December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

I’m sure females have been getting harassed, abused and worse in the wrestling biz from the beginning. I can’t imagine any women getting into what’s always been a boys game and thinking they’re in a safe place.
Unfortunate reality.

If dude’s did stuff they shouldn’t have been doing though, they definitely deserve to be held accountable.
We really going from the greatest wrestling match ever to calling Orton the greatest wrestler ever?

Vince pls
Unfortunate reality.

If dude’s did stuff they shouldn’t have been doing though, they definitely deserve to be held accountable.
I think now more than ever wrestlers both male and female need to stand up and support each other when incidents like this happen.
It’s out there now so reprucussions can’t happen to those supporting others. Especially the big names and locker room leaders.
If locker rooms are as progressive as they claim to be.
BUT the women in the biz can’t be so naive. You know where you’re at. And do be stupid enough to sleep in the same bed as a dude and not expect anything to happen
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