
How Many Games Will The Lakers Win With Mike D'Antoni?

  • 40-49...They're Going To Get Worse

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50-59...Good Enough For A Solid Seed, Not Too Shabby

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60-65...Top Seed and Impressive Record, Thumbs Up

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 66-70...Scary Good, All Teams Are Now Officially Scared

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 71+...Might As Well Cancel The Playoffs

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Lakers remaining schedule

Tues: new orleans
Wed: @ Portland
Fri: Warriors
Sunday: Spurs
Wednesday: Rockets

Jazz remaining schedule
Vs Thunder

Ruh roh
Seeing miss after miss corner 3s made me angry..... We had 2 Blake misses that would have put the game within 2-3 possessions..

Since Corey Brewer is out of the question... I'm back on the "Get Dorell Wright Train" Dude feasts on those corner 3s...
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Lakers lost because they were out rebounded. Not because the LAC killed them in transition like other games.

How Dwight got 4 rebounds in such an important game is ridiculous. Inexcusable. His job is to rebound. Kobe's also killing the offense, I don't care if he had 10 assists, the ball is in the mans hands every single play. D'Antoni is just letting Kobe take complete control of the team, when that's absolutely the wrong way to coach. It looks horrible.

Run an offense, give Pau the ball more, play some other players, and rebound - Lakers should be able to make it and just about win out. If not, quiks going to have an off-season Laker thread in about a week lol.

Kobe is just going to always do that.

There's no winning with Laker fans when you try to convince them that Kobe having the ball so much isn't good.
Lol @ Dorrell Wright being the missing piece.

You guys all predicted blow-out...having no faith in the team, and you were right... we got blown out.

So why so angry? It's what ya'll expected...:smh:
Lol @ Dorrell Wright being the missing piece.

No I'm not saying he's THE missing piece..

But we need (not in this order)
1. 3point Shooting
2. Depth
3. Athleticism
4. Defense
5. New Coach

He gets you 3 of 5. I'll take it... Wright is a good perimeter defender when he tries... I won't give him being a good defender, but the capacity is there.

And hell you can get Ronnie Brewer for veteran's minimum.. So that fixes a good amount.
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A few thoughts:

-Started the game playing some semblance of defense, but disappeared by the middle of the quarter due to tired legs.
-Couldn't rebound at all due to the tired legs and bad defense all around.
-The Lakers lead the league in shoulder shrugs and confused looks at one another after their defense gives up a basket.
-After a rocky start in the first quarter, the Lakers were able to limit the turnovers the rest of the game.
-Kobe did a good job distributing early in the game. As usual, he got away from it during the second half.
-The Kobe-Dwight-Pau plays throughout the game converted baskets, good sign moving forward.
-Blake, Clark and Meeks missed too many wide open threes, leading to Kobe wanting to take things into his own hands even more.
-It won't happen, but if there was ever a time for the Lakers to give Delonte a look for 10 days, it would be now.
Kobe is just going to always do that.

There's no winning with Laker fans when you try to convince them that Kobe having the ball so much isn't good.

The dude had like 11 assists dude.

The only guy on the team that can draw double is Kobe.

Steve Blake isn't going to draw double and get a teammate open

Same with Dwight and Gasol
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Lakers lost because they were out rebounded. Not because the LAC killed them in transition like other games.

How Dwight got 4 rebounds in such an important game is ridiculous. Inexcusable. His job is to rebound. Kobe's also killing the offense, I don't care if he had 10 assists, the ball is in the mans hands every single play. D'Antoni is just letting Kobe take complete control of the team, when that's absolutely the wrong way to coach. It looks horrible.

Run an offense, give Pau the ball more, play some other players, and rebound - Lakers should be able to make it and just about win out. If not, quiks going to have an off-season Laker thread in about a week lol.

Dwight was helping on penetration all game long. Blake was Meeks were getting blown by all game. He did have a few missed rebounds but it was not due to a lack of effort on defense.

You also have to realize that Dantoni is ANTI POSTING UP.
Dwight was helping on penetration all game long. Blake was Meeks were getting blown by all game. He did have a few missed rebounds but it was not due to a lack of effort on defense.

You also have to realize that Dantoni is ANTI POSTING UP.
We want Phil man
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I guess we can't be too upset with D'Antoni's 7 man rotation right now. With Nash/Artest out there, that's 9 bodies. :rolleyes
MDA with a wicked catch 22.

Play your starters heavy minutes and hope they have enough gas to finish games or play your scrubs meaningful minutes in the midst of a playoff-seeding race and hope they don't screw up. I have no problem with him going with the 7 man least he's consistent in his strategy. Not to mention he's on the record numerous times saying that he'd like to be able to steal some minutes for his key guys but just hasn't really been able to do so.

FWIW, it's not really even worth the substitution unless the player you're bringing in off the bench is going to play at least 10 minutes. Not really a great difference between Kobe playing the 42 minutes or going to full 48.
MDA with a wicked catch 22.

Play your starters heavy minutes and hope they have enough gas to finish games or play your scrubs meaningful minutes in the midst of a playoff-seeding race and hope they don't screw up. I have no problem with him going with the 7 man least he's consistent in his strategy. Not to mention he's on the record numerous times saying that he'd like to be able to steal some minutes for his key guys but just hasn't really been able to do so.

FWIW, it's not really even worth the substitution unless the player you're bringing in off the bench is going to play at least 10 minutes. Not really a great difference between Kobe playing the 42 minutes or going to full 48.

That is true but he can at least rest the scrubs that are in the main rotation. Playing blake, morris, or duhon would not have made a difference in terms of production so might as well rest them so they can at least try on defense.
MDA with a wicked catch 22.

Play your starters heavy minutes and hope they have enough gas to finish games or play your scrubs meaningful minutes in the midst of a playoff-seeding race and hope they don't screw up. I have no problem with him going with the 7 man least he's consistent in his strategy. Not to mention he's on the record numerous times saying that he'd like to be able to steal some minutes for his key guys but just hasn't really been able to do so.

FWIW, it's not really even worth the substitution unless the player you're bringing in off the bench is going to play at least 10 minutes. Not really a great difference between Kobe playing the 42 minutes or going to full 48.

Agree with all of this
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Bottom line, we played 38 hours ago, the Clippers had FOUR days off.

Get Nash and Ron back, hope and pray it starts to come together in the playoffs. Dwight looks better. Pau looks better. Nash will be Nash. Kobe can Kobe. If we get ANYTHING out of Ron, Blake, Earl and Jamison/Meeks, I will take my chances.

I will take my chances.

But I need Ron and Nash back to give me that chance.

Just get in. Then we can play teams with the SAME amount of rest between each game. Then we have a punchers chance.

MDA with a wicked catch 22.

Play your starters heavy minutes and hope they have enough gas to finish games or play your scrubs meaningful minutes in the midst of a playoff-seeding race and hope they don't screw up. I have no problem with him going with the 7 man least he's consistent in his strategy. Not to mention he's on the record numerous times saying that he'd like to be able to steal some minutes for his key guys but just hasn't really been able to do so.

FWIW, it's not really even worth the substitution unless the player you're bringing in off the bench is going to play at least 10 minutes. Not really a great difference between Kobe playing the 42 minutes or going to full 48.
Gritty. :smokin
MDA with a wicked catch 22.

Play your starters heavy minutes and hope they have enough gas to finish games or play your scrubs meaningful minutes in the midst of a playoff-seeding race and hope they don't screw up. I have no problem with him going with the 7 man least he's consistent in his strategy. Not to mention he's on the record numerous times saying that he'd like to be able to steal some minutes for his key guys but just hasn't really been able to do so.

FWIW, it's not really even worth the substitution unless the player you're bringing in off the bench is going to play at least 10 minutes. Not really a great difference between Kobe playing the 42 minutes or going to full 48.

That is true but he can at least rest the scrubs that are in the main rotation. Playing blake, morris, or duhon would not have made a difference in terms of production so might as well rest them so they can at least try on defense.

Excuse my grammar, typing on phone I never go back and proofread lol

Anyway, the two guys the Lakers can least afford to sit are Kobe and Dwight. When we're talking about the shortened rotation and guys being tired they're the only ones that really matter. Sub KB out, there's no one who's capable of making plays from the perimeter...sub Dwight, no one to protect the paint.

I see no real solution based on the available personnel. Maybe if the Lakers can get off to a fast start on their opponents MDA can find minutes for Morris or Ebanks but I don't really see them playing that well any time soon
The Laker schedule is easier than the Jazz, Jazz are going to lose 3 games in my opinion. As simple as it sounds, the Lakers just need to win the games they're suppose to win and they'll get in the playoffs.

On to D'Antoni, I know this dudes schemes and system like the back of my hand. I dealt with him for way too long and I've been seeing none of it lately. He's not coaching this team anymore, he's selecting the rotations, coming up with an out if bounds play, and trying to be a vocal leader but that's where it ends. This team is being completely run by Kobe and Kobe only. D'Antoni can't coach a team he can't control. Phil Jackson had difficulty coaching a team with Kobe, can you imagine just how difficult it is for D'Antoni?

It's live or die with Kobe right now, he's making every single decision on offense. It's in his hands (literally and figuratively).
Looking beyond the L today, I was very impressed with the defensive energy and focus in the first half of the game.

Tired legs got to the team in the end, but with injuries to key players, it's almost unavoidable. Although, I would much rather lose a game because of our bench than fatigue in our starters. At least with the latter scenario, we're preserving the starters for the playoffs.

Either way, if we can get into the playoffs with some health on our side, I still like our chances. When we're clicking, we're a dangerous team, despite our low seeding and regular season woes.

And did I hear correctly that MWP is coming back next week? Wolverine-like healing powers :x
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This team is being completely run by Kobe and Kobe only. D'Antoni can't coach a team he can't control.

It's live or die with Kobe right now, he's making every single decision on offense. It's in his hands (literally and figuratively).
But Kobe is the lead guard now in this offense, he's doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing. It may not be fun to watch at times, but this is just how things are going to be until he retires.

Suggesting that Kobe "runs" this team is ridiculous. Kobe probably has say so on the same two things he's always had as a player: Minutes and ball distribution when he's playing pg...anything else and we're probably being way to gracious here.
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