December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

Lately around 1:30-2:30 AM CT
Why do you stay up late? Graveyard shift or just a creature of the night?


Got home late. Wife and kids asleep. Dinner on the table and I’m just staring off into space.

What do you see when you stare into space?
Best debut matches?

Post them.

Shield vs DBry, Kane and Ryback
Cena vs Angle
Nakamura vs Zayn
Owens vs Cena

Can't think of anymore.
According to the Wrestling Observer, NBC and FOX have reportedly told the WWE that they can pretape their shows that would lead up to July 8th and they will not be penalized any money from their tv contracts.

The final live show would be April 25.

More on this:

WWE has said to be doing "pandemic-level cleaning" at the WWE PC, along with safety measures such as, everyone wearing face masks when not performing, medical screenings before being allowed to enter any closed set, only allowing essential personnel on those sets, good hygiene and hand-washing for an appropriate amount of time, filming matches in waves, and following social distancing guidelines outside of performances.

Also, WWE is looking for a plan B venue should Sofi stadium not open on time for WM37.
Morning NTWT what we *****ing about today?..

Im getting my windows tinted and buying some car audio stuff. Post me a good match to watch that’s under 15 minutes..
Morning NTWT what we *****ing about today?..

Im getting my windows tinted and buying some car audio stuff. Post me a good match to watch that’s under 15 minutes..
I honestly didn't know folks still did car audio stuff these days. Totally feel like that was something of the pre-2010s :lol:

You bout to get da Alpine head unit?
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