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Seth is tier 3 at best..

I think Cole, Ripley, Keith, Dunne, and Walter could all be stars..Dream’s gimmick doesn’t seem like it would have main roster longevity. But I’d probably t him, IO, Chomper, Oregano, Kross in that 2nd tier category..
Seth doesn't have the now 8 year run that he's had if he were Tier 3 at best. I get you don't mess with him though :lol:

Pete Doon, Chompa, and Gargano are all in the Mariko Uppermidcard, IMO.

Need to see more of Kross before making a decision. His presentation THUS FAR though has been A-1. Has a good look, good theme, good catchphrase, AND has Scarlet.
I was thinking Big Walter.

EYE would make him an automatic World Champ Picture dude for the rest of his career.

But you think Vince would go for it?

B Sox B Sox
@King of Trash Style

Id not renew Borks contract and have Walter absolutely demolish him for the belt at Mania..I’d make it a 10 minute squash job..Chop that damn sword tattoo right of Laser’s chest..Then let Walter go on a 2 yr title run..

Speaking of tattoos, I got the final artwork for the Wolfpac inspired tattoo I’m getting on my head this Monday..
Would be the PERFECT Heyman guy if Brock were to be out of the picture. If that were the case, then yes.

Without that, or some other awesome manager, EYE don't see IT.

Lower level Brawn.
Braun can’t wrestle though..Walter has put on some 4.5* matches over the past few years that are amazing..Braun’s never done anything over a 2.5*
Seth doesn't have the now 8 year run that he's had if he were Tier 3 at best. I get you don't mess with him though :lol:

Pete Doon, Chompa, and Gargano are all in the Mariko Uppermidcard, IMO.

Need to see more of Kross before making a decision. His presentation THUS FAR though has been A-1. Has a good look, good theme, good catchphrase, AND has Scarlet.
Ok ok..Tier 2-..Dude’s world title runs have been absolute garbage..He’s one of those guys that should always chase and never win the belt ala Tommy Dreamer..
that phantasma group in big tna might actually make me watch big tna for the first time in like two years
Id not renew Borks contract and have Walter absolutely demolish him for the belt at Mania..I’d make it a 10 minute squash job..Chop that damn sword tattoo right of Laser’s chest..Then let Walter go on a 2 yr title run..

Speaking of tattoos, I got the final artwork for the Wolfpac inspired tattoo I’m getting on my head this Monday..

But on your head?

Why would you post a video that shows Braun in a match with another dude that can't wrestle?..
Whoa, whoa, whoa, Roman is definitely good & has faired towards great on a number of occasions. He gave Braun his best match(es). That in itself is a testament to ability of Roman Reigns.


cosmiccoffee9 cosmiccoffee9

Get me.

Haven't did this in a while

nah, did Metalik really just chain together a flying drop toehold and a Magistral Cradle tho? that is brand new.

seated wheelbarrow rollup was pretty sweet too, rarely seen it pulled off that smoothly. dude is a talent.

see, this is the type of content I come to the professional wrestling thread for.

well, that and the WokeBreak Kid. that was a treat and a half to read.
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