December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

That’s the same issue I have with Cena’s in-ring work. Maybe in a different era their move sets would be acceptable, but it isn’t “indie” enough for this era.
I get what you are saying if you are strictly lookin at moveset but the atmosphere around Cena's matches have never been "unspectacular."

Well she is the FEMALE that makes sense.
She was presented that way in the beginning.

The goofy, colorful, endearing type of superstar for Little Girls.
Sasha can get sloppy in the ring.

Becky moves like Geritol so it is hard to take her seriously in terms of physicality.

Maybe her and Bayley are on the level. Bayley has no true weaknesses in the ring.

At this point I’d put Bayley in front of her. She’s the safest and smoothest of the four in the ring. And um, Charlotte can get sloppy as well, and doesn’t even use the high risk type offense prone for injuries like Sasha :lol:

They split these two up already??? These guys could’ve resigned as tag champs for a long time.
Creative cannot hold on to a good thing for too long before dropping it. But the corny stuff they just keep going with.
Andrade eating the pin too? Remember when NTWT forecasters said Andrade was WWE Championship Quality????

Alexa is doing this sister Abigail thing but at the same time you go on the network and her stupid talk show podcast is all over it.
way to keep kayfabe going.....
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