
can we start this post over. How about, the guy knocks on the door, or stops by her house to pick up his kid? More relative to real life if we keep this question simple.
Originally Posted by jermz101

Originally Posted by Jking0821

I mean hypothetically i would ninja cartwheel toward him leap into the air

jump on his head sly cooper style


Front flip off his dome as he turns to shoot me aerial back flip kick the gun out of his hand.  It will land in your hand without problems don't worry.  Point it at him slowly walk out the door backwards.  When you get out of the door flip the gun around your finger 4 times slide it into your hip and say "that went better then expected"

This is just not all

Word. And dude doesn't even know when to use "than" and "then" 
Originally Posted by Dmvbatman

hypothetically speaking...........

you meet a chick, she tells you she has a small child, but her baby father isn't apart of their life anymore

i end the acquaintance right there
There's also the "Yo man! I'm her cousin Ray-Ray" approach.
Something like this happened to me back in 05.

Lets just say thank god I had my pistol... Nobody got shot but that night was crazy
Originally Posted by AdobeCS4

Do like that NTer and fight him naked
Yup, but before that, I'd say that my kids on her face look better than his kids sleeping upstairs...then right into the naked brawl with him as fluids fly all over.
Weird similar situation happen to me, lol.

I was over chicks house chilling, she was telling me how her and him we're taking a break, blah blah blah.
All his crap is still over there though.

So her doorbell rings, she runs to look who it is, runs back and tells me... " ITS MY BOYFRIEND! "

I'm just like ok, cool. I'm chill lol.

He walks in and sees me, like whats up.. what ya'll up to? I just replied, chilling, watching tv... we just friends. Mind you I met this girl on myspace the day before, lmaooooooo! ( the good ol' niketalk myspace thread)
He grabs a pair of his fake air force 1s out the closet, she walks him to the door and he rolls out.

She comes back like... why you have to come over in bball shorts and a tee! He knows something is up, lmaoooo.


30 mins later.... I'm smanging that thang.  
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