Death of World Star Hip Hop (D.O.WSHH)


Jul 18, 2012
[h1]Death of World Star Hip Hop (D.O.WSHH)[/h1]

"In 2009, Jay-Z released D.O.A. (“Death of Auto-tune), a song in which he takes certain hip-hop artists to task for diluting rap lyricism and creativity. The mogul declared that he was “drawing a line in the sand” after a trend of artists  using auto-tune technology excessively and without regard for organic musical production. While Jay-Z is rarely celebrated as a voice for progressive hip-hop, he spoke a timely and needed truth. And T-Pain’s career hasn’t been the same since.

The video aggregating site World Star Hip Hop could stand similar brand damaging from hip-hop artists and community activists.  With its heavy use of physical violence and racial stereotypes, the self-professed “CNN of the Ghetto” is one of the most culturally damaging media platforms in existence today.

HuffPost Live host Marc Lamont Hill recently gathered a panel to discuss the violence on the site. “During the 30-minute online panel discussion ‘Do ‘Hood Sites’ Normalize Black Stereotypes,’ Professor Brittney Cooper of Rutgers University, Professor Shayne Lee of the University of Houston, television personality Amanda Seales, Chicago rapper Rhymefest, and filmmaker Mandon Lovett discussed whether World Star Hip Hop was irresponsibly profiting from Black-on-Black violence,” reports NewsOne.

The debate quickly reflected stark ideological differences along gender lines. Cooper and Seales argued feminist perspectives on how it is problematic for the site to glorify the pain, anger and bullying of black women. In contrast, Rhymefest, Lee, and Lovett defended the site as a necessary mirror to the urban violence in African American communities.

Calling World Star Hip-Hop “a democratizing space,” Lee said he doesn’t “understand this kind of maternalistic approach that when something harms Black women, we have to worry.” Lee argued that the site is not doing violence to people but instead reflecting the violence that people are already doing to one another. Cooper rightfully pointed out the violence that happens on psychological and emotional levels, which is often equally (if not more) damaging.

When you couple the imagery in viral videos found on World Star Hip Hop like “Sharkeisha” with what’s happening on reality television shows like the Housewives series and Bad Girls Club, we must acknowledge that there is an entire media industry that is profiting off of women-on-women and black-on-black violence. To defend World Star Hip Hop is to defend the normalization of violent stereotypes and exploitation of pain, anger and brokenness.

World Star Hip Hop and outlets like it are protected under freedom of speech laws and have the right to exist in our cultural world, but it is reckless to describe their content production as “truth-telling.” Responsible truth-telling speaks truth to power; it says the unspeakable in hopes that the truth would set someone or something free. That is not the mission of this site; it is quite the opposite.

World Star Hip Hop is not in the business of truth-telling but rather voyeurism of violence. To defend the site is to argue that there is value in repeatedly watching violence done to others in hopes that our zeal for justice would be ignited. At that point, we are no longer passive spectators. We then become complicit in the violence and destruction we seek to end.

Yes, the violence in our communities must end. But so does our support of corporations and mediums that profit off of it."

interesting read. what do you fellas think about this situation?

do yall visit wshh? if so, why, and do you feel like you're taking part in the glorification of violence and ignorance?

i visit once in a while, but i always go there expecting 100% ignorance and i take nothing away from there as truth.

& i still always walk away from it feeling kind of guilty. like i'm giving them an audience and essentially supporting this filth.
I only go there wen I see it mentioned somewhere else lol

Not bookmarked
4chan is a lot worse than WSHH but I don't see how bringing down either website will help us out. Violence and the things that go on in these videos will still happen we just won't get to see it happen. 
I go on wshh almost everyday, it's entertaining to me, some videos I get mad , some are good, but it's a time killer when your bored, the website is no different then YouTube. If you saw something on YouTube and ends up on worldstar or vice versa then what's the difference ? Still seeing the same video.

The vine and fights compilations keep me entertained.
where is the white wshh? youtube?


All WSHH basically does is aggregates content and people eat it up. I visit it every once in a while, but it ain't really for me. Q was interviewed on The Champs podcast a few weeks ago, it was pretty good look at his background and why he started the site.
A fight occurred at BJ's on Sunday during the Broncos vs Patriots game. Two older black dudes started fighting in the middle of the bar area. Everyone within the immediate vicinity including myself helped to seperate them...There was a group of 3 young brothers sitting next to them and immediately got up from their table, whipped out their phones and started yelling "WORLDSTAR!" That bummed me out.
there have always been websites exclusive to fighting and other shock videos, but wshh mixes that in with current music and other media that attracts younger crowds. i think many teens visit wshh daily as a source for news and entertainment. they associate that violence and ignorance with hiphop, and therefore consider it part of the culture. so they accept it, embrace, and encourage it.

people are always going to fight, but i think websites like these put that in a neat little platter to serve up to impressionable minds. surrounding it with women, music and comedy. it just seems irresponsible on their behalf.
I think i got on the World Star hype train for like a month. Couldn't stop checking out the site like daily and I'd at least admit there was some interesting content needles to say. But I curved it and honestly haven't been on there in years. I feel like World Star could even be successful if they just kept the music and other stuff and left out the violence. It's make them more creditable in just helping artists out or whoever wants to get plugged in that industry. The rest is just filler anyways....but I guess that is what people want to see as well. But they have to get rid of porn before they get rid of World Star. To say they are the only ones creating negative content is false.
No one screams out "4CHAN!/LIVELEAK!" when a fight breaks out

WSHH is nothing like Youtube because the front page glorifies many of the fight videos and others

I don't remember ever using the search bar on Worldstar
youtube and 4chan cannot be compared to wshh as they offer too broad a spectrum of entertainment.

imo the problem is that wshh is more of a niche website. so people consider the entire website to be a good representation of hip hop, and urban culture. young minds visit there to watch a kendrick lamar video and leave associating it with the "related" fight videos on the left of their screen. it all gets lumped in together and people begin to accept that type of behavior as normal in urban communities. and since much of our country idolizes that lifestyle you end up with kids across the country in rural areas attempting it.

w/e i might be rambling, 4 cups of tea in this morning and im wired.
there have always been websites exclusive to fighting and other shock videos, but wshh mixes that in with current music and other media that attracts younger crowds. i think many teens visit wshh daily as a source for news and entertainment. they associate that violence and ignorance with hiphop, and therefore consider it part of the culture. so they accept it, embrace, and encourage it.

people are always going to fight, but i think websites like these put that in a neat little platter to serve up to impressionable minds. surrounding it with women, music and comedy. it just seems irresponsible on their behalf.

Well stop letting the media raise your children. smh

That site wasn't created by the Govt or your parents to show you good stuff you think they should show...its a private business that owes you nothing......dont like, don't click. simple as that
I thought WSHH gets videos from other places and post them on there site? Wasn't the sharkiesha video on vine before WSHH? Wasn't most of the fight videos on youtube before WSHH? If you want to ultimately stop sites like WSHH. Just stop watching TV or programs that support bad behavior. IMHO.
I'd like for WSHH to stop glorifying such negativity, but to do so on their own accord. It's not fair or right to heap that responsibility on them as if a singular website is the cause of the problem. WSHH is nothing but a magnifying glass on an already existing problem. Everyone needs to be accountable for themselves. Personally, I just stopped frequenting the website and I encourage anyone else who is upset with the content to do the same. 
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