
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
From the 1st to the 4th seed teams, which team would you guys prefer to face?

I prefer the Grizz. If we can actually get to the 6th and they maintain that 3rd spot. :nerd:
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And I'm 'bout tired of you 'Scoring is the only thing that matters to me' type dudes saying that Ron is trash. :lol:

The only two I can stomach hearing this from are Essential and CP, because they're saying something different than the rest of you. They're saying he's not worth the money, which I can understand. You clowns are saying he's garbage. Period.

Yeahno. :lol:

Because Artest has been a defensive stalwart all season? He has been trash on defense all season as well. The only times he looks decent is when he guards players like boozer that like to bang in the post. Boozer struggled today but a lot of that has to do with Howard being back there.

I guess people like you are satisfied with Artest doing 1 good thing on defense for every 5 times he messed up on offense. Sometimes he messed up on both sides for the whole game.

I really can not stomach hearing this stuff coming from someone that was stanning Fisher even when he was complete trash. Essential and CP are the basketball minds in here all of a sudden? The "everything is gonna be all right, no time to panic" dudes from the last 3 seasons. :smh:

Yeah, how dumb of me to have faith in Phil, Kobe, Pau etc and run outta gas.
Then me SCREAMING against any and all Laker fan last year that Brown was garbage and needed to go.
And me now saying keep fighting, get healthy, slow it down, use our spacers (Meeks/Nash) and hope Dwight gets back to his D12 self.

Also the same guy saying that Ron needs to go.

Clearly, I'm not as smart as you. Yeah. You've done nothing notable in this thread ever, so......? Quit your crying and offer solutions or shut the hell up.
knightngale, no offense intended... (but if you take offense, I won't care)... but you have more than shown over the years that you know very little basketball, and you're proving that more right now with what you're saying about Artest. Kobe hits a big shot on the final offensive end, then on the defensive end, to seal the game, Artest deflects a pass that Blake brings in. Ballgame. and you know what that counts for on the stat sheet for Artest? Nothing; Blake gets a steal. And what do people like you look at to gauge a player? Stat sheets.

Plus you criticize every-damn-body, anyways. :lol: you're like Deezy when it comes to players... except you're being serious. :lol:

I don't hear the actual players complaining about Ron's play, sooooo... :D (and one of our issues this season has been players complaining about each other, so we know they can and will say something)

players not complaining about him... MDA not complaining about it... but YOU know better? :lol:
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He is only decent when he guards guys that have boozer's foot speed. That does not happen very often. Being decent 10% of the time is still being trash.
this is a very true bball statement from someone who 'doesnt know bball'.

dude only excels defensively against dudes who keep their body on him..hell, even slow paul pierce cooked my man...

and he stands absolutely ZERO chance at slowing down bron, durant, melo (which he was brought in specifically to combat).

why yall getting personal, first telling dude that he never contributes anything to the thread(cue wehaveabadguy.gif) then saying he knows nothing about bball(idk enough about dude personally) all for his OPINION...

i mean we all think were schefter or sumn with our opinions...but thats why were here, to give our opinions without getting bashed.....

bottom line to all this is.....ron artest is garbage, and one hot game every ten game average doesnt make dude nice..
But the problem is this team is top heavy (and this was the case before the injuries started to pile up) and needs all the serviceable players it can get. MWP is serviceable enough, so you got to take the bad with the good at this point.
Absoutely loved Dwight's energy and defensive intensity in the first quarter. Dude set the tone early with his activity on the defensive end and got some real easy/good looks at the basket as a result.

With every W, this team is getting better and better in the chemistry department. Still a long road to go, but it feels good to actually enjoy watching a Lakers game nowadays :smokin
We ain't done **** yet. 18 more W's to get in the regular season, then 16 more after that.

2 back of the 6th spot.
9 back of the 5th spot.

Keep going. Destroy Orlando on Tuesday, NO letdowns.

Wow, that will be crazy if the Lakers make it all the way to the sixth seed. The last couple of weeks are going to be interesting. Not sure which team will be the best match up for the lakers. The Spurs/Thunder/Clippers are so deep. If you go off of 8 man rotation, I think the Spurs are the best match up.
Pau will be back, giving us a 9 man rotation.

Hill woulda had us at 10 man. Oh well, 9 is all you really need.
knightngale, no offense intended... (but if you take offense, I won't care)... but you have more than shown over the years that you know very little basketball, and you're proving that more right now with what you're saying about Artest. Kobe hits a big shot on the final offensive end, then on the defensive end, to seal the game, Artest deflects a pass that Blake brings in. Ballgame. and you know what that counts for on the stat sheet for Artest? Nothing; Blake gets a steal. And what do people like you look at to gauge a player? Stat sheets.

Plus you criticize every-damn-body, anyways. :lol: you're like Deezy when it comes to players... except you're being serious. :lol:

I don't hear the actual players complaining about Ron's play, sooooo... :D (and one of our issues this season has been players complaining about each other, so we know they can and will say something)

players not complaining about him... MDA not complaining about it... but YOU know better? :lol:

When the hell did I say that I know better? I am not the one saying that this lil group of posters are the only ones that drop knowledge. You, cp, and Essential do that. Sometimes I am right and sometimes I am wrong. The 3 of you I mentioned get salty whenever someone points out something that you guys say does not make sense.

I get called out when I say dumb stuff. Whenever any of you say something that does not make sense you will be called out on it as well. Why be salty? Ron Artest has been trash all year. I don't know how that is even arguable. Did you not see Kobe yelling at Artest after the offensive foul?

Yeah, how dumb of me to have faith in Phil, Kobe, Pau etc and run outta gas.
Then me SCREAMING against any and all Laker fan last year that Brown was garbage and needed to go.
And me now saying keep fighting, get healthy, slow it down, use our spacers (Meeks/Nash) and hope Dwight gets back to his D12 self.

Also the same guy saying that Ron needs to go.

Clearly, I'm not as smart as you. Yeah. You've done nothing notable in this thread ever, so......? Quit your crying and offer solutions or shut the hell up.

I did not say that was dumb. I just said that you were not correct with your predictions. How were you screaming against all laker fans about Brown? There were fire Mike brown sigs as soon as he got hired. When you are wrong you will get called out. Happens to everyone here. No need to get salty about it.

The thing is that I mostly criticize the players. I use hyperbole a lot when doing so and it gets some laker fans here mad. Then I get the indirect "you are an idiot" messages like the one ska just typed.

I ain't even mad tho
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That's fair enough. I'll take that.

I think what Ska was og askin folks was for specific reasons to clip Ron and only 1-2 of us had mentioned the money aspect, but that doesn't come til next year. Nothing we could do bout it this season.

I know he does "little things" but I would move him in a heartbeat if I had a better option, sadly we don't.

My bad for goin at you, just thought you were callin me and Essential out for something when I coined #MettaWorldAmnesty on Twitter. So I wasn't sure why you were lookin at me. :lol:
Mad that I didn't get to see the game since I was at work. I was on break and saw the final score :smokin :smokin :smokin :smokin went back into work with a smile on my face. We back in the hunt!!!
knightngale, no offense intended... (but if you take offense, I won't care)... but you have more than shown over the years that you know very little basketball, and you're proving that more right now with what you're saying about Artest. Kobe hits a big shot on the final offensive end, then on the defensive end, to seal the game, Artest deflects a pass that Blake brings in. Ballgame. and you know what that counts for on the stat sheet for Artest? Nothing; Blake gets a steal. And what do people like you look at to gauge a player? Stat sheets.

Plus you criticize every-damn-body, anyways. :lol: you're like Deezy when it comes to players... except you're being serious. :lol:

I don't hear the actual players complaining about Ron's play, sooooo... :D (and one of our issues this season has been players complaining about each other, so we know they can and will say something)

players not complaining about him... MDA not complaining about it... but YOU know better? :lol:

coming from the guy who said a player's assist numbers needs to be in align with his shot attempts :lol:

i agree with some of the things knightngale said but just because you disagree with him, he all of sudden shows little to no basketball knowledge? **** :lol:
kobe is less than 200 points away from wilt 
We had a much better record with brown last year. I don't know what to think

we also had for the most part the same damn team for the past few years last year so it aint like they were gonna need to make huge adjustments...

this year we added nash, howard, meeks, jamison, clark to the mix...
[quote name="denni5themenace"]coming from the guy who said a player's assist numbers needs to be in align with his shot attempts :lol:[/quote]Our strong playoff push taking place at a time when Kobe is facilitating more than we're all used to and shooting less shots then we we're all used to lends a little credibility to what I was talking about. We're not making this playoff push with Kobe hovering around 30 shot attempts and 5 dimes.

I don't know what I'm talking about, though.[quote name="denni5themenace"] i agree with some of the things knightngale said but just because you disagree with him, he all of sudden shows little to no basketball knowledge? **** :lol:[/quote]Ummm... no. I said 'over the years'.

Btw, you his big brother or something? You being compensated or something?
Artest is a garbageman.

Not garbage, man.

If can't appreciate... or even see... some of the little things he does in the game that absolutely don't show up on paper but are very important, you don't know basketball. its not my opinion that he does little things that you have to really pay attention to as far as watching the game is concerned; it's a fact. he does them, I see them. This is not an opinion. If you don't see them, you don't know what you're looking for. Because you don't know.

if you say he overpaid for those little things, I can absolutely buy that. But to say he doesn't do them... I know what I see, so if you don't see them, that's on you, because he does them.
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