violence, Wonder Woman fights terrorism, and Superman tries to end world hunger. This is no accident - Superman is way too morally simplistic to deal with complex things like the "wars" on drugs or terror. In Batman: War on Crime, Bats comes up against a young boy holding a gun on him. Batman, understanding the complexity of crime and the reasons for its existence, talks the kid into dropping the gun and giving up a life of violence.

Superman would probably just use his heat-vision to melt the gun, then put the kid in prison where he'd become a hard-bitten thug who'd murder somebody a few months after getting out.

Truth, justice, and the Kryptonian way


While Superman represents and upholds the values of right-wing America, he never really earned the right to do so. The dude's a foreigner who took it upon himself to act as mankind's savior when, generally, mankind shouldn't need him (note, of course, that a significant number of the catastrophes which assault Metropolis on a weekly basis are initiated with the intent of fighting Superman - if Supes wasn't around, a lot of the criminal #*#@!*$! wouldn't be, either).

In the movie Superman Returns, Lois Lane writes an article explaining why mankind doesn't need Superman because we should be able to take care of ourselves, and the presence of an omnipotent superhero basically takes all responsibility off the human race and turns us into a bunch of helpless sheep, powerless to do anything but scream for help from our savior in times of crisis. She eventually decides this viewpoint is incorrect if only because she wants to bone Superman so badly, but the argument remains relevant no matter what.

Really, what lessons do the Superman comics teach? It says that mankind is full of dull, pointless weaklings and evildoers who can only be stopped by a white ubermensch from another planet, who didn't work a day in his life in order to achieve his powers. Yeah, you could say he's a symbol of "hope," but not hope in human nature - hope in an all-powerful alien who saves the world daily so you don't have to get off your butt and act like a moral person. What sort of message is that?

Powers given < powers earned


What's the virtue in acting like a badass hero if you were born with the ability to be a badass hero? What's more impressive: the football player who trains for years and years just to play one game of pro football, or the guy who was born with innate athletic talent?

The answer is obvious, of course - powers earned are infinitely more impressive than intrinsic superpowers. Even though many superheroes do not "choose" their powers - from Spider-Man to Green Lantern, it's usually just happy accident that these normal schlubs get turned into superheroes - it's still a hell of a boring cop-out to simply be born with the ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound. It's just not terribly impressive, and requires zero effort. If Superman is capable of catching bullets with his teeth mere moments after landing on Earth, isn't that a lot more boring than Bruce Wayne training for years and years, and using most of his fortune, to become Batman?

Hell, for that matter:

Batman > Superman


Batman had a much more tragic childhood (watching your parents die is infinitely worse than hearing your biological parents died without ever having met them), his crimefighting style is based more on intelligence and planning that Superman's brute force, and he's actually kicked the living $#@# out of Superman at least twice. Batman exhibits more moral maturity than Superman: Superman always upholds the status quo, but in Year One Batman goes on a crusade against Gotham's corrupt elite. Batman is a detective, a scientist, a master of disguise, and a martial arts expert; Superman is a burly $#!*%%% in a red cape with big muscles.

And it's not even a matter of Batman being a necessarily darker character than Superman, at least where it really counts. Both characters steadfastly refuse to kill their enemies under any circumstances; it's just a hell of a lot harder for Batman, which makes his attitude toward mercy all the more admirable. It's no problem at all for Superman to fly into the air holding a criminal by the scruff of their neck as their bullets bounce off him, but Batman has to disarm his baddies, then incapacitate them, then give them to the police, all while avoiding their knives and gunfire and explosives. It's five times harder for Batman to do anything which Superman takes for granted on a daily basis, yet he often does it a hell of a lot better.

And let's not forget The Dark Knight Returns, wherein Batman brilliantly beat Clark Kent almost to death (pausing only to fake his own) by using a mixture of planning and ingenuity that even Lex Luthor isn't really capable of. Even if we were to judge superhero quality solely by who could beat who in a fight, then Batman still wins, hands down.

To fix these problems is to turn him into another superhero altogether


I used to be okay with Superman, if only because I believed that, one day, a writer might come along and turn Superman into a complex, three-dimensional being with flaws. A superhero with legitimate, kryptonite-unrelated weaknesses. A superhero who, every once in a while, actually loses.

Then I read the above strip from Dinosaur Comics and realized the futility of it all.

Superman represents hope and indefatigable strength, and any attempt to complicate these issues would no longer make him Superman. By definition, Superman has to be boring and morally absolute because if he isn't, he ain't Superman. I mean, in Kingdom Come he's momentarily called to task for getting angry at the UN and threatening to kill the world leaders for killing Captain Marvel, but he's talked down from doing anything irrational within, like, two pages of initially getting the idea to %%** up the United Nations. Heck, Superman's arc in Kingdom Come isn't even anything deeper than "America has forgotten me and I them, and we need to restore faith in one another." Wow - real interesting. While you're doing that, Batman will be over in the corner, contemplating suicide.

Love Rilla.

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by GrimlocK

Originally Posted by FIREPOWER23

Originally Posted by Vidasman

YOU gotta see that youre asking a board that mostly consists of youngsters who are under the age of 25 or 21 for that part and most are going to base thier answers off of todays modern movies, toys, cool looks and popularity... that will mainly go to MARVEL, they have had better movies, toys and more popularity with getting thier own movie production rights MARVEL STUDIOS.. before youd see the MARVEL tied in with like paramount pictures but now that MARVEL is on its own, they can do whatever the heck they want and that means for sure movies like

* THE AVENGERS..... (thats gonna be insane seeing IRON MAN and many others on ONE SCREEN)

BUT WAIT A MINUTE...... the comic life as a whole without a doubt has to go with DC in terms of storylines, consistancy and human relations to a reader. Without a doubt the FRONT RUNNER and MOST ICONIC hero, hands down is SUPERMAN


Thank you! at last some one who knows what's up! ....I knew that the majority of NTers were gonna go with Marvel before I even looked in this thread, just because of the average age of this board.
& based on the movies, & even the current story arcs, I would say they are right! There is no question that Marvel's recent run of big budget Super hero flicks have been far more superior to any of the celluloid exploits that DC has put out in recent years.

But I have no doubt, that had DC & Warner Bros resolved their legal issues concerning the rights to the various Batman & Superman franchises, got their act together & put into production some of the Films that have been discussed for many years such as; Superman/Batman, JLA, Flash,Wonder Woman etc. .....& had executed them with the same continuity & style that Marvel has, then there would be a lot more DC fanboys /forwarding thread.

What you have to realise is, that without the creation of Superman ...there would be no comic book genre ...there wouldn't even be a Marvel! No Batman, Watchmen, etc! Of course, hypothetically, you could argue that the genre would have been created at sometime alomg the way & it may well have evolved, but in a different way.

But like I said before, Superman is the original & the best!!

Oh & the Hulk would beat Superman? ......
....you must be smoking something green if you believe that!!

Superman is the most iconic comic book figure ever created...that is true. But him being the best...nope. Superman as a character sucks so hard compared to other companies characters and you know why...they made him out to be god, they gave him a wack rogue's gallery, dude had to be finally beaten by someone made out totally out of his one weakness, kryptonite.

You suckas are so stuck on the past it's not even funny...and Superman is only iconic because he was one of the first major blockbuster powered super-heroes to ever come out...would the comic book genre have still been the way it is today? No way, Superman did pave the way for new comic books, heroes, movies...on and on. But best believe if he never existed someone else would have created a Superman prototype figure for the masses and then you guys would want to argue why he was the best.

As to whether who's better I gotta give it to Marvel and this isn't a biased opinion, i've read alot from both Marvel, DC, Image, Dark Horse, etc... And Marvel while they have had their crappy storylines which really sucked (ben reilly, operation galactic storm, onslaught saga...) they still had quality artists and creative writers and House of Ideas to lean on, DC did as well and Image certainly did when the first started up but to me not as much as Marvel.

lol, you obviously didn't read my quote properly, I actually stated that the comic book genere would always have evolved eventually & yes, you're right a Superman/god like carachter would have been created. ...but the point is, it wasn't! It evolved the way it did.

As for Superman having a weak rogue's gallery, I will agree. Well ...he was created in 1938 for goodness sake! Obviously characters that were created after, evolved & had a more intelligent creation process behind them, as well as more real world influence to the artists & writers behind them, (2nd World War, the Cold War, womens rights & Nuclear power all feature heavily in the themes of some of the greatest comics ever written)

Don't get it twisted, I'm not hating on Marvel, far from it, I love Marvel ...I love comics period! & as you mention Dark Horse & Image are just as good & as important to the genre! Not even counting 2000AD!
It's just for me, personally DC struck a nerve at an early age & I guess it stuck.
Like, I said in my first post in this thread, I have been reading both Marvel & DC comics for over 25 years! So I think I am in a position to have a balanced view of both.

Everybody has their own opinions, favourites & influences ....that's what makes it all so enjoyable.

**Oh & to MrTracerBullet ....Supes would just fly Hulk into space where he would have no oxygen & would pass into unconscienceness, therefore reverting him back to B. Banner & rendering him defenceless!
/game over!

I read your quote correctly thats why I stated that without Superman I believe Comic Books going towards being mainstream would have been setback quite a bituntil someone came up with someone to fill that viod if Supes was not there.

But c'mon you can't tell me that because Superman was created so long ago that's the reason he has such weak villans, matter of fact they had moretime than anyone to create better villans for him but all they made for him were a bunch of lames.

What you said though about striking a nerve is true...Marvel did that for me with the X-men and Wolverine in 1990, as I've grown up my favorite characterand comic book/graphic novel will be Neil Gaiman's Sandman which was made through a DC/Vertigo collaboration but in terms of what OP stated between DC vsMarvel...I still say Marvel.
WOW you totally contradict yourself and NO hate on you believe me, you do make some good points but this has to be the one that takes away everything smart you said.... SUPERMAN- WAS, IS and WILL be the ICONIC figure for heroism all over when it comes to comics.. He was originated for the AMERICAN way during the world war eras,,, DID you see SPIDEY in any american campaigns when it came to the war, or the INCREDIBLE HULK during the Great Depression???? NO, not one, bit.. When you see campaigns back in the troubled times of AMERICA, people looked to SUPERMAN comics and being like the savior not because he can shoot webs out of his hands, or because he was green with ANGER or to compare to batman, he didnt have wings and pointy ears. What Im saying is that SUPERMAN represents the AMERICAN WAY and alot of you youngsters may not like the american way but it is what it is.. To this day when it comes to war in IRAQ, Terrorism from 911, you see SUPERMAN as the Symbol for the US as taking on all foes as in his saying goes "TRUTH, JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN WAY" those words will be iconic for many years to come weather you like it or not. Dont get me wrong, I like Marvel alot and many of thier characters but OP asked who is better and im saying when it comes to the figure that will is without a doubt ICONIC youre gonna see SUPERMAN logos everywhere. Todays superheroes are cool in the sense they can teleport into walls, grow Claws outta thier hands, but NONE of them were ever created out the image of the every day AMERICAN... the ICON the world leader = SUPERMAN.. sorry but thats truth for ya so to answer your question

NO the Comic world, hero world WOULD not be the same if it wasnt for SUPERMAN, sure it would be around and toys, n movies would still be selling but not nearly as a huge if it wasnt any SUPERMAN..

Really? Superman was the only one to represent the American way? What was that guys name from Marvel...damn dude really looked colorful...Ithink back in the day they had him fight Hitler...oh that's right:


Part of dude's name is AMERICA.

Superman used during the great depression? Didn't the depression in America in in the early 30's while Supes was created in '38 or '39?
I give Superman his credit he was the first major face of Comic-Books, was he the greatest Hereo or character...no way. The absolute best character that DCcreated and has continually provided is Batman.
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