December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell


ihust1e ihust1e

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Looks like a few of the WWE belts will be getting a facelift.

Hope they go more of the North American title route.


And fully agreed... the IC title was interesting but not much of my cup of tea. Should fix that ASAP, US Title, Universal Title, Tag Championships need an update. Also needs to go back to different designs for different brands. Women’s and Men’s titles need to be different. They just aren’t special, might as well had someone a participation trophy, nothing separates itself from the other.

Can easily re-imagine the big green, Andre’s never used belt, Hogan’s early 80’s belt, Pedro/Backlund belt, WCW US title (original), even the original WWWF belt would be an interesting re-imagine that can be done tremendously.

I just can’t stand most of the current designs. But when they are a prop no one in the company cares about this is what you get.
So let me get this straight.

They had a bag of oranges under the ring!?!?! :lol:

That company can get away with anything :lol:
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