December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

All of these wrestlers having their names thrown around, need to do what Velveteen Dream did when was accused months ago; lawyer up and let them handle it.
IMO Sid is the most confusing wrestler of all time..Dude had the perfect size/build for the business..Was strong and could move really well..His power based moves always looked very believable (I'd say Vader was the only "big man" that I can think of off the top of my head whose moves looked more painful)..And the crowds absolutely loved this guy wherever he went..He was even over huge for a brief stint in ECW..But he could never get out of his own way (and couldn't kick the softball addiction)..He really had everything it took to go down as one of the all time greatest big men/whc's of all time..I'd say he's a for sure HOF'er, but he'll never be remembered as an elite level wrestler..

green rhino123 green rhino123 D deleted DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican @King of Trash Style 6 Rings G.O.A.T. 6 Rings G.O.A.T. T0INE T0INE what are y'alls overall thoughts on Sid, his ring work, and his legacy?

Sid was such an anomaly. Always thought it was weird he never stuck around a company more than 2.5-3 years. He’d always gain momentum, then dip out. Austin Aries did the same thing, but everybody knows he was just a straight up ****.
IMO Sid is the most confusing wrestler of all time..Dude had the perfect size/build for the business..Was strong and could move really well..His power based moves always looked very believable (I'd say Vader was the only "big man" that I can think of off the top of my head whose moves looked more painful)..And the crowds absolutely loved this guy wherever he went..He was even over huge for a brief stint in ECW..But he could never get out of his own way (and couldn't kick the softball addiction)..He really had everything it took to go down as one of the all time greatest big men/whc's of all time..I'd say he's a for sure HOF'er, but he'll never be remembered as an elite level wrestler..

green rhino123 green rhino123 D deleted DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican @King of Trash Style 6 Rings G.O.A.T. 6 Rings G.O.A.T. T0INE T0INE what are y'alls overall thoughts on Sid, his ring work, and his legacy?

Honestly, outside of his Pyscho Sid theme which was :emoji_fire: my thoughts on Sid can be summed with one word:


He's a notch below more talented big men like Bam Bam and Vader.
Honestly, outside of his Pyscho Sid theme which was :emoji_fire: my thoughts on Sid can be summed with one word:


He's a notch below more talented big men like Bam Bam and Vader.
Was just gonna say the Sycho Sid theme was :pimp::pimp::pimp:
damn and big jungle boy had the nerve to talk **** about goldberg

mans out there forcing himself on women smh
Rest of SS 96:

- Bret/Austin was the perfect slow burn match, and would set the table for the next matches they’d have. The crowd had signs for Austin, but MSG was VERY pro-Bret. At this point, Austin was still really wrestling his *** off, as he hadn’t been injured and forced into pure brawling yet. Great commentary here too, with JR sending subs to WCW throughout, and Vince really being proud of Bret and the match in federal.
- The final traditional SS tag match was ******* and full of hilarious commentary. Farooq was just start the NOD gimmick, and JR made it a point to **** on the gladiator gimmick he had beforehand. Both Cornette and Vince are taking shots at JR for his backing of Fake Diesel and Fake Razor :rofl: Yoko is probably at his biggest weight here. Looks like Big Pun. This is also Flash Funk’s SS debut. You can tell Vince loves this gimmick. Cornette hates it but Flash is showing the **** out and Cornette puts him over. Flash Funk is basically wrestling in a whole different world compared to everybody else here. A different gimmick or an adjustment of it heading into the peak of Attitude would have been beneficial, cause he was doing stuff WWF fans hadn’t seen much at that time.
- Sid vs HBK was very good with an amazing crowd. Outside of the women losing their **** over him, they were out for HBK’s blood :rofl: every punch he threw they were all over him and firmly behind Sid :lol: HBK had no choice but to wrestle like a heel. I HATED the closing moments of the match that. It’s like pre-match, HBK said he wouldn’t take the pin unless there were shenanigans and ****. No way in hell did 6’10” 315 pound need a camera and a Jose Lothario heart attack/stretcher job just to beat him. Kind of undermined Sid’s win to me, but the crowd loved it and enjoyed celebrating with Sid and seeing HBK crawl to the back like a *****.
- Top tier PPV here. The big matches delivered, the tag matches were fun, and overall it was great to see a snapshot of the foundation of Attitude. Owen, Bulldog, Vader, Yoko, Crush, and Doug Furnas all gone

- Other random stuff: Furnas, Lafon, and Flash Funk/Scorpio were all maybe 2-3 years too early to the WWF. Their style would have been perfect along aside Edge, Christian, Hardyz, etc, along with the Radicalz after that. They would’ve required gimmick adjustments, but it could’ve worked. Fake Razor and Fake Diesel :rofl: JR was trying to sell Razor as “younger, faster, and stronger than that other guy”. Vader started off so hot when he first came in at the top of the year, and here he’s just in one of the random SS matches and had already taken multiple singles losses. Even in this match, a WASHED JIMMY SNUKA body slams him with ease :rofl: yikes
Was looking up MITB 2016 and just realized that Apollo Creeeds has been on the main roster for over 4 years. Crazy.
riddle and wwe lawyering up
this is the reason why some females dont come fwrd
on the flip side, there's cases where accusations been false
Sid was below average talent who got opportunities for main event status that never planned out. I've only seen 4 good matches he had and he's got some of the worst punches I've ever seen. His legacy is softball and the fight with Arn. 3/10 career

He was offered Hogan's spot by Vince and turned it down.

Geez :smh:

Off topic question. Anyone getting TLOU2?
riddle and wwe lawyering up
this is the reason why some females dont come fwrd
on the flip side, there's cases where accusations been false

Same thing with ELP...some obsessed fan accused him of some things, but other people immediately pointed out that she had been posting crazy nonsense about him for years (among other wild stuff, she claimed that SHE was the sole reason he was hired by New Japan...said she wanted to cut his head off)
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