
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Man this Laker squad def over achieving now.
This win will make them get complacent.
Expect Orlando to come out firing like all teams do against the Lakers.
Dwight will be psyched out from the crowd and Kobe is just plain tired.
Orlando will be up 20 at some point in the game.

Magic 102
Lakers 94

Gasol is softer than wet generic brand Charmin tissue.
He gonna mess up the chemistry they got goin.
If the Lakers hold on to the 8th spot, Spurs got them in 5.
Lakers get game 3 by 1 point.

In 89 minutes, the Nash/Meeks/Kobe/MWP/Dwight lineup has a net efficiency rating of 39.8 (123.8 Offensive rating at 84.0 defensive rating.)
Best in the NBA.

Small *** sample size but still counts for something.

edit: In 93 minutes, the Nash//Kobe/Jamison/MWP/Dwight lineup has a net efficiency rating of 21.3 (121.9 Offensive rating at 100.6 defensive rating.)
19th best in the NBA with lineups > 50 minutes played.
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btw I hope Pau has been working on his shooting while he was hurt.

He needs to be able to space the floor when Dwight is in.
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yoo whats that orange drink? :nerd: ive wanted to know forever
ahhhhhh i see what's going on in here

when Lakers are losing, we are all riding together in one agreement that gameplay is trash

when Lakers are winning, we are all at each others throats about how gameplay is still trash

truth be told, maddness wont stop unless they get out of the first round

gonna be a fun ride down the stretch y'all
I don't care about our record.
What I care about is that we are at least a team that is taking care of teams that we're supposed to right now.
Yeah some of them have come down to the wire, have come from 25 point comebacks that shouldn't have been and everything, but at the end of the day...these were all games that we were accustomed to losing in the first half of the season.
And losing very badly...

So just to see us being able to fight through these tough games against "bad" teams is a good sign. We're not elite yet (obviously), but being able to beat the teams your supposed to is the first step to playing consistent good basketball.

If we find a way to get to the 6th or 5th seed, we're going to be the hottest team (besides the Heat and the Thunder) going into the playoffs.

Im very happy about the momentum we have as a team. Yeah we aint perfect, we'll still lose a couple games here and there. But for the most part, we're playing like a team and winning like a team.

Like CP says, we haven't accomplished **** yet. But, for the time being...i'm very proud of the progress this team has made.

At least we have some hope now. :lol: :pimp:
[quote name="SoHi 23"]In 89 minutes, the Nash/Meeks/Kobe/MWP/Dwight lineup has a net efficiency rating of 39.8 (123.8 Offensive rating at 84.0 defensive rating.)
Best in the NBA.[/quote] this has to be a mistake. MWP? If it's not a mistake, then imagine how good we would be if MWP was substituted for anyone else in the league; literally, anyone. Might be the best defensive rating in the history of mankind, because he's just trash.
I will say that Nash/ Meeks / Kobe / --- / Dwight is always a winning lineup... Nash & Meeks are not guys you want to leave open.. So you have to play 1-on-1 with Kobe & Dwight that's bad news.. Despite Dwight's lack of moves, if you go 1v1 with him, he will body you to get some sort of shot, or continue to get fouls.

I'd like a better shooter than MWP at the 4 with that lineup, but so long as he brings his defense.. I'm good with it..

We really have to find lineups that now, not only give Dwight the breathers he needs in games.. As well as Nash.. But Clark as well. Dude is on fumes... And I guess good for us because it means Earl's value drops, but at the same time, gotta feel for the guy.. He goes from 0 min and probably a league min guy, to 30 mins playing great maybe getting a great deal, and now he's slowing down due to fatigue and injury, and his value is slowly decreasing.
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Like it or not he does a good job at guarding 4s and he can make you pay with 3s for leaving him on offense.
Not too many people big enough to take Carlos Boozer and shoot 3s.

U talking about players like Melo, Lebron, Gallo... stretch 4s that good aren't easy to find.

edit: That orange stuff is Vino aka steroid water.
Kobe got Dwight drinking it too :nerd:

and yeah, Clark has hit the wall. He just needs to keep bringing energy and he'll be fine.
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I dont think Clark has hit any wall...he is just exhausted and hurt (strained foot) can tell that everybody is a little fatigued...they have been on high gear for awhile

And Clark goes from 0 min every night to 30 min every night...his body isnt used to that for a whole season...especially when his game
is predicated on energy

That is the one thing that scares me with this the time they actually get to the playoffs all the other teams will hit their high gears and
we will be on fumes :smh:
What is it again, at Orld, at Atl, who's 3rd? (On my phone).

HAVE to beat Orld. For Dwight, plus they suck, plus its the first of back to back. Atl will be VERY tough. Gonna need one of those miracles we've been getting lately.
That is the one thing that scares me with this the time they actually get to the playoffs all the other teams will hit their high gears and
we will be on fumes
lakers need to keep winning and hope the jazz keep losing so they can try an guarantee a spot with a few games remaining

hopefully they can accomplish that so they can just tank the remaining games and get some rest

its gonna be tough if it comes down to the final game of the season
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