
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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  • Poll closed .
dantoni is a freaking ******

7 man rotation against the clips?

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Vinny Del Negro out smarting MDA....

We officially have the dumbest coach in the league.
how is it possible that the last 3 coaches that have coached at stables have been vinny, mike brown and dantoni... do good coaches not like socal weather?
Pau is too weak for Jordan and not quick enough for Griffin, this is not a good matchup for him.

Both Pau and Dwight have played okay, it wasn't our offense today. They just tired and can't rebound, you saw how we looked at the beginning of the the game, they looked good on defense and their offense was good.

As the game carried on, defense lapses occurred and they are about to lose. D'antoni needs to realize they need more players playing. Sacre can get 5 ******g minutes, Duhon can get 3 minutes, EBANKS i don't care if he's ******g rapping on the court the ******g guy still knows how to play basketball, give him 3 ******g minutes.

I have never hated a coach more than Mike D'antoni him and his ******g smirk and crossed arms. Please let us have a new coach next year please lord, that is all I ask for.

LMAO finally somebody with some damn sense that doesn't defend this idiotic 7 man rotation.
You guys need to relax. Yeah, MDA has terrible rotations, but this is nothing new. Dude has been doing this since his Phoenix Sun days.

But lets be real for a moment. Did anyone really expect you guys guys to beat the Clippers? Just be lucky you guys beat Memphis the other night.
and why starters still in the game, **** you MDA. dumbest coach in the league. Why lakers dont learn from New york
We were too tired to keep up with these Clippers in transition.

Gasol disappear again for the 4th time

Defense can't even stop Billy Crystal if he were on the floor.


Just hope Utah lose tonight
This clipper team absolutelt DESTROYED us all 4 games.
Took us apart every single game.

IF the laker's dont make the playoffs, theres a bigger chance MDA is gone.

I just hope we don't havet to suffer through kobe's last year with this moron on the sideline
This clipper team absolutelt DESTROYED us all 4 games.
Took us apart every single game.

IF the laker's dont make the playoffs, theres a bigger chance MDA is gone.

I just hope we don't havet to suffer through kobe's last year with this moron on the sideline

No way they bring another coach in, they'd then be paying 3 head coaches next year :smh:
You guys need to relax. Yeah, MDA has terrible rotations, but this is nothing new. Dude has been doing this since his Phoenix Sun days.

But lets be real for a moment. Did anyone really expect you guys guys to beat the Clippers? Just be lucky you guys beat Memphis the other night.

My dude, our season is over. Why should we relax? it's been a terrible year and now all we can do is ***** and complain.

I didn't see the game but I watched the play by play. Howard with 4 boards? 7 man rotation? Pathetic.
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Lakers lost because they were out rebounded. Not because the LAC killed them in transition like other games.

How Dwight got 4 rebounds in such an important game is ridiculous. Inexcusable. His job is to rebound. Kobe's also killing the offense, I don't care if he had 10 assists, the ball is in the mans hands every single play. D'Antoni is just letting Kobe take complete control of the team, when that's absolutely the wrong way to coach. It looks horrible.

Run an offense, give Pau the ball more, play some other players, and rebound - Lakers should be able to make it and just about win out. If not, quiks going to have an off-season Laker thread in about a week lol.
Lakers lost because they were out rebounded. Not because the LAC killed them in transition like other games.

How Dwight got 4 rebounds in such an important game is ridiculous. Inexcusable. His job is to rebound. Kobe's also killing the offense, I don't care if he had 10 assists, the ball is in the mans hands every single play. D'Antoni is just letting Kobe take complete control of the team, when that's absolutely the wrong way to coach. It looks horrible.

Run an offense, give Pau the ball more, play some other players, and rebound - Lakers should be able to make it and just about win out. If not, quiks going to have an off-season Laker thread in about a week lol.
all of this
Send jordan to the line at least 10 times. The clippers get 4 points from those 10 possessions instead of 20. That would be great defense along with getting rest for the players. The lakers have 18 fouls between Morris, Sacre, and Duhon. It could have worked. Dantoni is just dumb as rocks.

You can not let a team get away with having someone like Jordan on the team. Teams can do it. Teams do it with Howard. Jordan was killing them on the boards.

This does not even include the poor play from everyone on defense and the no show from the role players on offense.

Blake, Meeks, Gasol, and Jamison are useless if they are not contributing on offense. :smh:
Lakers remaining schedule

Tues: new orleans
Wed: @ Portland
Fri: Warriors
Sunday: Spurs
Wednesday: Rockets

Jazz remaining schedule
Vs Thunder

Ruh roh
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