December Wrestling Thread | Rest In Peace Brodie Lee | Happy New Year | JOTM Bruce Mitchell

damn this was a great match before adam interfered. Was 06 a good year for WWE or was this just an anomaly?
It was during a golden period w/ Rob being a interesting champion. Too bad he caught that violation b/c ecw fell apart shortly after him dropping the belt.
I am trying to find my smile back... EYE will let yall know if i do :emoji_disappointed:

Meangene45 Meangene45
Bad Moon Rison Bad Moon Rison
D Fly D Fly
Sharpshoeter13 Sharpshoeter13
the 718 truth the 718 truth
marikomorose marikomorose


The dude in the Black/Yellow is the one you didn't like much before. :lol:

President vs VP of No Selling:

ya mans Muta got decked in the neck 8x's & just got up to knee the vice president of japanese no sell in the face.

Baldy does shining wizards like Ric Flair does chops while dumb haircut has a enziguri fetish.

that powerbomb piledriver thingy should've ended the match. it was a gorgeous disaster if i ever saw on.

i generally watched this match muted b/c i was playing something else, but every now n then i unmuted to peep the crowd engagement and their response is appreciated.

overall i liked the match, i just wish a bigger & more dramatic submission hold came out the leg work Muta put on black & yellow.
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