December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

If Bryan was feuding with any one other than Kofi, I would've loved this gimmick to continue.

That plus a lot of current guys probably became wrestling fans after WCW and ECW died, so a good portion of them grew up seeing flippy **** in the X-Division :lol: :lol: that's why multiple Canadian Destroyer variations often don't end matches now.
:lol: This is literally me, but idk. As cool as a lot of the flippy stuff was it felt empty. It's definitely gotten a lot worse since the Shawn Michaels & Taker match at Wrestlemania, in regards to the overdoing everything. There's a reason that match was special, & that was build backing it. A lot of skilled low iq stuff being pumped out these days.
:lol: This is literally me, but idk. As cool as a lot of the flippy stuff was it felt empty. It's definitely gotten a lot worse since the Shawn Michaels & Taker match at Wrestlemania, in regards to the overdoing everything. There's a reason that match was special, & that was build backing it. A lot of skilled low iq stuff being pumped out these days.

That's why I like Adam Cole. If you watch his best matches, he really doesn't do anything. He uses basic moves, that are well-timed. His most high-risk move, is 1 move, his finisher. He doesn't have an arenal of like 15 high-risk, high-spot moves.

Same with HBK, he uses basic moves too, his most high risk move is a moonsault and maybe a hurricanrana. It's amazing, to be the GOAT, without having to do all these flippy moves.
The "Flippy Stuff" always existed in context but Kevin Sullivan best explained it this way.

I may misquote but

"Wrestlers of my era learned how to wrestle from watching wrestling. Wrestlers of THIS era learned how to wrestle from Japanese tapes and video games."

Essentially, wrestlers focused on the high spots of what came before them and just normalized the moves.

But again, THAT happened in each era.
That's why I like Adam Cole. If you watch his best matches, he really doesn't do anything. He uses basic moves, that are well-timed. His most high-risk move, is 1 move, his finisher. He doesn't have an arenal of like 15 high-risk, high-spot moves.
Cole is great, but depending on his opponent the Panama Sunrise looks super fake, & he's a superkick ho. It's like wrestlers had a town meeting to agree on devaluing the superkick. Do u like Roderick Strong?
While you got Seth Rollins, doing all these fancy moves... Superplex into Falcon Arrow, Rainmaker Knee, Flying knee, Buckle Bomb, Phoenix Splash, Triple Suicide Dive...all in one match.

And his BEST MATCH can't touch a good HBK match, that has NONE of THAT uneccessary stuff.
That's why I like Adam Cole. If you watch his best matches, he really doesn't do anything. He uses basic moves, that are well-timed. His most high-risk move, is 1 move, his finisher. He doesn't have an arenal of like 15 high-risk, high-spot moves.

Same with HBK, he uses basic moves too, his most high risk move is a moonsault and maybe a hurricanrana. It's amazing, to be the GOAT, without having to do all these flippy moves.
I disagree with HBK being "basic." He was very Flashy and "extra" during his prime. As Jim Ross said, he voluntarily left his feet OFTEN. Of course looking back on it NOW, his stuff looks mild.

This is a great breakdown

I disagree with HBK being "basic." He was very Flashy and "extra" during his prime. As Jim Ross said, he voluntarily left his feet OFTEN. Of course looking back on it NOW, his stuff looks mild.

This is a great breakdown

I agree 100% on young HBk, my mistake, when I talk HBK, I fail to specify, I was talking more so about old HBK.
The "Flippy Stuff" always existed in context but Kevin Sullivan best explained it this way.

I may misquote but

"Wrestlers of my era learned how to wrestle from watching wrestling. Wrestlers of THIS era learned how to wrestle from Japanese tapes and video games."

Essentially, wrestlers focused on the high spots of what came before them and just normalized the moves.

But again, THAT happened in each era.

Definitely a good point there. There's a hell of a lot of create-a-finisher movesets :lol: Remember Kevin Owens 1st two matches with Cena? Everything he did were finishers :rofl:

This was ROUGH







I think he's the sleeper star. Really came into his own as wrestler & talker.

Beign part of UE really brought out his personality for the good, its entertaining like Kyle. But in a different way. I like how Roddy carries himslef and what he says. Where as for Kyle it's the little things like comedic timing to make a facial expression, etc...
Would AJ vs Punk surpass Cena vs Punk in quality?
The quality of Cena vs Punk was always so good because they were perfect foils for each other personality wise and brought out the best in each other.

AJ is past his prime, so I think it wouldn’t surpass in terms of in ring quality and he doesn’t have the character to get crowds riled up for his matches like Cena. If this was 2016 AJ where he stole the show every night then maybe.
350 Days doc was pretty good..Nithing new really brought up. More of a general account of what life is like in the road..Heating Bret talk about taking steroids and doing coke was something I forgot about since reading his book years ago..I’ll give it 3/5 stars..
350 Days doc was pretty good..Nithing new really brought up. More of a general account of what life is like in the road..Heating Bret talk about taking steroids and doing coke was something I forgot about since reading his book years ago..I’ll give it 3/5 stars..
Bret Hart?
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