Debeers to sell affordable lab grown Diamonds this fall

Someone who actually grows diamonds did an ama on Reddit. Pretty interesting.

"IMHO, the price of mined diamonds is about to fall precipitously. Why? It's not because of synthetic diamonds, but instead because a diamond is forever, but Baby Boomers are not.

Think back to WWII and the decades that followed. The massive improvement of machinery during WWII resulted in a massive increase in diamond mining production. Then you had the 'diamond is forever' campaign result in a massive increase of purchases of diamonds by Baby Boomers.

Almost every car, fridge, and radio from the 1950s has long been destroyed, but virtually every diamond bought in the 1950s has the exact same utility today. Those diamonds are about to flood the market, in significantly more quantities than lab diamonds ever will.

There is a joke in the diamond industry that the biggest diamond mine in the world is in Florida and Arizona, but the mine is the pawn shops, not the Earth.

So Econ 101 - demand for diamonds is relatively stable, but supply is about to shoot up. Thus I believe we're going to see a sharp fall of diamond pricing.

The mined diamond lobby wants to blame millenials, lab diamonds, rent prices in NYC and SF, or anyone else, but the real answer is that the problem is that a diamond is forever, but humans are not."
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