December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

The Rock, Issa Rae and Dany Garcia will be executive producing a new series for HBO on the creation of a backyard wrestling promotion, according to Variety.

The thirty-minute series is currently titled "TRE CNT" for "TRE COUNT" and comes from writer Mohamad El Masri. The show focuses on Cassius Jones, a young docker worker and struggling pro wrestler, who uses inherited life-insurance money for start-up money, and the deed to a shotgun house from his grandfather, to start a hip-hop centric backyard wrestling empire in the Third Ward of Houston, Texas (The Tre). Jones creates the empire with the help of his working-class family, friends and neighbors.

Source: Wrestlinginc

Go enjoy you potatoes salad flavored ice cream you be raving about.
1. i don't even like potato salad and never have. mayo is absolutely disgusting, on of the worst accepted foods on earth.

2. u just can't quit w/ the slander man. it truly is egregious & exasperating at this point.

3. we would be better if you would be better.
1. i don't even like potato salad and never have. mayo is absolutely disgusting, on of the worst accepted foods on earth.

2. u just can't quit w/ the slander man. it truly is egregious & exasperating at this point.

3. we would be better if you would be better.

You bore me.

Come up with your own material.
Went through a few videos saved from folks in here.

1. green rhino123 green rhino123 : Just a highlight/squash match. I wonder what Vince would say if he were asked about Tiger Mask in 2020. Not familiar with the ring announcer, any info? Language barrier got in the way a few times as they fumbled on a few connections, Nothing major though.
Tiger Mask vs Mac Rivera Championship Wrestling Dec 4th, 1982 - YouTube hxxps://

2. green rhino123 green rhino123 : Of course, the crowd noise stands out when compared to anything during our current era. Funny the good guy attacks Sheik before the bell. He kinda whooped the hell out of SHeik man. Sheik barely got much offense. :lol: @ Sheik calling Hogan a female dog before the match.
WWF MSG 1984 - The Iron Sheik Vs Hulk Hogan [WWF CHAMPIONSHIP] - YouTube hxxps:://

3. Peep Game Peep Game : Cool match man. I honestly didn't watch much LU because it SEEMED over the top for my liking. I respected it for what it was but I just knew, overall, it wasn't for ME. Vampiro and Striker did a damn good job on the mic here, very good backstory telling by those two. I really liked the spot where Puma hit the 619. :lol: Nice match man, not too much #IndyStuff.
Question, do you think Ricochet is better presented in long tights w/Mask? Honest question.
Ultima Lucha Dos: Part 3: Prince Puma vs. Rey Mysterio Jr. - YouTube hxxps:://
2. green rhino123 green rhino123 : Of course, the crowd noise stands out when compared to anything during our current era. Funny the good guy attacks Sheik before the bell. He kinda whooped the hell out of SHeik man. Sheik barely got much offense. :lol: @ Sheik calling Hogan a female dog before the match.
WWF MSG 1984 - The Iron Sheik Vs Hulk Hogan [WWF CHAMPIONSHIP] - YouTube hxxps:://

I think Sheik says, "Now, Mr. Hogan - you are big, but remember..." before the match
as Blassie refers to Hogan's size beforehand.

Thank you for selecting the video.
I think Sheik says, "Now, Mr. Hogan - you are big, but remember..." before the match
as Blassie refers to Hogan's size beforehand.

You gotta understand one of reasons why the crowd was going banana...
Hogan beat Bockwinkel twice for the AWA World Title only to be immediately stripped
of it afterward, twice...Vern thought he was had had enough...
finally Hogan won a World Title, 1-2-3, and given the belt & announced as champion
and everyone knew it was gonna stick this time!!!

Thank you for selecting the video.
And why was he stripped twice?

Kayfabe or actual stripping?
And why was he stripped twice?

Kayfabe or actual stripping?

April 18, 1982 - Hogan defeated Nick Bockwinkel with both parties [Heenan also] using a foreign object during the match, and is declared by the referee as champion.

April 24, 1982 - Bockwinkel was awarded the championship back by AWA president Stanley Blackburn due to the involvement of a foreign object during the match.

April 4, 1983 - Hogan dumped Bockwinkel over the top rope near the end of the match and
Blackburn/AWA had rule that doing that resulted in a dq. Again, Hogan is awarded the title only
to have to give it back...Cued up is Mean Gene announcing the official result...

Verne wanted to just keep repeating this bs until he couldn't make any more
money off Hogan...Of course years later the Gagne's claimed they were finally going
to put the belt on Hogan when he left & went to the WWF. Verne screwed Verne.
DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican

Here's the kicker...
Iron Sheik claims that Verne contacting him and offered a lot of money
to screw Vince/Hogan and break Hogan's leg for real in the 01/23/84 WWF Title match that you watched!...
Sheik could have even taken the WWF Title and gone to the AWA with it!
Shiek may have told Vince about this thus being rewarded with a Tag Team Championship,
steady bookings and great pay during his time with the WWF.
This also may have helped clear Vince's conscience when it came to crushing the AWA.
(if there was one to clear in the first place)
Although he is well known for his successful career in NJPW, Okada spent his first year career in Mexico as a part of Toryumon Mexico. He initially trained by Último Dragón and making his profesional debut in August 2004. Okada return to Japan and making NJPW his home promotion in mid-2007. That's why he always thank Ultimo Dragon and always consider him as Okada's "guru".

I honestly didn't know folks still did car audio stuff these days. Totally feel like that was something of the pre-2010s :lol:

You bout to get da Alpine head unit?

Nope..Staying with the factory nav unit..Upgrading my door speakers and putting in a nice stealth box with a 10" sub..Need better sound quality..Nothing crazy by any means..
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